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Author TOPIC: any interest?

May 6, 2008
6:20:27 AM

Entry #: 2739778
In either a wooden bat tournament at CJ field? I figure this would be the best field for such an event because of the short fences. I would really like to put one together but first I want to try and gauge the level of interest.

Please post if you have any interest or ideas.


May 6, 2008
8:53:21 AM

Entry #: 2739892
much interest. I dont see who wouldnt.


May 6, 2008
9:05:45 AM

Entry #: 2739910
Hell, right?


May 6, 2008
9:09:22 AM

Entry #: 2739915
no BigDummy wooden bat the old days. when power hitters were power hitters.


May 6, 2008
10:08:21 AM

Entry #: 2740017
Yeah big Dummy. Old time hockey like Eddie Shore.


May 6, 2008
10:22:53 AM

Entry #: 2740046
Sorry, I still get excited for the small ball...I'm in for wooden whatever the way, hi Ian, hi Ryno.


May 6, 2008
12:15:09 PM

Entry #: 2740242
Ernest count me in ..


May 6, 2008
7:41:04 PM

Entry #: 2740807
what would you guys think of a wooden bat league first game at 530 second game at 630 start off with a one and one count 1 hour games. and how many teams could we get? just an idea , say season was from june to august we would have plenty of daylight. feed back please any interest?


May 6, 2008
9:59:24 PM

Entry #: 2740973
I am interested in trying out wooden bat softball. I think it would make the games very interesting and alot more competitive instead of every time you hit a bomb somebody whining your bat is juiced. I figure it would be a good idea to try a tournament first and if interest is still there we can maybe look at a league. If we even got 4 teams that would be perfect for proving to the club that adding lights would be worth their while. If we didnt do wood we could do single wall bats .... just trying to come up with some ideas to try and get a coventry night league going.


May 6, 2008
11:30:18 PM

Entry #: 2741098
Sounds great guys, I definitely think there is plenty of interest...


May 7, 2008
12:43:45 AM

Entry #: 2741167
a couple of articles....


May 7, 2008
5:40:52 AM

Entry #: 2741244
when i started thats all we had was wooden bats it was real softball back then and a lot of fun ,it was a real beer league backthen too ,where the losing team pay a buck a man .id like to watchor maybe even umpire if u guys need help in that way


May 7, 2008
10:35:41 AM

Entry #: 2741520
Lawnman when you started you still had to carve your own bat out of a tree in your backyard, and Beaudry was already a 15 year softball veteran.

I suggest since CJ is a private field maybe we could gather some interest in pick up games there for now to try it out. We could a have a 1:00 game each Sunday after the league games. Then we can see how guys like it and see if it generates serious interest.


May 7, 2008
1:56:22 PM

Entry #: 2741880
i like that idea ryno that sounds like alot of fun. and eddie we could use volunteer umpires to start out. smitty we would be all ok league wise with that too right? should we use the same balls we are using now ?


May 7, 2008
3:23:59 PM

Entry #: 2742032
Ryno, great idea. I need to research the wooden bats and maybe even lemme or ryman our self proclaimed batologist can assist me in that area. Just keep Artie away from the bat research he will still find a way to purchase a corked bat etc.

Lets shoot for 2 weeks from this coming sunday. Anyone interested can just meet at CJ field at 1pm May 24th.


May 7, 2008
3:48:47 PM

Entry #: 2742083
Well the wooden softball bats I've seen are gonna run ya from $20 -$40 depending on type of wood and/or brand name. I've also seen that a lot of the wood bat league's players just use baseball bats. The only difference between a wooden baseball bat and a wooden softball bat being the shape. The only wooden softball bat I've ever seen sold in retail stores is the Louisville Chicago Slugger, which goes for around $20. Haven't seen it in a store for some time though. Last one I saw it in was second time around sports in cranston and that was years ago.

I'd also recommend using a mid to low compression ball because a dense ball and a dense bat will equal an extremely low performance.

What else ya want me to look into?


May 7, 2008
4:07:53 PM

Entry #: 2742110
lol, that might be true ryno ,but i got beaudry to play back then ,and hodde id be glad to umpire for a fee of free beers while im doing it


May 7, 2008
6:51:35 PM

Entry #: 2742370
hodde..pick up games are no problem league wise and i imagine if we turned this into a small league for a month or two or fall ball then it would be fine with our rules.

as far as balls go i can't see anyone spending money. just bring your game balls from that morning or whatever you have.

lawnman...can we change the fee of free beers to AFTER you do it instead of WHILE


May 7, 2008
7:28:40 PM

Entry #: 2742436
Wooden bat leagues are pretty cool. Some of us have been playing for years in the wooden bat league in lincoln. Based on defense and "hitting". There are some great players in that league, old and young, a couple of former minor leaguers, and still only one home run hit in the last three years. If you guys want to know more about wooden bat leagues talk to the old farts on Mertog's team.


