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Author TOPIC: Welcome to the new site

March 24, 2008
10:57:43 AM

Entry #: 2671757
Hey all, this is my first website I've built so bear with me if things don't look/work right. The program setup they have makes it so I hopefully can't screw it up too bad. If you're here from another team please send me your full schedule so I can put it in and keep me updated on the outcome of games throughout the season. my e-mail is feel free to talk on here about anything, I won't censor or delete anything unless its amazingly vulgar or offensive.


Kirby Brunclik
Brill Millers


March 24, 2008
9:25:58 PM

Entry #: 2672971
Hey guys,

Just thought I'd hop on here and say "hey". It's good to see another team site pop up. Hopefully some of the other squads will follow suit and most of our league will be represented in some fashion. Kirby, if ya need any help with your site, let me know. I learned by trial and error when I started ours two years ago. Good luck this year guys.. we'll see ya soon.

Kris Minor
St. Croix Ravens


April 23, 2008
11:54:29 AM

Entry #: 2722050

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