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Tuna Fish

July 15, 2008
7:30:11 PM

Entry #: 2831817
The MEAT that was served this past sunday must have been laced with a serious case of E-coli cause ReMax was really showing their age out there and still were able to pull out the victory. It got so bad that the pitcher for Remax had to have a bingo card that was stuck to the bottom of his cleat removed before toeing the rubber for the 3rd game.


July 16, 2008
2:31:25 PM

Entry #: 2832917
is it true that Clay took the whole ReMax team out for water-ice after the game.


July 25, 2008
7:40:53 PM

Entry #: 2845020
It is indeed a fact that members of Remax were observed riding deep in the maroon Trans Am owned by Mr. Clay Price.

I thought it was odd that Checkers and Mul were sitting in the back when there was no front seat passenger. Then The Lost Boy's head popped up immediately after I noticed a large chesire cat-like grin appear on Clay's mug...

"Michael Jackson!" J.R.'s response to the question "What's your record?"

The Chalfontonian

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