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Author TOPIC: All Weekend Softball Party

August 18, 2008
2:39:50 PM

Entry #: 2873728
The weekend of the DeSoto tourney ( Sept. 19th-21st) we are going to have a two day softball bash out at my house in Cambria. We live about 12 minutes from the ball park so before after and even during games that whole weekend everyone will have a place to hang out at. We have a house out on a private lake so anyone that doesn't want to drive home Sat and come back for Sunday's games is welcome bring tents, chairs and whatever and camp out at our property. We will have a few kegs, there will be food and music, bags and washer money tournaments, bon fires, fishing, swimming (if you got enough guts to or enough beer in you that time of year). All area team players and wives are invited. Hell, everyone knows everyone anyhow. If you are interested you can email me at or call me at 525-2917. We look forward to having everyone out that weekend, it should be a good time! (Especially if I get to play that weekend! J. Witt, you still need a pitcher?? LOL) Hope to see everyone out!


August 18, 2008
3:55:20 PM

Entry #: 2873886
Oh, ya I was called and told to remind everyone that I forgot to put up that there will be a beer pong tourney too. Sorry forgot that. That is a new one for me but I am always willing to learn!

Witt 18

August 19, 2008
7:41:04 AM

Entry #: 2874696
Does that mean that PNB is playing in the tourney? Anna Moose is in already.


August 19, 2008
8:09:17 AM

Entry #: 2874738
Don't know yet Joe. I hope we get one in but I haven't heard anything back yet. Gimme a call when you got some time.


August 19, 2008
8:14:41 AM

Entry #: 2874745
I hope Anna Moose is coming over too Joe, I still didn't get to finish the bags tourney from NC!


August 19, 2008
9:53:42 AM

Entry #: 2874906
Hey fish i hate to tell ya bud but i dont think you would have had a chance gettin pass me and witt i mean come on first time ever playin bags and we dominated lol


August 19, 2008
10:42:17 AM

Entry #: 2874989
Ha Ha Tyler I don't know...if you ask Joe, if I threw bags like I threw Joe 1-2 cookies, I was sure to drop a few bags that day! We will see....rematch in a few weeks! I hope you guys all plan on coming out that weekend it sure be a hell of a good time!


August 19, 2008
10:50:44 AM

Entry #: 2875004
Ha Ha Tyler I don't know...if you ask Joe, if I threw bags like I threw Joe 1-2 cookies, I was sure to drop a few bags that day! We will see....rematch in a few weeks! I hope you guys all plan on coming out that weekend it sure be a hell of a good time!


August 19, 2008
6:10:40 PM

Entry #: 2875758
t you are going to claim joe as your partner....okay okay i will remember that...big mistake son


August 19, 2008
9:24:00 PM

Entry #: 2875986
Well Well.........I believe I got part of that pot in the bags tourney since me and t-bone started out 1-0..........Ya Doubles T-bone is hater, guess we need to quit carting him around for ball. ........P.S. Fish.... I dont remember you even dominating the count against the moose, from left field it looked like walk, walk, walk, joe witt bomb, walk, walk, walk, j.t. bandy bomb, then Holland playen spin doctor with you, i mean i still got whip lash from watchen them hit off of you.......... HAHA


August 19, 2008
9:29:55 PM

Entry #: 2875998
btw ........thanks joe witt for stepping in and winning the title with t-bone


August 20, 2008
12:31:23 AM

Entry #: 2876136
Hey Rooke, We can call this party Sausagefest 08. Deaton can headline the event with his crossdressing strip tease!!!

Witt 18

August 20, 2008
7:52:20 AM

Entry #: 2876258
Now that is some funny shit right there Rook. Very Nice. Walk, walk, bomb, walk, walk, bomb. I Love It.


August 20, 2008
8:35:42 AM

Entry #: 2876314
What an ass rook, just like you to mess it all up. Get it right it was: single, single, Holland takin my shoes off, bomb, (maybe 1 walk I think Tyler watched most of the game with the bat on his shoulder)then bomb. You are always messin stuff up. And just like Ohney to drop a gay joke in there! Ha Ha Ha By the way, you're not the only one with neck problems....I still got a kink in the neck from that weekend! Blame the pitcher....geez, it's slowpitch really not a WHOLE lot you can do guess the slider and splitter just weren't breakin that day!?!?


August 20, 2008
9:06:53 AM

Entry #: 2876348
Sorry Fish, but you did walk the bases loaded............Twice!!!!!!


August 20, 2008
9:38:44 AM

Entry #: 2876390
I walked 6 that game??? I need to lay off the crack then!!.....thanks Rook. I blame it on the tiny yep that's what it was.


August 20, 2008
2:33:00 PM

Entry #: 2876873
Hey fish lol i think that was six walks in 2 innings..... and by the way doug you know i havnt forgot about indy


August 20, 2008
3:32:58 PM

Entry #: 2876980
Thanks Tyler! Much appreciated for the stat update you autistic bastard. What are you like the Rain Man of walk stats?? Anyways, it doesn't happen that much but it might have been hell I don't know. I thought you had to hit the sides of the mat not the middle so that's where I was aiming. Apparently in his hung over state Kyle had a stat sheet out in left too. He did have plenty of time to keep the book though as he might have had to look up for just a sec to watch another one fly back to Eldorado! You can always count on your pals to let you just how badly you fudged up......


