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January 23, 2008
12:47:41 PM

Entry #: 2561100
ok im back for the season and ready to stir it up again . Who is in for USSSA in Coventry .Why and Why nots and we know Ryno says know so only RI guys can post .

VFW is a yes better game , freak is legal and we save the league $2000 TO $3000 .

I called Helen last night and she has not called back . I will find out when the first meeting is and try to jump start it again
I will also call the USSSA director and the president of the umpires try to get them to a meeting i will be posting a email from the umpire president soon .


January 23, 2008
1:58:11 PM

Entry #: 2561245
I still have more clout in RI than you do shortcake so don't try to bump me out.

I thought this was already settled that ASA insurance was paid through 2008 so we were going to re-address this topic for 2009.

Uncle Mertog

January 25, 2008
12:40:18 AM

Entry #: 2564518
Artie, I'm down wit ya me it is all a matter of getting better, more reliable umpiring to Coventry. What I saw at the Turkey Trot showed me a much better class of umpire, guys that actually care about the game itself.


January 25, 2008
1:46:26 AM

Entry #: 2564571
Artie, can you give me a call? I would like to talk to a couple of things with you.


January 25, 2008
8:30:08 AM

Entry #: 2564689
dean call me and leave your number i have a new phone and havent got your number anymore .

just to show you USSSA umps work to be better heres a list of there clinics and meetings they have scheduled

January 2nd Wednesday – Umpire Organizational Meeting
February 6th Wednesday – All Leagues & Members w/ Clinic
March 5th Wednesday - All Members and Leagues/ Classroom Questions
April 2nd Wednesday - All Members and Leagues
May 7th Wednesday - All Members
November TBA - Year End Banquet / Final Meeting until Following January
for Members, State and League Representatives ($$)

“Umpire Clinics”

February 6th Wednesday – Classroom (7pm @ WHGC) w/ Meeting
February 20th Wednesday – Classroom (7pm @ WHGC)
March 5th Wednesday – Classroom Question and Answer (7pm @ WHGC)
March 15th Saturday - Field Clinic on Multiple fields (Hank Soars Complex-Pawt.RI)
March 29th Tournament / Field Clinic w/ Questions
April 5th Tournament / Field Clinic @ Attleboro, Ma.
ASA nothing at all


January 25, 2008
8:33:56 AM

Entry #: 2564692
from rick sousa who is problably the best umpire in the state next to jimmy jackson

Southeastern Rhode Island Massachusetts Umpires Association
‘‘Hustling For The Game’’

January 14, 2008

League Directors, Managers and Players,
I, Rick Sousa Commissioner of the Southeastern R.I. MA. Umpires Association, an affiliate of RIUSSSA would like to entertain the idea of our association officiating your league. We are a group of over 40 members in R.I. and Southeastern Ma. whom are dedicated to give your league the best game possible. Currently our association is having Clinics and Meetings which started in January and conclude in April. I have submitted a schedule for those whom would like to attend. This is the 1st year any association in R.I. and Southeastern Ma. that has had any classroom or field clinics for Men’s, Women’s or Co-Ed Slow Pitch softball. We are committed to the game of softball and our interests are in getting it right. In order for us to do this, we must school ourselves so we can get the best results.
We realize leagues have many different rules from HR’s, Bat’s and Mercy rules. We will cater to leagues that wish to not follow those rules and also USSSA Arc, Count and Fake Pitching. We would request before the season began to have a list of rules changes that are NOT in the 2008 USSSA Rulebook, printed out and given to our organization so we may distribute this to our membership in a timely fashion. We are here for you and your leagues best interests.
In conclusion, Our commitment is for your league to receive what you have requested,whether it be 1 umpire or 2 umpires and that they are there on time and ready to give each game the best game possible. If at anytime you would like us to attend a meeting of yours we would be glad to. If you would like anymore information about our association you can contact me @ anytime. I know the 2008 season will be here soon and we are doing everything possible to make sure it’s your leagues most enjoyable. Please consider our association for your league as we are eager to “Get It Right”.

Rick Sousa
R.I. USSSA Assistant State Director

Uncle Mertog

January 28, 2008
2:42:42 AM

Entry #: 2568666
Very nice work, you put alot of time into it and I definately appreciate it. Essentially what the man is saying is that we can still maintain our own league rules regarding just about anything, including not allowing that gay assed fake pitching shit and keep the arc the same, use whatever bats we want, play a over the middle guy....the only difference would be it would be USSSA umps as opposed to ASA. If I am understanding that correctly, then I support the move to USSSA and my vote is definately to go USSSA. I've had all I can stand of ASA umps and last year was the worst of all.
I'd like to see use maintain the ASA bat list, keep the over the middle guy, keep the arc the same and go with USSSA umps.


