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Author TOPIC: Question to Patriot oil

July 6, 2008
1:12:14 PM

Entry #: 2819497
My question is how does Kirby Murphy get walked in each game we played against you guys last week? Maybe i am wrong but i could have sworn he didn't show up till the end of the second game and batted once and flying out to left. I just can't figure out why your team would turn in bullshit stats. There is no doubt you guys have a good team but as far as i am concerned your entire teams reputation and stats are a joke.

Ant Nardolillo


July 6, 2008
2:41:25 PM

Entry #: 2819539
I don't know about their stats. But they are the most overhyped team I ever played against. Chip is a great guy and a very good player. Most of the guys seem pretty cool, but they will be gone by the first round of the playoffs, Kirby or no Kirby. Average in the field, sub par hitting, but they get a few lucky bounces. Not a whole lot of talent on that squad. Chip does have the nicest legs though.


July 6, 2008
3:38:24 PM

Entry #: 2819581
Stats? guys showing up or not? Who cares! I tip my hat to you guys over at Patriot Oil. There is onyl a few games this year where I can actually say I had a great time playing. Great bunch of guys over there! Losing the first game you guys still joked and had fun. The second game when we were losing you guys weren't meatheads and arrogant. I enjoyed playing today and that second game was a blast! Stats are overrated but fun isn't and that is what I had today Good job guys!


July 6, 2008
3:55:41 PM

Entry #: 2819592
My point is exactly that if you are there to have fun is it really that big of a deal to lie/cheat to make on of the leagues best hitters look even better.


July 6, 2008
4:04:43 PM

Entry #: 2819597
You know i've been sitting back idly listening to people trash talk my team (patriot) for this whole season so far. My biggest question is WHY? I fee like I'm inadvertently the victim of some pretty harsh words when people speak against our team as a whole. Is it because people thinking we are sitting higher up in the standings than we "deserve"? Is it because we've played the "easier" teams, or not the "top" teams in the league? Is it because a bunch of guys are excited to be on a team that's doing far better than it had done in the past under old management.

Thank you littleguy (funny for me to be calling someone ELSE a little guy :P) for puttin a positive word out there about us. You know there are guys like me on the team that bust there ass to get better every week. i get up at 6am during the week when i can to go hit softballs with Ryman. I make it to practices where i can, and i do my best to be a student of the game. That said, trust me guys i know my place. And a lot of guys on my team are in the same boat just trying to get better and play there asses off week in, and week out. For those of you that wanna chat about whether or not PO is a "pretender" or "contender", just remember there are a lot of guys on this team that don't deserve to be shat on for being in the top of the standings.

Sorry for ranting, but it's just getting ridiculous now. If we aren't meant to be in the top 7 teams or whatever people think, then it'll happen. Otherwise we will just go out week after week and do what we were born to do... on a sunday ... morning... for 2 hours... play ball.


July 6, 2008
4:21:46 PM

Entry #: 2819601
DJ i am not saying you guys don't play hard or have a good team but you totally avoided my question why the bullshit stats?


July 6, 2008
4:29:13 PM

Entry #: 2819604
Good question ant where are ya ryman and chip on this one you cheaten bastards theres no way he just batted once in each game this should come up in the meating and should have some consiquences for this


July 6, 2008
4:36:31 PM

Entry #: 2819611
and another thing they have him down for 2for 2 in game one vs pna what about the ball he hit to short that mansour booted that was clearly an error the guys good enough chip you dont have to pad his stats


July 6, 2008
5:14:08 PM

Entry #: 2819640
On the question of the stats im saying no comment. Chip turns in the stats to Ian so I will let him speak in regards to that. Im not dodging the question. Im aknowledging it and declining comment because I don't know the facts.

On the question of Kirby being scored a single on the hit to short against the PNA, I keep the book very often for my team cause it makes them happy to have me involved without having to rake the risk of playin me. On the day in question I eas not keeping the books, but having kept many a scorebook in my day im quite good at it and know the rules of an official scorer. I've taken many a hit away from my own teammates due to errors. It is the job of the official scorer on a play like that one to determine whether or not it was a routine play or not. We do not have official unbiased scorers in this league. Im certain Chip or whoever scored that game for us aren't the only scorer who's given their team a hit instead of reaching on an error. Could have also been that whoever did the book for us doesn't know how to do it very well and knows everything as either a hit or not a hit. I was up in the parking lot during the play in question and couldn't tell from back there if it was as routine as it may have looked. I know ANT reads and posts so maybe he can weigh in on the play. I didn't think he booted it. It looked like a bad hop. I'd like to know what he thinks


July 6, 2008
5:22:15 PM

Entry #: 2819646
Sorry ant, in the midst of my rant I forgot to weigh in on your question. Trust me when i tell you i had NO IDEA about this, and further more didn't even understand the significance of it when i heard about it (which i do understand now). All that I can say is that i hope for the sake of our team that this is a mistake. I can't possibly see any of our guys doing this. And if they did, I am ashamed to be associated with a cheating team. That being said, as a good friend of the guys on my team, I cant help but give them the benefit of the doubt. But wow, i wouldn't go so far as to call Ryman a cheating bastard. One guy hands in the stats, and it ain't him, and it ain't me. I would venture to say that IF this was premeditated, the vast majority of the team is in the dark about it. Either that, or I'm just ignorant to the behind the scenes goin'ons. That's all i can say about it. Hope it's a mistake, ashamed if it's not.


