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Jason Kirby

February 24, 2008
11:10:59 PM

Entry #: 2619884
Joshua Berg--Bergie 2/24/2008 at 5:29:15 PM
Don Brewer Wrote: Joshua, In response to your concerns, please be informed of the following. The state tournaments were assigned for 2008 at our Executive Committee Meeting in Decatur last December. The Mens B slopitch state tournament will be back in Wood River as no other commisioner or community put in a bid to host it. Unfortunately, Alton no longer wants to host that event because of the few teams that play at that level. We would be receptive to moving the tournament if a bonafide bid were presented to our organization prior to our annual
December meeting. You are right, Decatur would be an excellent place to host a state tournament and the mens D will be played there this year. Champaign elected not to host this year and Decatur was glad to take that event over as we have about 60 teams that play in the D state tournament. It is difficult to get cities to host some of our tournaments. It takes the cooperation of the Park District, the local ASA commissioner, the Convention and Visitors Bureau and a local team to help spearhead the project. It comes down to having a very coordinated effort that requires many volunteer workers. Natuarally, Park Districts and Convention and Visitors Bureaus would much rather host a 60 team D tournament raather than a 20 team B tournament. I have had another complaint earlier this year about the Wood River site. Also, some teams do not like to play in the C South at Granite Cty. Nevertheless, we try to do the best we can. Sorry you are so unhappy with our tournament. I do hope you continue to participate in ASA, which is strictly voluntary on your part. Perhaps in the future, we can get someone else to bid on the mens B State Tournament. Don Brewer

Joshua Berg wrote:

Mr. Don Brewer:

I hope this e-mails finds you and finds you well. My name is Joshua Berg. I Coach and Sponsor and Play for Pennsylvania Avenue Sports/Easton from Mt.Zion, Illinois. We are a Men's Class "B" team and travel across the Midwest and attend nearly 16 tourneys across the country every year. Last year our team was known as Precision Recovery/Easton. The reason for my e-mail is simply this. Last year the men's class "B" State Tourney was held at Wood River at the Leroy Emmerich Complex. I have to be totally & brutally honest with you Don. That park is by far the WORST park I have ever had the pleasure to play at. I mean to tell you the worst. I would like to know if the State tourney could be moved somewhere else and what I have to do to do it. I am thinking of preparing a list of Names and Signatures of ALL TEAMS that attended last years State Tourney Class "B" that is and a list of Team Names and Signatures from those players to show that we (Softball Community Of Illinois) Refuse to play our States most "PRESTIGIOUS" STATE TOURNAMENT (CLASS "B") at such a "DUMP" I hate to come off this abrasive but I have to wear my heart on my sleeve on this one. I love softball, I love everything about it. But I have to tell you how disappointing it is to see that it has come to this on where our "Powers To Be" are making us play "OUR" and it is "OUR" State Tournament. I would like to know what you can do for all of us on this one and move it out of that "POOR EXCUSE FOR A BALL PARK" I eagerly await your response.............Thank You-------Joshua Berg

Alton would be perfectly fine. Or move it to Decatur. We have a 5 Diamond 300' fences complex that is only 5 years old. I would be more than happy to help you with anything you need my help on to make this happen for us (the players). I look forward to hearing from you.

Joshua Berg-----Home # -----(217)590-4544
Cell #---------(217)565-3388


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Bergie 2/24/2008 at 5:32:00 PM
I wrote our President last week about moving "OUR" and it is "OUR" State tourney and this was his response to mine. As you can see his response is listed first followed by my original e-mail to him. What would all of you guys like to see happen here and we need to ban together to get it done. Please feel free to post all your ideas so we can get this tourney moved out of that SHIT HOLE--Wood River...............

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Fleck 2/24/2008 at 11:30:29 PM
I completely agree bergie. we were thinking about playing B this year, but Granite city is a little better than wood river. at least they used trump balls instead of worth's.
I would help to do whatever is necessary to get all the state tournies moved to decatur. They could do "C" and "B" probably in one weekend with the five fields. I can understand that a 16-20 team tourney doesn't bring a lot of revenue to the park district.
That just show's you that ASA is strictly out to make money. I'm sure park districts have to pay a pretty good chunk to win the bid of hosting the state tourney's.

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Burris 2/24/2008 at 11:42:25 PM
Bergie you know you always got our support. Anything we can do to help get this tournament moved just let us know.

Cardinal Fitness/YC #2


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JK 2/25/2008 at 12:00:58 AM
I think having B and C on the same weekend would be a great idea. Would also keep players from playing down. Not only would the park have a great turnout, but you could get more people involved. Wouldn't it be great to get the homerun derby back or the fastest man. It could be brought back to what a state tournament used to be at the B and C levels. I remember my first B tourny I played in over 15 years ago at Alton. Man when you walked into that park you could just feel the atmosphere there. We have lost that. Its now just turned in to a carnival festival tourney. We used to go 2 and out and hang out and watch games all day. Now everyone leaves because there is nothing to look forward to. I wish we could get the tourney back to what it used to be. I think if it was in Decatur and the playing of B and C on the same weekend we could have a better atmosphere and maybe even draw some more teams back to the tourneys that haven't been there for some time. I think we all need to contact the ASA. This is our game fellas and they are ruining it in a hurry. How many teams do you think will keep coming back to play on the shitty diamonds in Granite City and Wood River? Every year teams are lost because of these shitty facillities. We are ALL gonna have to work on this one to see it through. I'm on board if anyone else wants to go with this one.

Jason Kirby
Pennsylvania Avenue Sports/Easton formerly Precision Recovery/Easton

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