January 28, 2008
3:36:06 PM

Entry #: 2569581
Umps blow calls no matter what color shirt they are wearing.


January 28, 2008
8:01:56 PM

Entry #: 2570137
Mertdog ASA bat list sucks it is the worst bat list out there.. we should switch to USSSA bat list or NSA at the least.I think the Over the middle guy is fine to get more guys involved in the game. Just my view


January 29, 2008
10:28:37 AM

Entry #: 2570999
nate its true there is no such thing as a profesional umpire . thats a quote from the NSA umpire director george . we had our first clegg meeting last night , but this is a younger and yes better umpiring assiocation thats trying to improve a already good product .
craig i too want the better bat list but we have to address everyones concerns and if it sways the deciding vote im all for the ASA bat list .
the first coventry meeting is the last monday in february and this is definately going to be on the agenda


January 29, 2008
12:19:24 PM

Entry #: 2571224
Wooden Bats

Uncle Mertog

January 29, 2008
1:29:50 PM

Entry #: 2571375
I have to disagree with "all umps blow". The difference between ASA and USSSA umps are that at least the USSSA umps actually give a shit. The umps that I saw at the Turkey Trot actually RAN to get themselves in position to make a call which is alot more than any of the ASA umps have done here. They actually hustled to get in a position to make the best call they could.

Riley, I still believe that the ASA bat list or a variation of it is the way to go. Our fields are pretty small and there is no need for some of the bats that are out there now. It will just get someone hurt and take away from the quality of play. The bats we used last year were fine.

Fat Chicks Rule

January 29, 2008
1:29:52 PM

Entry #: 2571376
If you guys just want to switch to usssa for the bats, think about your pitchers. Someone will get hurt, and get hurt really bad. I personally got smashed in the shin 6 years ago with a ball off an illegal bat. It broke my leg clean in 2. Everyone who is supporting this should try pitching and have Lemme swing a Lady Virus and shoot the box. Tell me what you think of it then.


January 29, 2008
2:57:25 PM

Entry #: 2571573
Lemme Sucks!!


January 29, 2008
3:40:45 PM

Entry #: 2571671
yo ommas titties. shootin the middle in sunday moring is done for 2 reasons: 1 the batter doesnt know how to control his hitting, and 2 on purpose. with an over the middle man, technically why woulkd u shoot middle? you have the xtra feilder. doesnt make sense. as for u trip, your pitcher can pitch anywhere within 6 ft behind the rubber. that is safty. the bat list?? nyou btalk about small feilds, you should be able to control where you hit. hrs are awsome a part of the game but they dont exsist anymore. usually you get 1 or 2 not 5. 5 makes the game more intresting(like the botello fig newton gatorade story ahhaha wheres my 30 pack). and the pitcher dekeing and doin crazy stuff is usssa. you cant take it away, makes the game fun and intresting. personally i dont think the bats make the difference its the swing. and asa balls go wioth asa bats, so to say, the freak hits a asa ball alot better than a nsa ball if that makes sense?? xcept at clegg last yr they were sick. coventry has its own by laws their fore they supercede any sanction rule whether its nsa ussa isa or asa


January 29, 2008
3:45:51 PM

Entry #: 2571680
I agree with both you guys,U-trip umps are better. They are younger for the most part,there are still some crusty old dudes doing it though.I didnt say all umps blow,I said all umps blow calls no matter what the color of shirt is.The only downer to u-trip umps is they are alot more strict than you asa guys are used to.Lots of ejections are predicted.Just ask Ray about the u-trip states at Mazzula.


January 29, 2008
7:22:20 PM

Entry #: 2572114
ok what is this shit with a bat list? with a pitcher getting hurt?heres a question whens the last time you went out on a friday night and hook up with a disgusting slam pig or went to the massage parlor went down on that and railed her and not used a rubber?and where worried about bruised shins? cmon wheres our heads you got guys like chris knight ernie lemme riley that no matter what they swing its dangerous

ps.... riley paid me to put him in that list


January 29, 2008
8:24:31 PM

Entry #: 2572227
Smitty im in the market for a new bat so when is this list going to be decided on? Mertdog ASA bats r only good for Sunday mourning because there r better bats out there for USSSA and NSA which most tournaments r.The balls we use are soft enough to switch the bat list..


