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Author TOPIC: Thank You to Cheryl and Al

June 30, 2008
11:48:13 PM

Entry #: 2813869
After playing in this league since 1976 I would like to thank Al Cressman and Cheryl Pursell for all the hard work and dedication to the EWSL.
For Al, his season starts long before June. In March he starts seeding the grass, raking leaves from the fence, cutting trees and brush, and mending fences. Then comes the 4 truckloads of dirt that are spread on the infield. Then in April he spends every Monday through Saturday preparing the fields for Little League. When it rains during our season we all show up for games taking for granted that the fields will be playable, not realizing that he spent his whole afternoon after the storm passed making sure we could play. Anyone who saw these fields in the 70's knows how nice they are now compared to then.
As for Cheryl, her season also starts with Little League when we open up the refreshment stand. Thanks to Joan Hunter and friends we do get two nights off a week during the month of April. On Saturdays there are 2 games which take up the entire day with a night game once in a while. How many of us would give up our Saturdays? Then when our league starts she has the thankless job of making up the schedule and trying to keep everybody happy. Impossible! Many hours are also spent traveling to pick up food and drinks for the stand. Let's not forget to mention this fantastic website and photography. Cheryl is seldom in any of the pictures because she is usually taking them.
This is not written to criticize but to make teams realize the time and effort spent by these two individuals to make this league as great as it is. So when you see them tell them how much you appreciate what they do- it will mean alot.


July 9, 2008
10:42:40 AM

Entry #: 2823424
I have only been around for 5 or so years (lost track) Umpiring in this League but what was said above is right on!!

The work Al does on these Fields is tremendous. It's almost to the point of it being at a Major League level and what I mean by that is, unless it poured beyond recognition or is raining at 6:15pm or gametime, you know that just like the Majors, 95% chance you're still gonna play despite there being no tarp on the field. Not many places are like that.

Cheryl also puts in an ordinate amount of time between the snack shack and this site and everything else. I run a couple Softball websites for team's I play on and I know how much time it takes to do them. And trying to keep everybody happy??...well I umpire so I know how that goes!!..)

Now if we could just get them to lighten up a little and allow Courtesy Runners, we'd be all set!!!!!

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