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Author TOPIC: Looking Ahead To Orleans

January 30, 2008
7:33:44 PM

Entry #: 2574259
This is going to be ag ame that is like Duke vs. North Carolina in college basketball a game where records don't matter but pride matters...orleans comes in with 3 shaky games where The Rams come in wuth a stretch of solid games...this game will be interesting you have Orleans who likes to play up in your face man to man defense but doesn't form what i've heard like that type of defense played against them...and The Rams which likes to switch in id stream with their defenses...this game could also et interesting if Stroud for Orleans gets into foul trouble and has to sit for any length of time..Orleans too me is a team that has to play the Rego Warriors of the world to get them notoed but when they play teams above that type of level they struggle...and it's shown with the last 5 or so Reional losses...The Rams have been playin pretty good ball and you don't want to come into a game like this with any struggle which Orleans has...if The Rams geta lead and play with a lead I don't see Orleans beating them...same with Orleans if they get a steady lead and keep it I don't see The Rams catching and passing them...I just hope The Rams win so they can be headed towards reclaiming the PLAC title it's goin to be a barn burner....


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