January 29, 2008
11:20:51 PM

Entry #: 2572562
well, judging from years past the bat list will probably be one of the last things covered....aka mid - late march sorry

as for the lady virus mentioned above its being banned everything.......

It has been brought to our attention that following the Lady Virus being placed on the ASA non approved list that some of the Lady Virus bats out in the field are being altered by way of re-painting and/or re-decaling and attempts are being made to use for play in games. We do not want to contribute to this problem therefore to avoid these altered bats being used during play and potentially not meeting the different major association standards we will be requesting that all Lady Virus bats be recalled and sent back to us for replacement for any Combat of their choice.

We are also asking that all major associations remove the Lady Virus model VIRSP3 from their approved bat list immediately.

We are disappointed with this situation and take this very seriously. We regret having to remove these bats from play but it is in the games best interest before any more alterations are made.

Our dedication to the sport and our partnerships with the associations is very important and as a grassroots company we intend to ensure each and every one of our dealers and end user players are completely satisfied with the outcome of this unfortunate circumstance.

For return details please click here

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal customers for their understanding and continued support.

Steven Sutherland, President
Combat Baseball Inc."


January 30, 2008
8:44:33 AM

Entry #: 2572855
Nate we played in 16 USSSA tournaments over 60 games and only had one guy thrown out . He got tossed for throwing a bat which is a automatic ejection . Saying these guys are too strict is a stupid statement . As a coach I want a ump to be strict and have control of the game . These ASA guys choose to use there power when they feel like it . You haven't played in Coventry in six years you have no idea how bad its been . As a coach I want a ump to call a consistent game , move the game along , and be approachable when I have a question . As players we sometimes forget that these guys are human and make mistakes . Are there gonna be bad calls with the USSSA guys absolutely .But they will definately be more consistent .


January 30, 2008
1:09:10 PM

Entry #: 2573355
It was my first year last year, but it seems to me you all have a pretty successful league going here. Many competitive teams and friendships that exist among many guys from opposing squads. That being said, why try and make so many changes to a good thing? Frtankly, I didn't think the umps were much worse than I see at Clegg, but if you can save some cash than I guess USSSA would be a smart move. Not to say that I thought they were good, it's just that in my opinion umpiring in general has gotten much worse over the last few years. But to get back to my original point, I see no reason to change anything rules wise from last season. The only decent argument I can see is that for guys that play in USSSA or NSA leagues somewhere else, it will mean having to purchase an ASA bat specifically for Coventry...or borrow a teammates and not everyone is crazy about having other guys use their bat.

Fat Chicks Rule

January 30, 2008
2:19:28 PM

Entry #: 2573508
Before you guys go off on me AGAIN, here's my 2 cents. I see alot of hitters bitching about the bat list and don't see any full time pitchers posting thier comments. I would like to hear thier opinions up here. I really don't feel like going back to wearing shin pads and a chest protector. From the sounds of it, most of you are wearing maxi pads and an ego protector. If the equipment is so bad with asa, then maybe you should hit the gym and not the bar.


January 30, 2008
2:54:49 PM

Entry #: 2573590
Hey pickle if your so worried about getting hit in the shin with a liner then stay home and dont play get in a bowling league on sunday morning thats my 2 cents!!!!


January 30, 2008
3:03:31 PM

Entry #: 2573621
Actually i have 2 more cents i myself broke my leg playing softball and missed 14 months of work and still to this day have a torn acl and know the dangers of playing but im an adult and choose to play the whole point is over 50% of the guys play in other usssa or nsa leagues and would like to swing the same bat all yr to say we have ego problems is a joke. AND ANOTHER THING ARITE YOU SUCK AS A COACH......


January 30, 2008
3:06:27 PM

Entry #: 2573627


January 30, 2008
4:04:59 PM

Entry #: 2573762
I can accept your views on my statement Artie.I actually think you are a good coach.I was in a few tournaments where personally I felt the umps were trying to take over the game by throwing their weight around.I agree with everything you say about wanting them to call it down the line.I am just voicing an opinion,so what if I havent played in coventry in 6 years,I have still been playing. For Holdthepickle,I pitch full time without a guy over the middle.Guys can knock the box with any type of bat,if you cant defend yourself you will get hurt.I dont ever blame the bat when I get tagged. Last summer I got hit in the thigh,shins(x2),the head(against Arties Prata team),and I even had a ball catch me in the cup. I dont suck but shit happens.I suggest pitchers wear shin pads like I do.Soccer pads work great,they are light and cover the shin completely.


