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Author TOPIC: Umpires Part II

August 15, 2007
11:41:57 PM

Entry #: 2320475
"No Doubles" I would imagine you may very well be an umpire and yes I do know most of you personally why wouldn't I? I have played baseball for 30 years, 20 years of town ball and I have coached for 14 years at levels from Babe Ruth at East Tonka to to DII at Concordia Saint Paul and every thing in between.

I will say without hesitation without getting into it that I have general amounts of respect for anyone that chooses to make a LITTLE money umpiring town ball games.

With that being said let me throw this out there...who in the world picks the umpires who work the state tournament? How intelligent would it be to select a few respectable town bal baseball guys to rate the umpires in all leagues in order to determine who works the State Tournament. If aguy does not work the games then move further down the list to the next guy? that makes perfect sense to me.

We (Park) only played four games this year unlike our customary loosers bracket stretch but the umpiring was limited in terms of ability at best and again WHO PICKED THESE GUYS!...

No disrespect to any or all of the guys who worked our games by the way.......I am just saying some guys were over matched, in way above their head due to a plethora of reasons and there were far better guys out there that may have been available had they chose to do the state tournament games.

How about a rating system or something of that nature to get the best the umpiring crews have to offer for the games that matter at our recreational level of baseball.



August 15, 2007
11:53:59 PM

Entry #: 2320490
Conley is right on 100%. Get something figured out where the last week and a half of the season the best teams are with the best umps. Some of the calls were so bad I acually felt bad for the ump! I've never said that before! Some of the calls were so bad you couldn't even argue them because the call itself "said something".

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