May 7, 2008
7:35:17 PM

Entry #: 2742448
Most of us buy our wooden bats on line. 20-40 are crap. A decent wooden bat will run around 70 bucks. George Brett actually makes them...visit Brett Brothers.In lincoln we play ASA, it is a blast. To give you an example of a game, we lost the finals 1-0 in nine innings. A blowout is if you can get to 8 or more runs. If your ego gets in the way and you think you are gonna be a bomber get ready to hit .200 with a lot of fly outs.


May 7, 2008
7:46:27 PM

Entry #: 2742471
I know you can get bats for $70. I found some that are over $100. I just didn't think anyone in their right mind would wanna pay more than the range I mentioned for for a pick up game. If I spray paint my ultra brown and draw some wood grains on it, can I use it?


May 7, 2008
9:01:55 PM

Entry #: 2742593
Yres Ryman you can use you Ultra so that you can keep pace with the rest of us using wood. :)


May 7, 2008
9:02:34 PM

Entry #: 2742595
is it possible to get 4 teams together for now we could play wednesday and thursday 2 games wednesday 2 games thursday . and see were it goes from there, also we could do the pick up games on sunday at 1:00 oclock for shits and giggles. id really like to see a league start though i think it would be great for the club and all the once a week mother fuckers


May 7, 2008
9:13:21 PM

Entry #: 2742612
we also talked of a tourney to raise money for you guys artie for the worlds play 2 games friday and play the rest saturday if possible if not finish sunday after our games wooden bats


May 7, 2008
10:12:53 PM

Entry #: 2742714
just remember if a league starts anyone that joins it will lose their once a week status...


May 7, 2008
11:22:14 PM

Entry #: 2742817
You read my mind Ryno. I'd have to start my swing today in order to make contact on the day we play. So do you have a wooden bat or are you just gonna fashion one out of the rake handle you'll be using when the wife has you tidying up grass clippings?


May 8, 2008
8:42:33 AM

Entry #: 2743076
My shovel handle has an excellent grip. I will probably just use that.

I can't do any weekdays Hodde. You will have to carry on without me.


May 8, 2008
9:00:54 AM

Entry #: 2743095
How you guys going about picking teams. im going away that weekend you guys plan to start.


May 8, 2008
9:37:24 AM

Entry #: 2743154
Big E bad weekend for alot of reasons one its memorial weeekend . best party of the year is that day the legs go early . . then that's the weekend of the first RI USSSA E and D NIT . direct bid to the worlds . guys from at least six teams will be playing . bump it a week I know your planning around your work schedule so bump it 2 haha ! as far as a tourney if theres interest I got a connect on bats problably get them donated . I got a format that will make things alot of fun.


May 8, 2008
3:23:44 PM

Entry #: 2743834
so lets get a pick up game on the 18th and see what happens. find out who wants in this sunday and we will go from there. can we get wooden bats at like wallmart or what ?


May 8, 2008
3:38:05 PM

Entry #: 2743869
Being a walmart associate as I unfortunately am, I know for a fact the post road walmart does not have wooden bats. I'd say just get a couple of cheap ones at dicks. If they're the same length they're gonna be the same weight so gettin like 2 would be good for both teams to use.


May 8, 2008
4:48:53 PM

Entry #: 2744010
Hodde pick up a few bats at dicks i will give u some cash for em and bring em to CJ for this sunday. Anyone interested can stop down and we can just have a pickup game or if not enough interest we can have do some BP.


May 8, 2008
5:20:01 PM

Entry #: 2744066
Chrissy is going to need to change her Sign to "THUNK THUNK" for the wooden league and "HOOT HOOT for the regular league.
Might need to bring change of uniform too now that i think about it.....And when the hell is Rob Raymond going to post something on the damm list.
Needs to post before he pitchs in the wooden league


May 9, 2008
9:31:15 AM

Entry #: 2744892
Are we planning pickup gamea around Artie's tournament schedule?


May 9, 2008
9:37:50 AM

Entry #: 2744911
lol not me. I am more a OAWMF than i am a during the week guy now.


May 9, 2008
2:57:22 PM

Entry #: 2745418
read the post ryno its not just my team its also trust construction and a few ithe teams !

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