January 30, 2008
9:28:48 PM

Entry #: 2574473
My question is this? What really makes the ASA bats so bad? Is it because it doesn't sound as good coming off the bat? Is it because the ball does not go as fast or as far as USSSA bats? I haven't heard what really makes them so bad? I owned and UltrA 2, Original Freak and Now Mutant. Yes the balls definitely dont go as far with ASA in my experience, But I could care less. Is it really all about the Home Runs? Is it about seeing the pitcher's eyes light up like a xmas tree as the ball comes off the bat over 120 mph compared to 98? Lol To be honest It doesn;t matter to me because 1. I am not a homerun hitter. 2. I am not the best hitter nor can I place it anywhere I want at any given time. Did I like the Freak and Ultra 2? HELL YEAH! It made a midget like me look like a powerhouse. So somebody please tell me what really makes Bats that have a speed restriction on them so bad? If bats are not an issue why Is the original Ultra Banned except for senior leagues?? Not trying to start shit or anything I enjoy the banter that goes on in this smack section, just a few things I have noticed, WHAT MAKES THEM SO BAD??


January 31, 2008
8:26:29 PM

Entry #: 2576695
waaaaaaaahh!!! come on guys who cares about the bats u got some big dudes whining about bat lists come on i understand the money aspect people dont want to have to buy more bats but other than that who cares. i agree with artie though i played in 1 usssa tourney and i thought the umps seemed to be more into the games then the bums who look pissed off to be out there on a sunday am that ive seen the last few years. also shinguards is a good idea or u could just tape some tampons to your shins haha. riley if u are worried about home runs then you should consider my base hitting camp ill even show the batting glove thing again.


January 31, 2008
8:33:07 PM

Entry #: 2576706
hey pickle we do go to the gym, we mix our 30 packs with about 30cc's of the good shit. asa bats arent junk, i swing a freak in usssa, the freask WAS an asa bat. the bitch is asa is dead, everyone has other bats. as for borrowing a teammates bat? my whole team(the OLD JR's haha) had their own bats, good bats $300 ones, but the whole team swung 3 different ones the freak jugganut and synergy 2. the freak waqs mine, i have 4 broken ones in the closet and 2 in my bag and artie STOLE one. who replaces them when they break. noone. usssa is better and more fun, who cares about the umps, they all suck thses one just wear red. usssa league is more fun and competive game, and state wide is more popular theirfore the younger teams can get out of coventry and play tournamnets and see what real ball is


January 31, 2008
8:52:14 PM

Entry #: 2576745
Lem, have you heard anything about the DeMarini Juggernaut, as an ASA bat?


February 1, 2008
8:19:18 AM

Entry #: 2577220
I am gonna try to contact all of the coaches to see who is for it and who in totally against it .

heres a basic proposal
USSSA umps
with a 2007 ASA bat list . this is what we are playing with last year . freaks and synergy 2 are in so guys wont have to buy new bats
ASA arc so pitchers wont have to change much but pitchers will be able to pitch from 5 feet behingd the mound .
All the rules will be the same and we save $3000

With these guidelines these are the teams we have

Ill make call and update the list
pickle what your vote under these rules its you mark right

Fat Chicks Rule

February 1, 2008
9:39:27 AM

Entry #: 2577316
Obviously my vote doesn't count because you have enough people voting for 2007 rules. In case you guys don't know how to read a calender, IT'S 2008. ASA makes these rules for player's safety. Am I the only one who plays by the rules?


February 1, 2008
10:23:44 AM

Entry #: 2577378
Pickle ill give ya a call this afternoon , your vote counts im just trying to get a handle on whos in and whos out . we are not gonna make every team and player happy we gotta try to get the percentage of people happy up . one thing as a pitcher that might inerest you in usssa is the fact you can pitch from 5 ft behind the mound . i think anyone who pitches and doesnt wear shin pads is crazy . the ASA bats are plenty hot believe me . another option is using a lesser compresion ball . so like i said these are the teams who are on board for the format above . this is a middle ground we seem to be meeting at . at least three of those teams want usssa all the way every rule but thats not gonna happen to much change to fast . this is just a starting point that we can all maybe agree on . ASA has great bats i got guys on my team that can hit a hr with a wooden bat so i really dont care what bats we use . like i said im trying to get as many people i can on commom ground . remember the overall goal is to get quality umpires and save the league alot of money . this is mark the coach right right


February 1, 2008
10:47:47 AM

Entry #: 2577421
Moulton does not care either way.


