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Author TOPIC: Jennifer Holms

August 11, 2007
11:41:05 PM

Entry #: 2312787
For those of you like myself (until now) who have not seen it) Jennifer Holms, Pat holms wife made a post titled "Thank You."

As the rest of us banter and rave on about this that and the other this woman took the time to basically thank all of us.....incredible!!!!!

If you have the time to rant and rave, pooop off, smack and give opinions then you should have the time to write Jennifer Holms a thank you here on the forum. A thank you for helping all of us, fans, players and whomever to better realize that in the grand scheme of things baseball is nothing compared to many other things; in particular family.

I was shocked to see only two respones to her "thank you" post.......even if you merely say thank you back, or "hang in there," or "prayers go out to you and your family" the woman deserves your response.

She may not read them or ever come on here ever again but just the same her "thank you" post blew me away due to a plethora of reasons.

If you have the time to write here then take the time to thank her back......she should not be thanking us we all should be thanking her!


August 12, 2007
9:21:19 AM

Entry #: 2312947
As someone who as at Pat's wake, I was truly blown away by the support from amateur baseball likes. With the bantering back and forth on this site, we did truly show our good side in supporting the Holmes family.

Although it's not enough to lessen the blow, I am proud to be a part of this amateur baseball family and the support we showed the family.

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