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Author TOPIC: Merts Picks 08: Week 1
Uncle Mertog

April 26, 2008
12:37:15 PM

Entry #: 2726831
Mert’s Picks: Week 1

Are you ready for some softball? Week 1 is here finally, after months of talk about it….a new sanctioning body, new umpires, new bats and some new rivalries forming, it’s finally here. So let’s take a look at the slate for this week and see what we have.

PNA vs. Wyld Stallyns: One of the teams that did some serious upgrading in the off season was the “Big Red Machine.” That means I have to once again sing the praises of the Polish Power. PNA will, without question, be one of the top teams this year in what looks to be one of the most competitive seasons in Coventry history. I got a look at some of the team last Sunday and they can flat out hit the ball, they look like the PNA of old.
The Stayllns are reported to be the same Stayllns we have become accustomed to seeing which means that they are not concerned with winning or losing but are simply just a bunch of guys who want to hang out and play some ball.
Having said this much, what will ensue is one of the worst ass whippings in beat down history! PNA beats the Stallyns down gangsta style! PNA opens up with a pair of wins and starts off the year back where we all expect them to be.
peter beating some guy

VFW vs. A+: Both teams did some upgrading this year, but VFW seems to have one of the best teams in the league again this year. While A+ will certainly be a far cry better than they were last year with the acquisition of Tucker and a few others, they still are not in the same league as the “Orange Crush”...not too many teams are. VFW runs it up in em…like a prison gang rape!

Patriot vs. Harris. Patriot Oil looks very good this year, especially in the defensive arena…however Harris is a great team that has made some huge pickups in the off season. Harris in my opinion will be in the top 5 this year and will give teams like PNA, VFW, Moulton, Crowe and Botelho fits. It’s going to be a great season for Harris and I look for them to be strong throughout. I’m going with Harris to take the pair here!

Joques vs. Shamrock: Both teams are reported to have improved from last year; however I think Joques is just a little bit better. I was originally going to call it a split but I think Joques has the firepower in the bats to pull off the pair in this one.

Botelho vs. Coventry Fire: Botelho is last year’s champions, which means that you cannot overlook them this year to be one of the top teams again. In week one they take on Coventry Fire and that spells beat down. It should be quick and very, very painful for the Fire Fighters this week.

Eaton vs. Moulton: Moulton is a very scary team this year with a lot of huge acquisitions during the winter. Ed Mac is back, Chris Knight, Fiskey…it’s almost not fair. This week they bring the pain and put it on Eaton. Nice opening day draw for Eaton….sorry fellas better you than me. Moulton destroys Eaton and takes the pair here.

Crowe vs. DelPadre: Crowe bar is always one of the tougher teams in the league and I expect much of the same from them this year. They have made some excellent pickups in the winter and should be in the top 5 again this year. I’m looking for Crowe to bring some serious pain this week and take two from DelPadre in the opening week; it’s just a matter of too much firepower for DelPadre to handle.


On The Roch’s vs. Village Pub: I’ll bet you can guess who I’m picking in this one. There is a storm coming and it doesn’t look pretty…especially for all of you who picked the Pub in this one. I hate to spoil your picks, but you done fucked up this time!

Pub still has Howard, Cos, Saballa and my boy Viera…but beyond that it gets thin and quick. On the Roch’s takes both here and makes a statement.


I just wanted to give a quick shout out to my boy Ryman who came up with this sweet new logo for “Planet Mertog”. He and his friend DJ drew this up and sent it to me…so once again guys, thanks I love it!
Good luck to all teams this week, and as always…see you out there.


April 27, 2008
1:57:23 PM

Entry #: 2727606
Well Mert I know for a fact your 0-2 at least. Patriot Oil came out strong and took both from Harris. Close game in the first that we got by 2 runs and some stepped up defense in the late innings. I would like to apologize to the catcher from Harris for taking my double play turn in the chest. My hand was freezing and I couldn't get the ball out the way I wanted to and threw it right at the guy. Sorry again man.

The second game we got behind early and then turned on the hitting. 12 runs in 2 innings to take the game 21-8. Our defense was sound throughout.

I'd like to also say that if anyone knows of a better defensive pitcher than Bennie from Harris, let me know cause you're lying. The man can field the ball better than any pitcher I've seen ever. Good luck to Mac and the boys for the rest of the season. Nice meetin ya Mac, even though we went to high school together and had a class together too I think.

How'd the other games go?


April 27, 2008
2:40:37 PM

Entry #: 2727635
crowe took a the pair from a very good del padre team. DO not overlook these guys they will put a beat down on a lot of teams this year. good luck to del padre the rest of the way


April 27, 2008
3:15:35 PM

Entry #: 2727657
botelho 20-0, 26-0


April 27, 2008
6:51:38 PM

Entry #: 2727825
PNA put a spanking on the Stallions,

I love those guys. They show up ready to go and never bitch. Even when we were pounding them they kept fighting and having fun.


April 27, 2008
10:20:47 PM

Entry #: 2728160

Uncle Mertog

April 27, 2008
10:32:28 PM

Entry #: 2728188
On the Rochs Took both from Pub, 15-2 and 21-9.

Watched PNA Stallyns for a bit...PNA can flat out hit...they looked scary. Ryno was there at the field and played great from what I saw...I was told that I have to let everyone know that Ryno was there today and that he is not whipped.

Ryman...congrats to you and Patriot Oil...nice job against a very tough Harris team!


April 28, 2008
9:15:38 AM

Entry #: 2728611
jogues split
shamrock won the first 11-6
jogues won the 2nd 27-10

Fat Chicks Rule

April 28, 2008
10:10:44 AM

Entry #: 2728700
VFW took 2 off A-Plus in midseason form. They hit the ball very well. Ernie had 2 home runs in the first inning of the first game. Artie actually hit a home run too in the nd game.


April 28, 2008
11:20:21 AM

Entry #: 2728843
Were you at the right place those scores look like you were at paine field playing a little league team


May 2, 2008
10:42:05 AM

Entry #: 2735454
computer has been down for a bit, just wantin to congratulate everyone who won on sunday.

hats off to patriot oil who came to play and layed the smacketh down on our rudy poo candy asses. nice work fellas way to use the sticks. ryman nice to officially meet you, hopefully we will see you guys in the playoffs and show u how the harris normally plays the defense was lacking and bats went silent for a stretch,

as for all the other games heard they were pretty close hahahaha

good luck to everyone this week


May 2, 2008
12:44:03 PM

Entry #: 2735677
Don't beat yourself up over the games, Mac. It was the first games of the season and I don't think you guys, or a lot of other teams, expected us to be as good as I know we're gonna be and that we played against you guys. Im glad we played you early because once your team gets their feet under them, you're gonna put up a lot of runs and win a lot of games. Try to keep a cool head and stay focued too.

As far as the defense, I only remember writing 2 or 3 errors in our books for you guys. Anything else you missed wasn't routine. And don't fault anyone for not fielding those balls Kirby hit. Its not safe to try and field them. Good luck the rest of the year. You guys will be fine.

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