February 1, 2008
11:00:05 AM

Entry #: 2577445
BAM BAM BAM thanks big guy I had chris as one if our maybes leaning toward yes as long as there were no huge changes that's what he said last year I'm gonna give him a holla and see if he will commit to yes .

Fat Chicks Rule

February 1, 2008
11:34:28 AM

Entry #: 2577513
Yes Artie it's Mark. I am fine with whatever you guys want. From a financial standpoint, why would we go usssa when we've already gotten insured through asa. Why would the league spend the money for double insurance?
I have another question. How many exemptions do I get this year?


February 1, 2008
11:53:20 AM

Entry #: 2577533
as far as I know the insurance was paid for 2007. we pay it every year . the big savings comes from registering usssa . usssa gives you insurance with your registion ASA makes you pay separate . that's why we didn't do fall ball usssa the insurance was paid for 2007 .
A+ gets three exempt players if your looking for a pitcher nates not a bad pitcher . kids fearless up the middle got drilled in the head off a ricochet off the mound and stayed in the game


February 1, 2008
11:53:21 AM

Entry #: 2577534
as far as I know the insurance was paid for 2007. we pay it every year . the big savings comes from registering usssa . usssa gives you insurance with your registion ASA makes you pay separate . that's why we didn't do fall ball usssa the insurance was paid for 2007 .
A+ gets three exempt players if your looking for a pitcher nates not a bad pitcher . kids fearless up the middle got drilled in the head off a ricochet off the mound and stayed in the game

Uncle Mertog

February 1, 2008
1:04:27 PM

Entry #: 2577644
Wow....Mark, you are such a fucking drama queen.

My vote doesn't count waaah, waaah, waaaah. Chill the fuck out already.


February 1, 2008
1:27:21 PM

Entry #: 2577682
my vote is for any bat goes and switch to .47 core and 500lb compresion balls


February 1, 2008
5:21:14 PM

Entry #: 2578140
I tried taping tampons to my legs but in the summer months the tape wears off after the first go-around the bases.


February 1, 2008
5:33:59 PM

Entry #: 2578189
fisy the jugganut isa good bat, i personally dont like shelled bats, but its supposedly the best asa certified bat. ask john lagerstrom he nailed me off the shin at clegg usin it, had a golf ball opn my shin for a month


February 2, 2008
1:35:26 AM

Entry #: 2578715
Did you borrow the tampon's from Mark's ass?

Fisky the juggernaut when properly broken in as a very very good bat and from what i have seen pretty durable too. I traded a new unbroken in bat to john lags for his bat. His bat was used all season long by most of his team and thru a few tournaments then most of the fall and still has great pop and no signs of stress fractures or issues with the bat.


February 2, 2008
10:30:33 AM

Entry #: 2578870
Thanks guys for the info, it just seems to make more sence to get one bat approved with all associations.


February 5, 2008
11:24:25 AM

Entry #: 2583082
So except for Artie's shameless soul selling shilling for USSSA it seems everyone else is more worried about bats than any actual rules or anything else.


February 5, 2008
12:00:43 PM

Entry #: 2583143
Gotta admit that the only argument the seems rational for the whole bat thing is only having to buy one bat and not 3 for every different association. If you need a certain bat to hit a 280 foot homerun in this league and then call yourself a power hitter stay home...Artie I will make the exception for you!!


February 5, 2008
12:23:50 PM

Entry #: 2583180
cjk you were not here to see the playoffs so you il let that go . in the two weeks I showed up for the playoffs I 11 for 18 . with 7 rbi , all my outs were pop ups to the pitcher but I did hit a he ball about 390 that just cleared the fence at foster against the pub and yell "I piss exelence " GET OFF SON I HIT 600 IN BOTH LEAGUES . the book will be out this summer


February 5, 2008
2:03:25 PM

Entry #: 2583337
Artie I could hit farther than you with a loaf of French bread!!


February 5, 2008
2:04:43 PM

Entry #: 2583342
Artie you around Saturday afternoon. Maybe grab a beer?


February 5, 2008
3:53:31 PM

Entry #: 2583574
cjk you fat bastard, why do you relate everything to food. and you know the difference between bats, its gettin comfortable and when you r in a slump you switch bats. not everyone has a bat bag full of bats. usssa allows everybat. the difference between bats is not alot, its if they are broken in. its 2008 all the bats are hi-tech its the guy swinging it. in my case hittin BAZOOOOOOKS comes easy hahah.

