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Author TOPIC: Mitchell Tourney

November 25, 2007
9:18:30 PM

Entry #: 2489701
Well thiss was a game where you saw the two sides of the Rams The side of the Rams that looked like Sectional Champs and the side that looked like th 8-14 squad from alst year....the game against Mitchel was the type of game The Rams should play lead from start to end and basically control the whole for the night game against Orleans was a differnt situation I think The rams came in nervous which is something during the glory days The Rams didn't have against most oppponents...the Rams are undersized at the Center position but they madre the Stroud kid look like Yao Ming goin against a bunch of 7th graders...being undersized couild be a good thing if you are playing right...the smaller guy should be quicker on defense be able to make life a little difficult...but for the most part The rams failed to do so but the game wasn't too bad the Rams had Orleans in striking distance until a 3rd Quarter meltdown...The rams had the lead down to 8 and oin 3 or 4 straight possessions it was a 3-point shot no offense no nothin...that's what is frustrating you've got to capitalize on those opportunities...factor that i with Drew White;s shooting for both games and it leads to bad things...scorers are scorers and they're not shooters as they saying goes but after a morning game where you shoot poorly at some point you've got to think i've got to find someway to get some points on the board...he has to be like the Parker boys from Brownstown a few years ago spot up in the post some times...attack off the dribble know do different things instead of try to shoot the lights out...scorers find ways to score...the role players had their moments but the moments have to be more like the Mitchell game than the Orleans's early in the season things should change and you never know what can happen....


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