July 6, 2008
5:37:23 PM

Entry #: 2819656
I led my little league in hitting back in '78 and again in '79. Who cares if everyone in this league bats 1.000? Give someone a trophy that they can put in a closet? Of course, if it's someone's contract year, maybe they will get the big bucks on the open market. This is a good, competitive fun league. The ball bustin on this site makes it fun too. Equally as funny, is if guy's are doctoring stats, or maybe that's sad. To the guy's on Patriot Oil, you seem pretty cool, but remember the spotlight inevitably becomes the bullseye.


July 6, 2008
5:44:15 PM

Entry #: 2819662
If you took Lemme's, Knight's two, my two, and then melted them down, it would'nt even make one good trophy!!!


July 6, 2008
5:46:55 PM

Entry #: 2819663
Not worried about people calling me a bastard DJ, cheating or otherwise. Just a thing guys on here will say when they have the bravery of being out of range


July 6, 2008
6:22:49 PM

Entry #: 2819690
Hey Ryman, hows the digit?


July 6, 2008
6:35:51 PM

Entry #: 2819700
The finger is good, fiskey. Thanks for asking. May not lose the nail like I'd thought. I was playin again the day after it happened so im not too worried.


July 6, 2008
7:22:07 PM

Entry #: 2819727
Most teams cook the books. I have commented many times about it the last couple of years. It's not going to change until both teams keep the books and match up at the end of the game, or there is an official scorer.

I doubt that Kirby's trophy case is so empty that he cares if he has a 6" Coventry league batting champion trophy to beef up his collection. I think he would give the trophy to Ryman to help him impress the ladies. Where at my house mine was proudly on display in my dining room until the wife moved in.

As far as the play against the PNA. It was Mike not Ant. I think it was an error but speaking for the team we don't give a shit how Chip scored it. If we win and everyone bats .950 against us then so be it.


July 6, 2008
7:39:16 PM

Entry #: 2819747
if anyone does really give a shit i did mark that ball an error that kirby hit


July 6, 2008
8:22:04 PM

Entry #: 2819783
Ryno, thats right you know how small they are you have two of them!!


July 6, 2008
8:23:38 PM

Entry #: 2819787
Do you mean my testicles or the trophies?

Uncle Mertog

July 6, 2008
10:15:18 PM

Entry #: 2819888
Holy fucking shit, I'm siting here in absolute disbelief. Who the fuck cares how it was fucking scored. I can't believe we are wasting valuable time even discussing this bullshit. Ian and I were talking about a similar situation that occured today and we agree that 50 percent will score it one way, and 50 percent will score it the other.

In the long run, does it really effect anyones life one fucking iota? If not, zip it the fuck up and move on.

Nice job by Patriot Oil today, On the Roch's split with them and it was a great day overall. Chip is a class act and one of the nicest guys in the league as is the entire team. Little Guy put it best when he said it was just a fun day.

It's true there are alot of people ragging on Patriot Oil this year and we all know why. However the comments of one person should not overshadow the overall persona of the team. Great guys, great competition, great day...thanks to Patriot Oil for a great day at the ball field. Class acts all the way.


July 6, 2008
10:34:39 PM

Entry #: 2819906
mert the point here is that kirby was not there in the first game and they have him in an at bat to get him a game which is bullshit he was actually in branford playing and if this is the case something should be done this is a classless act from patriot who should be ashamed of it

Uncle Mertog

July 6, 2008
10:49:36 PM

Entry #: 2819919
If the bullshit rule about exempt players having to meet a much higher criteria than anyone else who plays wasn't in effect than Patriot would not be in a position to do so. I could give a rats ass if they wrote Kirby in for 5 hits today, even though he wasn't there. I could care less if he quaifies for the playoffs,and I could care less if he wins the batting title.

This is all hauntingly familiar of Holt and a mysterious note that arrived just in time to screw Jr's and Dutilly in the playoffs. Are we so fucking petty that we are going to actually use some antiquated fucking rule to bone a team because we can't beat them without invoking some bullshit rule to do the job for us? Lets face it we all know that Tristate was not going to make the playoffs without fucking over Jr's, who needed players and because of yet another bullshit rule were not able to get one. Yes by the rules they cheated, but in my opinion it was not equitable to strip them of their wins because Dutilly was illegal.

If you can't beat them on the field...fuck em on paper, I hear ya. To me that is a fucking cheap ass way to win.

I could give a shit If I play VFW tommorrow and they bring John Mello with them...I say great. Love to have that guy in the league.

Uncle Mertog

July 6, 2008
10:58:17 PM

Entry #: 2819931
Essentially the goal in my opinion was to bring more talent to the league and keep them here, thus enriching the league and the quality of play. However, certain rules working in direct contrast to that goal and thus you will have such occurances in order to get around them. Big deal.


July 6, 2008
11:02:30 PM

Entry #: 2819934
before too many bullets are fired...let's not forget it might have been a mistake.

Uncle Mertog

July 6, 2008
11:08:44 PM

Entry #: 2819942
Smitty as you know and have witnessed for yourself, it does not have to be true to cause shit, it only needs to be said. It has already been said. No one was more pissed off than me two years ago during the Jr's fiasco when I was called out for having illegal players, which turned out to be total bullshit and yet just another fucking attempt by someone to sabotage somneone else's season. Patriot is having a great instead of saying good for them, we are in essence saying...Let's fuck them any way we can....pure bullshit in my opinion. Swell the fuck up, be men and beat them on the field or go the fuck home and shut the fuck up.

I'm so sick of all the bitch ass whining in this league this year. Waaaaaah, the balls, the bats, the umps, blah, blah, blah. It's fucking pathetic really. Grow the fuck up and act like me for Christ sake.


