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Author TOPIC: Last Nights Game on Bottom Field
Ben Lynch

June 27, 2008
3:04:40 PM

Entry #: 2810337
I wanted to voice my concerns with the game between Ball Diamond Sports and Marion Bowl. In the fourth inning of last nights second game, the umpire called the game due to lightning. The umpire stated the conditions were unsafe and was referencing the injury that occured in Carbondale last year.

My complaint was the lightning was off in the distance. He stop the game at 8:02 due to the lighting. At 8:23, the rain and lightning finally came and the game was called. Meantime, the top field was still playing softball.

When that argument was presented to the umpire, he responded, "I can only control this field."
My feelings are the conditions did not deem postponing the game. Both teams agreed the game should have continued.

When Marion Bowl started confronting him, he got very hostile and started ranting "Its my decision and your decisions do not matter."
As been the decisions before, the umpire is always right and his decision is the final decision however, when both teams agree the game should continue and waivers have been signed concessions should be made.

As the famous saying goes, the show must go on!

On a side note, I am not critizing the calling of balls and strikes, just the abrupt calling of the game. Since the game was in the top of the fourth, the understanding of Marion Bowl is the game will have to be resceduled. Is this a correct assumption?

June 27, 2008
3:40:57 PM

Entry #: 2810386
The lighting and rain "arrived" 20 minutes later???? Lighting can travel pretty far, dont be so sure it wasnt alot closer than you think. But I can TOTALLY understand that the umpire should have put concern for human life aside for slow pitch softball!!!

June 27, 2008
5:13:10 PM

Entry #: 2810514
if boyh teams ,and all players wanted to continue,then the show must go on,i am not one to gripe much ,but the price of gas ,i make the drive i want to play if possible . you make the comment about the ump putting his concerns about human life before softball {sarcastic } do you wear your seat belt ?

See Biscuit

June 27, 2008
5:17:42 PM

Entry #: 2810518
oh boy... here we go...


June 27, 2008
5:48:00 PM

Entry #: 2810529
referring to the high schooler who died by getting struck by lighting - if i remember reading the story correctly, it wasnt raining or signs of lightning before that happened. it was cloudy and all dont get me wrong, but it can happen out of the blue. plus we have people holding aluminum bats and im pretty sure that doesnt help the situation. plus im sure you will make the game up.


June 27, 2008
6:32:06 PM

Entry #: 2810566
To put a little prespective into this. The umpires have all final calls on things of this nature. People can make comments like "everyone wanted to play", etc... but if something were to happen, then you could definately find one person who "didn't want to play" and felt forced or was told by the ASA official who has the final word that conditions were ok to play in. Then this goes way beyond softball. I can not fault an umpire for erring on the side of caution. I live near the fields and I could see lightning. Games, as always, will be made up. In the 3 years I've been running the league, summer league games have NEVER not been made up.


June 28, 2008
12:34:36 PM

Entry #: 2811040
The umpire was in the right, Flip the role say you allow the game to contiune and tradgicaly one of the players you allowed to play gets struck by lighting and is serious injured or worse. Nothing is worth that the umpire made a decsion based on everyones safety games can be post-poned and rescheduled thats one thing that this league has control over, we cant predict lighting strikes.


June 28, 2008
1:07:44 PM

Entry #: 2811054
If im umpin a game out there and lightning was on the horizon...u better believe the games will be called....on my field anyway..complain all u want


June 28, 2008
1:14:33 PM

Entry #: 2811062
let me comment more...the game would be held up up some at least to see if it passes... not necessarily be called. Wanted to make that clear. sry


June 28, 2008
4:07:44 PM

Entry #: 2811124
alright buddy this isnt the major leagues you cant go on a 2 hour rain delay to try to finish a softball game that should take one hour. You will make it up if it wasnt an official game yet. Kevin made the best point, if he would have continued play and someone would have been struck by lighting everyone would be on here bitching about playing is unsafe conditions.

and by the way i forgot to post my name on the post about the ump putting aside the concern for human life for softball, I DO wear my seatbelt, thank you!


June 28, 2008
10:24:37 PM

Entry #: 2811335
Carbondale canceled that night and also the SI Miners postponed the game they were having. This is really a common sense issue. Saftey FIRST!!! Bottom line

June 30, 2008
8:47:02 AM

Entry #: 2812470
Would have understood completely if it was anyone but Tracy....Enough said.


June 30, 2008
8:55:57 AM

Entry #: 2812489
Well, Tracy can be a little, how do I put this, "Tracy". I can completely understand putting the safety of the players first, but what I can't understand is someone that is screaming and carrying on about a kid getting hit by lightning in Carbondale last year and then going over and watching the storm, completely safe mind you, hugging a metal pole next to the pavilion. I think the lightning was a real concern, but I also think the drama factor was a big part too, I've seen it too many times over the years. There was ample enough time to finish the half inning and make this a complete game. As always, just my opinion, doesn't matter or have to be agreed with.


June 30, 2008
10:08:47 AM

Entry #: 2812622
PS. HaHaHaHa, I forgot. I was about to post something about, "who the hell uses aluminun bats anymore" but then I forgot about my man Bull who still uses that 1982 special adition TPS aluminum bat! Good thing we stopped Bull or you would have been sporting the Don King Do!!! I been thinking at least we get 3 and 1/2 more innings of softball than any other team this season! I know this because this is the only league I have ever been in that actually makes up all their games! I have no doubt this will be the case this year too!

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