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Author TOPIC: what is a CLITBONER?

July 8, 2008
2:55:33 PM

Entry #: 2822242
Any one got a good explanation on what a clitboner is? Some pics would be helpful!!!

Brian Stevens

July 8, 2008
2:57:33 PM

Entry #: 2822245
clitboner- noun- pussy who talks shit but doesn't have the balls to take credit for his verbal vomit.

Brian Stevens

July 8, 2008
3:06:15 PM

Entry #: 2822265


July 8, 2008
3:09:41 PM

Entry #: 2822272

Person who feels Crow Bar hasn't play anyone yet and looks like this guy



July 8, 2008
3:18:08 PM

Entry #: 2822285
that picture just made me throw up in my mouth alittle gopher... good job

Brian Stevens

July 8, 2008
3:18:54 PM

Entry #: 2822287
or- a Crowe Bar player who found a creative way to motivate an underachieving team...who looks like this-


July 8, 2008
3:37:12 PM

Entry #: 2822310

gopher i think i saw you and Ian out the other day


July 8, 2008
3:43:09 PM

Entry #: 2822320


July 8, 2008
3:45:11 PM

Entry #: 2822324
Get with the program
You may be able to hit the crap out of a ball but posting is not your specialty


July 8, 2008
3:45:50 PM

Entry #: 2822326
after hours ryman was filming.



July 8, 2008
3:47:22 PM

Entry #: 2822330
make do with the faces i think oawmf can bail me out.


July 8, 2008
3:53:53 PM

Entry #: 2822344
How did I get dragged into this!? I didn't even post on this topic! A guy just can't get a moment's rest.


July 8, 2008
4:01:07 PM

Entry #: 2822354
Stevens... taking the pic of Jackson in the pink shirt and adding the text to it is just wrong.


July 8, 2008
4:08:02 PM

Entry #: 2822368
Oh Hinske you have started something that I think is going to come back and BITE you right in the ass...LOLOLOLO

Smitty I am going to need a little LATITUDE hear......Oh sorry Hinske.... that BIG word is a noun which means a range of values or conditions in case you were wondering


July 8, 2008
4:13:57 PM

Entry #: 2822381
best I could do in short notice. And the fact that there are no gopher pics around



July 8, 2008
4:43:10 PM

Entry #: 2822427
i may be new at posting and yes it will take some time to get to where you fellas at. but geeze gopher you couldnt put it down when you were a kid could you

fatty fat fat fat


July 8, 2008
5:01:13 PM

Entry #: 2822459
All i can say is you better run when you see me because most likely i am going to have a camera and if i get your picture.....well well well oh sweet Jeremey you wont be as calm, cool as you are in this pcture

You will be Fucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


July 8, 2008
5:56:46 PM

Entry #: 2822568
there is something absoulutely hilarious about those fat little bastards,no? Looks like Danny Prata's 5th birthday party

Brian Stevens

July 8, 2008
9:01:30 PM

Entry #: 2822844
does look like jackson doesn't it!


July 8, 2008
9:32:07 PM

Entry #: 2822884
well first and formost you sumo wrestler its jeremy and im at mcd's do you need anything. hahahhahahahha


July 8, 2008
9:53:18 PM

Entry #: 2822902
if u have to ask what a clitboner is u have to be fucking GAY!!


July 8, 2008
10:35:58 PM

Entry #: 2822967


July 8, 2008
10:36:49 PM

Entry #: 2822969

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics


July 8, 2008
11:49:19 PM

Entry #: 2823050
hey GUNS pound sand!!!!


July 9, 2008
12:28:34 AM

Entry #: 2823090
know for a fact im not gay but, i do not know what a clitboner is. i do however know where the origins of the comment came from. meaning i do not tho, i also know where u heard this and who u asked about it today via text message. i stuck up for the crowe guys remember that. i could have easily jumped on u guys but honestly i think u guys have a good team with good bunch of guys. i just think that someone wrote somethin possibly angry, possibly annoyed with the team.... but honestly i dont know the reasoning behind there post but i thik i speak for many a clitboner is a new word to the american language. (know because we looked it up on wickipedia) and we know thats never wrong


July 9, 2008
11:31:03 AM

Entry #: 2823523
almost had a picture of gopher last nite on my phone at our clegg game but it got a bit to dark and i knew had i taken it with the flash on he woulda known, so i missed out we will try again the next time i see him, funny thing was he had a mcdonalds bag in his hand hahaha.


July 9, 2008
11:48:57 AM

Entry #: 2823554
mac i got a picture of him while i was driving home after softball on sunday.....
dead gopher

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