July 6, 2008
11:13:45 PM

Entry #: 2819950
how does one act like Mertog?


July 6, 2008
11:22:14 PM

Entry #: 2819957
I think Kirby is the decoy to drawn attention from all of their other illegal players :) The mooseknuckle is one clever bastard.

I thought this was about phony stats for batting average. A more serious accusation was made. I think I will stay clear of that.

Mertog quite the insane rampage. Did you forget your prozac today?


July 6, 2008
11:53:34 PM

Entry #: 2819981
Mert and others let me clear this up that it was not an attempt to sabotage someones season. As everyone knows we have one 1 game so it doesn't make a difference it they win every game or lose every game my point is at least be legit and honest. Even though we have lost all but one game we can still play the rest of the season with our heads held high knowing we go out there everyweek and give it our best. Finally there was no question he batted in the last game but at least give us the credit for getting him out after all is it going to kill his average if he went 0-1 against ccfd.


July 7, 2008
12:11:38 AM

Entry #: 2819997
If it was a mistake (wich how it could be im not sure) thats one thing, but if he wasnt there and they tried to get him credit for the game thats another. But if we just use Mert logic and throw out all the rules as we go I guess its not that big of a deal. As far as wether it was an error or hit against the pna that is a little ridiculous.


July 7, 2008
8:25:36 AM

Entry #: 2820098
stop picking on my team waahahahahhahahahah


July 7, 2008
9:05:33 AM

Entry #: 2820131
I fucked up on the stats. I will be sending an email to Smitty to correct this. Mostly everyone in the league knows who Kirby is, so I am can not attempt to make shit up. CCFD knows that he pulled in for game 2. I admit I fucked up.


July 7, 2008
9:40:29 AM

Entry #: 2820160
Ya know Hinske, you're right. I was just sticking up for my team on the forums, but it's kinda pointless. It just got under my skin yesterday. I'm not in this league to win a forum war, i just wanna play ball with a league full of guys with good comradery. Sometimes it seems like it's not there, other times it does. I was just curious as to why it is that people don't like us until they play us. Then they have a blast playing against us. sorry for whining earlier! :P


July 7, 2008
10:39:15 AM

Entry #: 2820241
i got the email and made the change: kirby did not play in game one.


July 7, 2008
10:59:52 AM

Entry #: 2820272
Act like Mertog?? Are you kidding me?? We would have to be an aging grey haired bipolar chainsmoking freak who decides one day he is going to be a tough guy and shave off the grey and go bald because he looks 60 instead of 40. We would also have to follow Smitty around like a little lost puppy dog yelling Hey Spike Hey Spike! In all reality maybe he is figuring if he shaved his head and bought a wig maybe Smitty would throw a bone his way. News flash for ya Mert... Kate is hot! Your not! I still got love for ya though! ALL HAIL CRAZY COACH!


July 7, 2008
11:03:55 AM

Entry #: 2820280
Thanks Smitty, now Kirby only has 3 games over the amount needed to make the playoffs!! If he only had 7 games at the end of the season and then one mysteriously appeared that he didn't play in, I would have an issue! But in Chip's deffense, I'm sure they had Kirby's name written in the lineup hoping he would be there in the first game and when Chip tallied the stats at the end he saw his name and made an honest mistake. I've played with Chip in this league many years and he does not strike me as a dishonest person!

Uncle Mertog

July 7, 2008
11:42:33 AM

Entry #: 2820357
Act like Men was a drunken typo.


July 7, 2008
12:03:05 PM

Entry #: 2820394
How many games do you need to have been in to be eligable to play in the playoff's


July 7, 2008
12:24:02 PM

Entry #: 2820419
Goph, only 8 games.

Uncle Mertog

July 7, 2008
12:28:25 PM

Entry #: 2820432
Once again I point to a couple of years ago, where three teams were accused of cheating. Ironically enough, all three teams were teams that were in the playoff picture. Moulton, Jr's and Pub. Of the three only Jr's was in fact in violation of a rule. (They had asked for a player and were not given one due to injuries)

Suddenly Jr's is out and Tristate is in.

We have since looked at that rule and have loosened restrictions on getting another player, which I think should be looked at again. You should always be able to maintain the number of players you had at the start of the season, providing they are of equal talent level....non-exempt players essentially.

My argument is that when rules become more important than the people they encompass and are used to take a team down simply because they are having a good season, then I do have a problem with the rules.

The argument that an error was scored as a hit is just absurd...period! WHo cares?

Why should an exempt player have to be subjected to much higher standards than anyone else? We all know these guys have tournaments and so on, so why break their balls? If they show up for the same amount as anyone else for the team why should they be penalized? 8 games with 8 plate appearances in each game just like everyone should be an ample amount to qualify them for the playoffs.

Everyone is making a huge deal out of what might simply be a mistake and is trying to sully the reputation of one of the most stand up guys in the league...that being Chip. I have a problem with that.


July 7, 2008
12:47:25 PM

Entry #: 2820470
OK, I'm bored. This whole hit/error thing has got me thinking. I'm not a stat guy, never have been. It just isn't interesting to me. However, in looking over the teams with the best records and how many runs they have scored, one thing is becomming obvious. Some teams are a little more picky about what is a hit than others.

Check it out...

Botelho's 397 runs scored (20 gms.) .543 team avg

PNA 283 runs scored (16 gms.) .557 team avg

Patriot 288 runs scored (18 gms.) .608 team avg.

