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March 6, 2008
10:18:54 PM

Entry #: 2642597
A few teams have asked about finding fields on which to play, so I wanted to create a post that could be continuously updated and grow over time to include research compiled by various team captains.

If you choose to add to the list, try to include the following information:

1. Name of town/field
2. Rental cost
3. Insurance required?
4. Application process
5. Any other useful info


March 6, 2008
10:33:09 PM

Entry #: 2642617
1. CITY OF HARTFORD (Colt Park - multiple fields)
2. $30 residents, $45 non-residents
3. No insurance required, but a team waiver form must be submitted and signed by all players on the team roster
4. Application can be obtained from Public Works and submitted prior to the season.
5. Application process allows for the waiting until after the scheduling meeting to submit an app - after the meeting, captains should know all of their home dates.

Info as of 2007


March 6, 2008
10:45:07 PM

Entry #: 2642630
2. $5, available to town residents only
3. No insurance required
4. Field permits are available on a first-come, first-serve basis each week.
5. Drawback: since permits are only issued on a weekly basis, there is no ability to secure a field ahead of time to set up your schedule, and no guarantee of even getting a field in any particular week.

Info as of 2007


March 9, 2008
1:37:01 PM

Entry #: 2646260
1. CITY OF BRISTOL (Park & Rec Dept)
2. n/a
3. n/a
4. n/a
5. Per phone call, learned only two fields are under domain of Park & Rec. Both are used by town functions/leagues throughout the summer. They suggested contacting Board of Ed for inquiries regarding use of any fields at any of the schools.

Info as of 2008


March 26, 2008
12:19:55 PM

Entry #: 2675622
Can anyone tell me how to reserve the field at Riverside Park in Hartford?

I called the City of Hartford, and they said I need to contact the Metropolitan District. I've called MDC several times and e-mailed them and never heard back. Anybody have any tips?


March 27, 2008
11:48:57 PM

Entry #: 2678715
Re Riverside Park - check with Acid Reign. They've used Riverside for home games for a bunch of years. I do know that while technically in Hartford, Riverside does not fall under the domain of the city's park department.

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