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Author TOPIC: to better improve softball in VV

April 6, 2008
3:21:31 PM

Entry #: 2694072
regarding the unlimited arc pitching rule i've noticed that only one maybe two teams use this to there advantage it seems it might be better to have a limit it might make for better games. i know one teams response to this would be so no need to responed unless you feel its a good idea. lets see how many people can follow directions


April 6, 2008
3:23:13 PM

Entry #: 2694079
It sounds good to me alot of other citys do have a limit we should too.


April 6, 2008
4:27:41 PM

Entry #: 2694176
Yes, but the limited arc needs to be coupled with taller fences which are moved back at least 10 feet. Or at least 8 ft fences even if we leave them where they are. We've been over this before though....


April 6, 2008
4:34:44 PM

Entry #: 2694186
why there's a Home run rule people just have to control themselves and stay in the park as they do now not a good defense besides the arc doesn't have that much to do with how far someone can hit the ball in slow pitch and let me guess what team you play on


April 6, 2008
4:48:06 PM

Entry #: 2694205
I'm actually wanting the bigger field and bigger fence, so as to discourage the jerks who go middle on purpose. If you haven't noticed, they do it more on small fields so as to not hit a HR out.

Heck, I hit middle more often when I am trying to hit a fair ball that doesn't go over the fence- and I don't try to or mean to. But if you want limited arc, talk to Dave, it's fine with me. I could care less about the homerun rule. You could make a no home run rule and I would still play.

I think games would be a little less safe though, because people will really try to level everything out rather than trying to get that shot up and over the infielders, especially with such a small field. I'd like to keep it safe and sane- more fun for everyone that way in my opinion. I'm really not looking for a personal advantage here.

Anyone know why we play unlimited in V.V.? Am I right in thinking it's primarily because of the tiny fields? Who's the local softball history buff here? Tell us the story of how it all began........


April 6, 2008
5:58:48 PM

Entry #: 2694295
yeah but there's only one team that pitches high arc so it wouldn't change much


April 6, 2008
8:59:41 PM

Entry #: 2694575
There's also Alfonso, Rudy, and there are some others out there who I don't know by name. Shoot, I'm not too bad even though I rarely pitch. You are such a diplomat though, you've convinced me. Limited arc is definitely the way it should be, especially since it's that way everywhere else. Then we wouldn't have to adjust our hitting back and forth.

How about adding a no leading off rule while we are at it.


April 6, 2008
9:22:04 PM

Entry #: 2694595
how about you start off with a full count 3 balls and 2 strikes.


April 6, 2008
9:45:56 PM

Entry #: 2694621
Lets have the limited, I'm o.k with it. While were at it lets allow juking, have stealing after the ball crosses home plate, and limit upper division teams to three homeruns per game. These are some of the rules that we are used to playing with in tourny's anyways. It would be much better pratice for us to not have to switch back and forth anyway. I would even like to see a classification system set up to make sure that upper division players stop playing with the rec players. The ESA association uses a 4 foot by 10 foot pitching box to protect the pitcher from people who go box on purpose. Any ball that bounces once or a line drive below the pitcher's head and through the box is a dead ball out. How about some of these suggestions.
The only place I'm allowed to do the unlimited arc is Victorville, everywhere else we play is limited. It does not matter to us what the pitching rules are, we adjust. U-trip, WSL, ASA, SCMAF, PSTS, etc. all have slightly different pitching rules. Some the plate is a strike, others the plate is a ball. Some use the extension; some use a zone. You have to be able to adjust as a pitcher and as a batter. Just part of the game.


April 6, 2008
10:15:00 PM

Entry #: 2694636
you sure know softball and are a very good player (and i mean that you really are good) however being as the VV is just practice for you. so why even bother playing VV you said yourself it's no fun being crushed all the time but you must enjoy crushing teams. must be the adult ego's but nevermind i just thought it seemed unfair to some of the teams i've watched trying to hit the unlimited arc i guess i was wrong besides i'm to young still to be playing you guys just yet.


April 6, 2008
10:17:50 PM

Entry #: 2694642
oh and you didn't need to make a joke out of my suggestion. or be smarta@#$


April 7, 2008
2:25:21 AM

Entry #: 2694673
I just want to play lots of softball and this is where I live...........


April 7, 2008
2:38:55 AM

Entry #: 2694676
As far as the tone of the set it when you wrote,"i know one teams response to this would be so no need to responed unless you feel its a good idea. lets see how many people can follow directions." Smacks of sarcasm.

Everyone's going to read this stuff it's a bulletin board. You can post stuff here for a particular team or person and everyone else is going to read it and comment. My initial comments were serious and in my opinion, constructive. Obviously you have some pretty firm opinions about what the "prescription" is for better softball in the High Desert.

I love this game and just want to play. Maybe the problem lies in playing Winter ball in an open league, though in the past it has never been a problem and that the only V.V. league there was. Living in the high desert, there's only so many places to play..... Happily, divisions are back in effect in spring. It may be a rude awakening on the ball field for some of the people on this message board when all the regulars come out of the woodwork, though the late going ya ya claims everyone who's anyone plays in Hesperia now......


April 7, 2008
2:40:22 AM

Entry #: 2694677
You remind me of cuhewa.


April 7, 2008
12:00:09 PM

Entry #: 2695602
Hold on a minute, yeah; I agree its an advantage to the teams that have Paul pitch. Because you guys practice so much it's definitely made him the best pitcher in VV . Everybody doesn't practice as much, thats our fault. It's just softball and I like playing as much as the next guy, I think this is a dead issue anyway. The arc rule is not going to change at ED so we all have to learn to hit it or forever be the 2nd place team. I like to win but I'm not gonna quit because we can't beat you guys. Besides its not just the arc, I can throw the arc(though not as consistently as Paul) & you guys usually hit it! As long as I've played up here its been the rule, no big deal. Just like to bust your chops Grover. Anyway; Its all in good fun...YEEHAA!


April 7, 2008
3:42:34 PM

Entry #: 2696150
sorry i'm just a 14 year old kid who noticed there is a rule that seems to give one team an advantage over the others and wondered why being as i've never seen it anywhere else and yes i guess i did start the tone of the post sorry what i meant was lets just have positive post my bad


April 8, 2008
1:24:44 PM

Entry #: 2697943
a good idea would be to make some kind of warning track so the outfeilders know where the fence is when trying to catch a fly ball

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