It would seem by looking at these numbers that Chip (who I have never met) is just a slightly easier scorer than Ian and whoever does PNA's books. So he doesn't just favor Kirby, he gives the benfit of the doubt to everyone...which is fine. It's the only explanation I can think of on how a team that averages 16 runs per game can have a 60 point higher team batting average than a team scoring almost 20 runs per game.


July 7, 2008
1:19:24 PM

Entry #: 2820538
I have always thought that you " give " hits on questionable calls to guys batting low and be really strict with guys batting high ,,,therefore, I would like someone to erase my oh-5 against DelPadre. I didnt even want to play and shouldnt be punished. Me against Mike Delpadre is like John Kruk against Randy Johnson.

Brian Stevens

July 7, 2008
1:26:25 PM

Entry #: 2820552
i screwed lb4lb a few weeks ago! that explains some of it. That was a hit!!!


July 7, 2008
1:38:03 PM

Entry #: 2820577
i dont think that chip would do that on purpose and he has come out and said it was a mistake, thats understandable. i dont care if it was a hit or an error on kirbys hit or on anyone else's it would just really b nice to have consistancy while doin the book because i know when i was hurt and doing the book if a guy bobbled the ball or booted it off his glove its an error, flat out. like guapo says how can a team scoring 15 runs a game have such a higher batting average than a team who scores 20 - 25 a game. it is the person doing the book. i know eddie martin is hard on his guys over at pna, harris we are bustin each others balls when we hit a ball and the guy on deck is like NOPE error no hit just having fun but strick on that stuff, botehlo is tough even tho lb4lb in my book is hittin .900 with laser beam line drives haha

it does suck when ur a top team and people call u out for this or that.... that jr's team that was pushed outta the playoffs had a very solid team and had one of our best years kinda funny how all of a sudden a certain letter came out. so all id have to say to any team is make sure u r doin it right because people love to fuck you over especially when your on top. alot of good teams, good guys and good competition. if u have to make a certain amount of games make it and then theres no worries anywhere. cant wait for the playoffs, gonna be some really tough match ups


July 7, 2008
2:07:09 PM

Entry #: 2820622
I think Chip is a lot more lenient than me when it comes to doin the books. He may just see that the guy got on base as opposed to seeing that I wrote an E5 in the square. Maybe he's just bein lazy and doesn't wanna figure it all out. Either way I doubt its to pad stats. Chip isn't the type. He wants us to all earn what we get.


July 7, 2008
3:33:17 PM

Entry #: 2820778
EXXXXXACTLY......Ryman HITS the ball fair...if he ends up on first..even if an out was recorded at another base on a force play..that is a HIT! God Damn, do you want the kid to bat under .100. Walks = hits. I say for Ryman..a freaking foul tip is a double. No padding for the guys challenging for batting title....the rest of us...its a hit! I hit a bomb to the fence against Harris. The left fielder, not knowing that lb4lb was up..was playing kinda shallow..caught off guard, ran to the fence, bounced into the fence, got his glove on the ball miraculously. drops it. I cruise into 2nd. Double, right? No. Stevens gives the poor guy an error, and stiffs me. I need corrections on the stats. Someone ( Ian ) delete the oh-5 against Delpadre and add a hit. I am 15-23. !!


July 7, 2008
4:00:13 PM

Entry #: 2820836
Bob, you don't want them to start givin me hits for all of the contact I make that stays fair. I'll run away with the batting title on foul tips and pop ups.

By the way, I don't know if you knew this fancy tidbit, but it turns out you're a douchebag. The end.

My response to thos questioning our high batting average compared to our runs scored is "stranded runners". Lots of guys gettin on base and being left there.


July 7, 2008
4:31:12 PM

Entry #: 2820901
I know I know. About the d-bag part. I know. I am just waiting for to yell at me....DOORMAN! DOORMAN!


July 7, 2008
4:31:32 PM

Entry #: 2820902
Hire an official scorer, or quit yer bitchin'.


July 7, 2008
11:21:33 PM

Entry #: 2821468
damn i thought chip was gonna take my cheater trophy away chip help me out man do it again next week ive carried this for almost 2 yrs i need someone to take over or just blame it on me thats probably much easier
ps lawnman sent the letter

Uncle Mertog

July 8, 2008
12:41:44 AM

Entry #: 2821542
The worst part about what happened two years ago was that no one called me to inform me that anything was going on. I log on the computer and the front page reads that I have to represent my team to answer the accusation in person at the meeting. Thats what pissed me off more than anything else.

Someone should have at least investigated and got some proof before they made the accusation. Once again, it doesn't have to be true to be true around only needs to be said.

From what I have been told, the mistake that occurred was an honest one regarding this patriot oil bullshit. Just a matter of cut and paste on the stat sheets....infuriating.


July 8, 2008
3:35:03 AM

Entry #: 2821609
a few corrections....

1. for playoffs ……8 games for regular player (without *year)
16 games for exempt players

1. a. exemptions were done to create parity like the nfl...instead of the rich getting richer by bringing in their experienced teammates from other leagues

1. b. the added games necessary for those players for all 3 years they are exempt is to keep teams from playing an experienced guy 4 weeks = 8 games, and then have him show up for playoffs. then the 8 seed with 3 exempt players that only played 8 games is really like a 4 or 5 because now they have 3 exempts in the lineup for the first time all year.