Fat Chicks Rule

February 6, 2008
9:47:23 AM

Entry #: 2585016
I still have my old bombat from when I was 14. If I paint ASA on it can I use it?


February 6, 2008
10:26:14 AM

Entry #: 2585088

10 A+ YES
14 CROW BAR ???


Fat Chicks Rule

February 6, 2008
11:54:07 AM

Entry #: 2585237
I hope this goes through. My girl just bought me a bat that isn't asa approved. It's actually on the banned list


February 6, 2008
1:14:29 PM

Entry #: 2585398
Lemme I should have said with a helping of General Tso from the WUUUUUUUUUUU!! No wife this weekend either, she is going to FL so you going to be around?


February 6, 2008
2:09:30 PM

Entry #: 2585544
to ya big oger I can't meet ya Saturday working at bella but we can meet friday if ya want . il call ya . bry goes to WU for the scorpian bowls not the GTC CIMBO.

I'd still like to speak to hodde , the stallions cc fire and sunset before the meeting call me if you see this


February 6, 2008
5:10:48 PM

Entry #: 2585966
goin to polk county FL to play in the ISA winter worlds. and i get the B combo not the general tso. we moved on to volcanos to not the scorpion bolws, get a little to violent, DIABLO comes out. Corection, team PUNISHMENT is in for usssa with %100 of the rules. id like to hear the reasons why these teams DONT want to change


February 6, 2008
6:33:03 PM

Entry #: 2586162
we should've had meetings all winter. this is going to be a mess of a meeting season.


February 7, 2008
8:10:40 PM

Entry #: 2588233
it shouldnt be hard. you say yes or no. do the umps wear red or blue. do you throw the ball 12 ft or 10 ft. and for the bats, all the bats are basically the same a few are better than others, goin usssa just means you bcan use EVERY bat including all the ASA bats. and for example last yr 2 guys on my hooters team used wood bats in a usssa e tourneys. basically it is the same rules, just a few minor differences, asa is a dying sanction, usssa is the #1 around RI.


February 7, 2008
8:10:40 PM

Entry #: 2588234
it shouldnt be hard. you say yes or no. do the umps wear red or blue. do you throw the ball 12 ft or 10 ft. and for the bats, all the bats are basically the same a few are better than others, goin usssa just means you bcan use EVERY bat including all the ASA bats. and for example last yr 2 guys on my hooters team used wood bats in a usssa e tourneys. basically it is the same rules, just a few minor differences, asa is a dying sanction, usssa is the #1 around RI.


February 8, 2008
11:47:49 AM

Entry #: 2589177
u know what i understand that people arent sure of which way to go and what not, the way i see it is usssa is a really good organization they seem to always be up on things the umps seem to b in it more and somewhat care about the fairness of the game. with asa some umps are like that but others are just there for the $ and to hurry to get to another game across the state. as for arc and distance behind the mound a pitcher has to defend themselves at all times, i could see why i pitcher might not want certain bats being swung but on the other hand.... if i pick up a freak and swing that and hit it back up the middle not many pitchers are gonna be to worried, now u give knight a 24 $ bat we got from joblot pitchers are gonna worry not cause the bat cause the beast standing with a stick in his hand. the way i see it is yes these new bats might put 10 - 15 feet on the end of your hit but come on we all have to swing the bat and make contact A BAT IS A BAT. if it is gonna save the league money and means things will be a little more fairly called thru out the game im all for it ....

ohhhh and if you didnt know punishment in the house WHAT!!!!! thats right Lem


February 8, 2008
12:45:35 PM

Entry #: 2589330
ckj give me a call and leave your number I got a 824 number from deware but theres no voicemail . 749-2999

Uncle Mertog

February 9, 2008
1:03:00 AM

Entry #: 2590529
I spoke with Ian at great legnth about this issue of USSSA vs. ASA, and it will also be the main topic in my new Planet Mertog which will be up very soon. I think I covered every issue that has been discussed thus far in this forum. Also I have left everyone an e-mail address to write me with comments, opinions, ideas and hate-mail if you so choose.

Anyway, I'm all for the change to USSSA for many reasons which again I have hammered to death as i tend to do in my rants. Please feel free to e-mail me with any ideas or topics that you would like to see included in the Planet.


February 9, 2008
12:41:21 PM

Entry #: 2590849
Just buy a a Juggernaut and you will be ok no matter where you play.

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