2. mert, i'm pretty sure i called you immediately after that meeting to give you the story...but i understand the dramatic effect

3. stats = i put in what the managers give me. look at club jogues, they've only scored about 25 runs on their team page but almost 200 on the standings page. hodde doesn't like giving me runs scored and im not chasing him.

once in awhile i get a sheet that has a guy with an rbi and no atbats or something ridiculous and ill make a call or send an email. but i can't do it all the time. oh you hit 5 home runs and your manager didn't give you an rbi, i don't care...take it up with him.

just so you know how they are entered into the site. with all this stat talk i thought it was important.

4. personally, i want to know what my real average is even if its horrific like it is this year. i know im having a bad year and seeing an average of .600 instead of .500 wouldn't make it any better. when three guys kick grounders and one throws it over the fence, i know im not 4-4, 3-4, or anything else except 0-4. and botelho, fat dave got thrown out against shamrock at second base on a single i hit about 225 feet, i still have my fielders choice 0-1 and he still can't run.

5. i went to the sox game tonight and left the house about 11:45 am. in leaving the website unattended for over 13 hours, maybe the first time thats ever happened (i know im a loser), i missed the single greatest day of postings in the 3 years the site has existed. unfreakingbelievable. not to mention it just took a friggin hour to catch up on everything.


July 8, 2008
3:39:11 AM

Entry #: 2821611
the club jogues example should have been rbis.....they don't have one yet this year. the 184 runs they scored were by accident. hodde im just messing with you, without the nail polish.


July 8, 2008
5:34:17 AM

Entry #: 2821618
lol, dutilly youll always be a loser and ps i cant even write nevermind from brockton


July 8, 2008
5:46:02 AM

Entry #: 2821620
lol, geez dutilly i meantcheater must have had loser on my mind sorry u cheating bastard


July 8, 2008
7:21:25 AM

Entry #: 2821640
Seriously, who is posting at 330 in the morning? And I resent when you say that your average sucks and its 500..which happens to be my average at the moment. I dont see it getting any higher.. if it gets any higher it means I am trying to hard. 500 = good. 600 = great. 700 = near impossible. o 800? After 30 games and 100 abs? I would say Chip is keeping your scorebook.


July 8, 2008
9:18:22 AM

Entry #: 2821726
I am going to go out on a limb here....
I was looking for somehting to do last night and called Artie and was going to go down to Clegg and watch some good softball but wife had other must not have gone to the game with out Miss Kate because this is what you do at 3:30 in the am on your vacation?
This proves that we can be trusted when you leave us alone


July 8, 2008
11:51:21 AM

Entry #: 2821909
gopher we play artie tonite tuesday the 8th not last nite. artie goes to clegg every nite to watch games and b softball man ( a new superhero in the making ) artie is still good in my book even tho he tried breaking my leg at second haha


July 8, 2008
12:10:31 PM

Entry #: 2821936
Told me they had 2 games last night. 8:40 was the late game. He must have been lonely at the field last night
What time tonight?


July 8, 2008
12:23:42 PM

Entry #: 2821965
tonight is 850 game.

i have no idea what you tried to mean in your last post gopher.


July 8, 2008
12:27:03 PM

Entry #: 2821969


July 8, 2008
1:07:43 PM

Entry #: 2822049
no does this mean?

I am going to go out on a limb here....
I was looking for somehting to do last night and called Artie and was going to go down to Clegg and watch some good softball but wife had other must not have gone to the game with out Miss Kate because this is what you do at 3:30 in the am on your vacation?

you called artie...great. your wife had other ideas. something game, something kate, something vacation



July 8, 2008
1:22:07 PM

Entry #: 2822073
Im gonna go on a limb and say SMITTY get your ass a Blackberry and you won't miss the


July 8, 2008
1:44:16 PM

Entry #: 2822104
when i am on vacation with lets wife
I am not on the internet at 3 in the morning. Like last night..I was bored and was looking for somehthing to do and I WASSSSSSSSSSSSS(key word) going to to go watch softball at clegg but my wife had other ideas......instead of going and watching softball
Like you at 3 in the morning....nothing else to do but go on line and post and make sure the website is behaving

Maybe there is a class you can take if you still dont get this


July 8, 2008
1:50:27 PM

Entry #: 2822116
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO why didn't you just say it was a bad joke.

really there was something funny there.

your wife wanted to do that?.....with you?......hilarious.


July 8, 2008
1:54:19 PM

Entry #: 2822120
what gopher was trying to say was instead of posting go get laid.... hell if you dont want to do it i can be a stunt double?


July 8, 2008
1:56:47 PM

Entry #: 2822130
i think i almost choked on my own puke to think gopher giving his poor wife a sexy look. i hope she had somthing else to do or else she probably would have let him go watch softball.


July 8, 2008
2:29:52 PM

Entry #: 2822184
If any of you guys were dating Kate you wouldn't go anywhere either! She is stil hot and I still want to see her bitch slap Mertog!!! Smitty you are cursed and blessed at the same time. Cursed because you have to deal with crazy ass coach Mertog I am sure on a daily basis and blessed because guys rag on you for not going anywhere or leaving early, yet do any of them have a hottie they are leaving with???


July 8, 2008
2:47:23 PM

Entry #: 2822229
You know she loves all the guys from Crow but Josh went and messed it all up by not making the Chilli so she didn't go. Now you all have to wait till the playoffs...oh sorry that right "CLITBONER" doesn't think you will make it and Smitty i will bring you a book tonight at Clegg on "how to live with out a website" ok budddy


July 8, 2008
2:55:12 PM

Entry #: 2822239
i know i know i took my shirt off and her eyes were stabbing me.


July 8, 2008
5:10:03 PM

Entry #: 2822482
So i just checked the stats for our games against patriot and there still is a MISTAKE that wasn't corrected. Patriot corrected the fact that Kirby wasn't there for the first game but still have him with a walk rather than a fly out. So this forces me to ask the question if you were going to bother to correct one MISTAKE why not correct the other. Oh wait let me answer that for you because you obviously feel the need to pad the stats for one of the best hitters in the league. If i was Kirby i would be embarassed by the fact that my team felt my stats needed any help. Finally i would like to add that i am now in the running for the batting title since i attened the Patriot Oil school for stat keeping.


July 8, 2008
7:30:30 PM

Entry #: 2822712
i have a hottie who blows kate away and she admits it too


July 8, 2008
7:37:54 PM

Entry #: 2822720
kate admitted my wife out does here softball wise


July 8, 2008
10:45:13 PM

Entry #: 2822979
It's true. I have seen Mrs. Hodde just as drunk as Mr. Hodde after games.


July 8, 2008
10:55:25 PM

Entry #: 2822994
i know shes good i was standing on third while hodde was catching and she pinched my ass with her eyes. thats talent


July 8, 2008
11:53:23 PM

Entry #: 2823056

Kirby's on base percentage is 2 one thousandths too high for ant77's liking. The poor idiot has nothing better to do than keep checking for something that has no bearing on anything.

Dude, we didn't put extra runs on the board. I know the highlight of your team's season was getting one of the best hitters in the league out on a fly ball when the guy went into the batters box straight out of his truck. Im surprised you're not asking Smitty not to count that one at bat because Kirby wasn't in uniform. Give it a rest. If you catch something that's wrong, just say so and it'll be fixed. Quit being a whiney prick about it.

Uncle Mertog

July 9, 2008
1:08:54 AM

Entry #: 2823124
Ryman, I'd be careful who you call an idiot, Ant77 will rip your limbs off and feed them to you. Just a friendly warning. He is a good friend of mine and a great guy but I wouldn't want to piss him off.


July 9, 2008
2:18:15 AM

Entry #: 2823147
Hey Mert can you give Smitty the stats please?? Your slacking on this how do you expect to fill his shoes when you slack??

Uncle Mertog

July 9, 2008
3:00:22 AM

Entry #: 2823167
Are you that anxious to see if your batting .282 or .312???? If I were you I wouldn't want my stats to be shown.

Now zip it up and go to bed before the wife wakes up and thrashes you within an inch of your life you demented little muppet.

By the way, nice game this week...but for the record I got called out on the scoring for one of your hits. Seems like the hit to Ryman that took off on him the second it hit his glove, I was told should have been deemed an error. However Ryman did in fact recover immediately but you beat him to the bag, thus I scored it a hit. I was called out on this by one of the guys on our team at Roch's Sunday in the presence of Smtty. I still call it a hit, and have entered it as such since I deem it a judgment call...but since we are on the topic here...I figured I toss that out there.


July 9, 2008
8:13:30 AM

Entry #: 2823247
If you were to actually replay that entire play in slow motion it would have made ESPN's top ten plays of the year! Picture this Here is the pitch.. holy cow it is a slow and I mean SLOW dribbler to the first baseman.. the runner is sprinting to the bag... the first baseman is licking his chops as the ball is still slowly rolling to him. I want you to picture my short little stumps running as fast as I can and Ryman running towards the ball.. picture this all in slow motion and the Oympic music playing in the background as the play unfolds... Classic lol


July 9, 2008
8:21:45 AM

Entry #: 2823252
ryman i dont think you want to call ant an idiot i dont think hes gonna take it to well


July 9, 2008
8:38:58 AM

Entry #: 2823260
That's great that he's your friend, Mert. But I don't buy into all that "I wouldn't piss so and so off" bs. The way he's gone about pointing out a possible mistake of stats shows that he's an a-hole, and if my post on a softball league forum is enough to make him hunt me down and try to kick my ass, then that just proves he's an idiot. Im tired of reading his petty posts, so im gonna say something and I don't care what anyone thinks about it.

And Littlyguy, you crafty bastard. Don't forget to mention in your little ESPN clip about the ball having so much side spin it was digging a damn trench from home to first. You should definitely think about playin pool. Im sure they'd give you something to stand on to reach the table.


July 9, 2008
9:00:25 AM

Entry #: 2823292
hey lb4lb
so much for what we said last night...we went from the funny stuff on the site in a while to this is going to be good for ryman all in 1 nights rest...LLLLOOOOLLLL


July 9, 2008
9:28:24 AM

Entry #: 2823335
Ryman again this is about having to lie and cheat in Sunday morning softball i don't care if it didn't make a difference to the #'s at all but wtf. So feel free to defend your teams actions or try and put my team down for our record but as far as i'm concerned your team is full of a bunch of losers.


July 9, 2008
10:01:17 AM

Entry #: 2823360



July 9, 2008
10:27:55 AM

Entry #: 2823398
Having to lie and cheat? Because a mistake was made and corrected we're losers? Give me a break. You're just the type of person who wants there to be problems. I know this is the first time any team has ever made a mistake handing in any stats ever. Im sure Smitty can vouche for that. Or wait, didn't he say mistakes happen all the time? Guys have RBIs but no at bats, stuff like that? Well find out from Smitty what teams have made mistakes and you can call them out too. Maybe write a letter to the league about an illegal player. Ya might be able to grab a few wins out of it! You're just like all these other people that are jumping on the "I hate Patriot Oil" bandwagon, and that's fine. The more the merrier. You can all hang around saying "remember that time they beat us? Yeah, they suck". Even though it seems like the majority of the guys have a blast playing against us, win or lose. As do we against them, including your team. I mustve missed you during that game when you were off to the side in the shade with your arms crossed, stomping your feet, and holding your breath. Just leave it dude. It'll get corrected and you'll be able to sleep at night. You have to have better things to do than this.

Hinske ya jerk. So with those 6 gentlemen, myself, you and your boyfriend that only makes 9. We need 2 more for a full field. Mertog could pitch, though I hear he's more of a catcher type.


July 9, 2008
11:21:43 AM

Entry #: 2823493
FYI - you can have an RBI with no AB... its a sac fly.


July 9, 2008
11:26:25 AM

Entry #: 2823507
ryman, i know u r just sticking up for ur team and thats understandable. ant is not the kinda a-hole u think he is, i dont think he cares as much about the walk/ hit /error whatever it was but more the fact that there was an at bat, however i am not positive. and i know you are not the kind of person who would put anyone down for being on a lower team, everyone starts somewhere. when my jr's team first got together we won like 3 games our first year when the hustlers, rekos pna all these teams were monsters but as time goes on u learn the game and get better. i give the fire fighters, stallions and every team all the credit in the world for gettin out there and just playing. so far most fun weekends of the year fire fighters and stallions by far, not because we won, but because they enjoyed every second of it and laughed about things.
im not drinkin patriot haterade, nor do i have a problem with anyone on your team or any other for that matter. but in this instance i think you have to just let it go. if you have seen ant/ know him 1 hes a great guy, wouldnt hurt a fly unless he had to. 2 he is a big boy tho and coming from personal experience him and his brother give good choke slams out the door of bars, so im lookin out for the leagues best interest here.
lets just forget this thread and let littleguy be the hero who beat ryman to the bag which was a photo finish ( picture of course taken by gopher)

Ant im sure that smitty will get things figured out once the meeting takes place and everything is fully handled.

Uncle Mertog

July 9, 2008
1:19:17 PM

Entry #: 2823691
Ryman, you should just let your manager handle the situation and from what I have heard he has already taken care of it.

If you read my posts, I defended your team and Chip without calling anyone an idiot or an asshole, which is going to come back and bite you on the ass.

Sometimes you do more damage than you do good and as I said before you should just let Chip handle it. Your teammates I am sure are sitting back and cringing in horror as your prolong the agony of this thread.

Brian Stevens

July 9, 2008
1:23:52 PM

Entry #: 2823700
New topic: Chris Knight is a fat piece of shit. Comments?
This should take some of the heat of Ryman....ha


July 9, 2008
2:20:42 PM

Entry #: 2823817
Hey, I thought I was the only a-hole around here!


July 9, 2008
2:26:25 PM

Entry #: 2823826
based on what I have seen of you and Knight this year I think fat is the new jacked. Both of you are spanking the ball..I know thats nothing new for Knight, but until recently I thought he was dead pull. There has to be something about batting with an overstuffed belly that enhances hand/eye coordination. Or maybe its more mental..since you obviously dont care what you look like with your shirt off you cant possibly be worried about making an out..and that dont give a rats ass attitude leads to inner peace therefore allowing you to succeed. Sports Psychologhy 101..Fatter is Better.

Brian Stevens

July 9, 2008
2:34:36 PM

Entry #: 2823838
fatter is easier too. I like it.


July 9, 2008
2:39:23 PM

Entry #: 2823850
knight has fat piece of shit friends too....


July 9, 2008
2:39:40 PM

Entry #: 2823851
The league needs a : " The Tao According to Stevens List " . I'll start: 1) Fatter is Easier 2) Drunker is easier 3) Dont run when you can walk, dont walk when you can sit down, dont sit down when you can lay down. I have had it backwards my entire life.


July 9, 2008
2:45:11 PM

Entry #: 2823870
Bob that is the funniest thing I have read in a while. Herbie I think you may still have me on the fattness scale but I am giving it my best to catch up.

Brian Stevens

July 9, 2008
2:47:50 PM

Entry #: 2823876
where there is a will there's a way.


July 9, 2008
3:50:11 PM

Entry #: 2823999
im sure this is all in fun and no one is trying to be a dick! but for the fat thing my belly is not helping my bat at all! as for patriot oil when we played them we had fun well i did as far as pading stats some one please pad mine cause they suck


July 9, 2008
4:45:45 PM

Entry #: 2824095
Ryman i will end this with saying that i think you have a team full of mostly average players that play extremely well together proving that you don't have to be full of superstars to win you just have to play well together. So i am not on the hater bandwagon

PS. lucky for you my anger management is working cause i don't appreciate being called an a-hole or an idiot.


July 9, 2008
5:39:11 PM

Entry #: 2824190
cough ....cough...vsndvknsdvknsdklvnsdklvnskdvnsdkln


July 9, 2008
6:18:59 PM

Entry #: 2824240
i think patriot should be thrown out of the league and chip should never be aloud to ever step foot in the town of coventry again and have to give ernie wright a sponge bath for a month


July 9, 2008
7:37:15 PM

Entry #: 2824329
I say we nominate RYMAN for Asst Smack Modertor


July 9, 2008
8:05:17 PM

Entry #: 2824368
I apologize for the name calling, but not out of fear, out of the fact that its not me. I just didn't appreciate my team immediately being called cheaters, liars, and stat-padders without any thought to the fact that the mistakes may be just that, mistakes. I don't know what we did to anyone to have the first thought in this situation be that patriot oil is being dishonest.

We have 2 of what I'd consider "top tier" players on our team (Jon Fuentes, Kirby Murphy), and a bunch of good players, a couple of role players, and me. But the combination of all those players is what's making us successful. It doesn't take a stacked team to be successful and it doesn't gaurantee wins if your team is stacked. That's the nature of team sports. So again I apologize. Just got heated from the accusations.

Gopher I accept your nomination. What does that mean I have to do? I love the forum and think its very important to the league and shows that we have a ton of class players and some funny bastards, and Ryno.


July 9, 2008
8:07:08 PM

Entry #: 2824371
Patriot oil is NOT solely represented by Ryman, Chip is the coach and the spokesperson, Ryman just likes to spend time drumming up conversation, He does mean well but sometimes people take his posts wrong!Mostly his teammates!! Ryman , buck up buddy, apolagize to Ant so he doesnt kick your ass for name calling! and Ant go to the source call chip or smitty and get this resolved! I was there too, kirby jumped out of the truck hit the ball to left and it was caught! period the end! Now lets just have fun sunday mornings!


July 9, 2008
8:15:45 PM

Entry #: 2824378
394 27 66 26

avg r ab hits

these are rymans numbers maybe instead of spending all this time in here hit the cages you raging homo how can you be a so called bat specialist with numbers like this and how could any of your bats be broken in the way you swing


July 9, 2008
8:18:27 PM

Entry #: 2824382
Ryman good job on the apology, now please stop juicing everyone up, ex. Jon kirby etc. You ever hear "no news is good news"! You give TOO MUCH INFO dude! Go on a date or something, if you cant get one "buy one" spend some of that hard earned walmart money!


July 9, 2008
8:21:54 PM

Entry #: 2824386
Chuckster those are old stats click on patriot oil on teams and rosters and see the real batting stats


July 9, 2008
8:25:39 PM

Entry #: 2824391
Now we are posting stats? Wait I get it. It's Romper Room time kids....


July 9, 2008
8:27:16 PM

Entry #: 2824394
Then maybe someone should show a little backbone when are team is called cheats and liars, Hodges. I never said that stuff on behalf of the team, I said it as a proud member of it.


July 9, 2008
8:44:17 PM

Entry #: 2824409
R u saying i have no backbone, again,watch what you say, youve only seen my nice side!!!

Brian Stevens

July 9, 2008
8:52:50 PM

Entry #: 2824425
I think that all of the parties involved should join me in a Coventry Men's Softball League Pub Crawl and Reconcilliation event. It starts at Jogues and ends at Harris. I bet our friend Mr. Botelho will sponsor the event if we name it after him. That guy has his name on more shit than Alan Shawn Feinstein.


July 9, 2008
8:58:00 PM

Entry #: 2824433
If Chip wears pants next game can all be forgiven? For the little guy, you hit that ball so soft that it was still in the AM when it rolled by the pitcher, and the PM when it was fielded at first.

Brian Stevens

July 9, 2008
9:05:27 PM

Entry #: 2824448


July 9, 2008
9:28:17 PM

Entry #: 2824488
Ry again i was fired up but whatever its over with and again like i said you guys play great as a team everyweek i will be interested in watching you guys in the playoffs


July 9, 2008
11:06:50 PM

Entry #: 2824617
you know i was looking for a sponsor im sick of buying bats. I was wondering if lb4lb would sponsor me. oh and ryman is gay.


July 9, 2008
11:20:15 PM

Entry #: 2824644
very nice post there by Brian Botelho....thats right Stevens has sold out and has taken my last name..and, nickname..athough he will be LB4LB..all caps to indicate ..well...more pounds. I will donate $1 per LB for every homerun that Brian Bo hits to my newest team...and certain 2008 Fall Ball Champions..Sandy Bottoms, run by my new BFF Mike Dubotelho. Playing rcf? guessed it....Bobby Hinske.


July 9, 2008
11:42:53 PM

Entry #: 2824677

1. Not scared

2. Email me your phone number if you still need cleats


July 10, 2008
9:12:42 AM

Entry #: 2824965
Well seeing you are purchasing product for the league smack members....I could use a size 10.5 wide. Something in black would be nice


July 10, 2008
10:18:07 AM

Entry #: 2825050
this just in also needing sponsers are robert rockstar and robby guns


July 10, 2008
10:37:28 AM

Entry #: 2825081
Screw Bats. Balls Team sponsorship or whatver! I want the good shit, anybody know where I can get DBol, Deca fucking Hawaian Punch or whatever else I can inject into my system? I want to have no neck, be cranky, grunt every time I hit the ball(cause we all know that makes you sound tougher and stronger). Not really worried about my balls shrinking because 1. I am married with kids so my prick is useless now. 2. I am the little guy nothing on me is big! Any help. Hey Bob wanna sponsor my new drug addiction? Anybody????


July 10, 2008
12:16:55 PM

Entry #: 2825254
Done! Bobby Rockstar. Bobby Guns. Bobby Hinske. You will get paid to have lb4lb logo on your shirt. NO TEARING OFF THE SLEEVES! And Little were a prison guard. You look like you have lifted more than a few times...are you sure that they arent putting deca in the Keebler Products?


July 10, 2008
12:50:46 PM

Entry #: 2825317
Ryman, I have nothing personal against you, you seem like an awkward goofy kid who is much better on the internet than will ever be on the field! Word of advise though, you might end up with more than a hurt finger if you stay on your current path, ex: Ryan Hodges.

Uncle Mertog

July 10, 2008
12:55:42 PM

Entry #: 2825324
Fiskey...are you trying to say he might get his feelings hurt?

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