August 21, 2008
8:58:24 AM

Entry #: 2877744
Hiding huh? Seems to me the one who doesn't have the nuts to sign in under their name to talk sh*t is the one hiding. You called me by my first name so obviously you feel like you know me like that so be a man and at least leave your name. I have played my fair share of ball and tourneys and don't need to go measure my junk every weekend anymore. I like to relax and spend time with my wife on the weekends, I am not 21 anymore and physically cannot do the things that I used to be able to. I'm not out getting smashed every weekend, that's not me anymore and just because I don't consume myself softball like I used to now I'm an asshole?? Obviously you don't know me like that because you would know that when I post stuff like that it's in fun and we are just busting balls, it's not serious it's called a joke. And I don't play on Wed. nights because my FRIENDS I went to H.S. with asked me to play on their team and that's when they play. It's about trying to have fun for me anymore. I'm not hiding anywhere and as a matter of fact I will be up there this fall. I think that this is a lot of the problem, instead of worrying about yourself you feel like such a rotten bastard that you feel like you need to rip on others to feel better, well hope you do and if I am your focal point then I feel sorry for you and maybe you should check yourself. I know that I am not a great ball player never said that I was, it's just that for once I started to just have fun and I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me. I have not had a bad word to say about anyone, it's sad that you have to come on here and put me you feel better now?? If anything I rip on myself more than anyone. I was trying to do something nice for everyone that is playing that weekend and I thought that a place to hang out, drink some beer and toss some bags all together might be cool but if it is just a big joke then why bother? Saves me a bunch of time and money anyhow. So just know that after that post you left you can feel better, stick your chest out a bit, sleep a little bit more sound and think.."wow, I just anonoumsly ripped Fish on a softball cool am I??" Geez...what a tool. Get a life.


August 21, 2008
9:24:34 AM

Entry #: 2877784
And all of a sudden that post dissapeared?? How did that happen?? That's too funny.


August 21, 2008
9:48:24 AM

Entry #: 2877818
Fish are you losing it? I dont see what your responding too


August 21, 2008
9:54:29 AM

Entry #: 2877831
LOL Franch. there was some jerk off on here this morning talking smack about me hiding behind Wed. nites and too scared to play in tourneys and junk. He didn't leave his name but was saying stuff about me ripping on people on this site it was a bunch of drunkin jibberish. It's was kinda comical but at the same time it pissed me off. Hell you know me dude I don't have a mean bone in my body. LOL Then it just dissapeared....wait maybe I am losing it and it wasn't ever there....WOW. HA HA Maybe way back in the day I winked at his old lady or something hell I don't know.

August 21, 2008
11:06:13 AM

Entry #: 2877923


August 21, 2008
12:34:55 PM

Entry #: 2878045
ya fish i was bout to ask who were talken to, i thought it was tbowles for s sec till i read the whole thing


August 21, 2008
12:37:14 PM

Entry #: 2878048
lol for a minute there i thought u started your all weekend party a month early


August 21, 2008
3:07:07 PM

Entry #: 2878269
I removed the post he was responding to. The person didn't put his name on it. He took shots at a person who made no shots at him apparently because of personal feelings.

I pretty much let stuff go on the message board but if you break the "forum guidelines", then posts will be deleted and further action may be taken. If you don't know what the Forum Guidelines are, go to the top of this thread and click "view Forum Guidelines".

I keep the possibility of people posting anonymously so that they can give suggestions/opinions without having to put their name on it. It's not so people can hide behind a computer and bash someone else.

August 21, 2008
3:40:15 PM

Entry #: 2878315
Hey screw you buddy i will post anonymous all i want. Good luck Dan trying to figure out who i am. I gotta go so I can watch my Mariners play. One more thing if you want to see the best team in the NFL get ready for the season opener they are playing the Chargers on Monday night football. Seahawks Rule!!!! I am outta here. You will never catch me Dano. I am invinceable.


August 21, 2008
3:54:37 PM

Entry #: 2878360
I'd worry more about that bug in your ear than this message board, lol.


August 21, 2008
5:04:43 PM

Entry #: 2878463
lol......dan i believe i know who said "screw you".........umm he shaves his head and is the cookie monster


August 21, 2008
5:55:49 PM

Entry #: 2878519
Yeah, in one of our games last night in the dugout, he had a big bug fly in his ear. It was hilarious. He's jumpin around tryin to get it out and it finally came out. Funny stuff being there..


August 21, 2008
6:09:59 PM

Entry #: 2878536
ya it would have been nice to actually finish our bag tourny huh fish..... we got hosed! fish, are you still tryin to get a team in that???? im in unless the ol'lady is having the baby.


August 21, 2008
8:25:04 PM

Entry #: 2878658
Fish you were just scared that i told everyone on the moose how you couldnt field the middle and we were all coming there.....BUT i was nice and tried to stay away,but wait till desoto im going to light you up... put the tap dancing shoes


August 22, 2008
12:40:28 AM

Entry #: 2878919
LMAO...........Holland, thats just mean hahaha, and the way ur locked in right now, omg

Witt 18

August 22, 2008
5:54:00 AM

Entry #: 2878976
Damn Fish did you sign up for the Clubbers next year or what becouse it sounds like everybody would like to light you up. Good Luck with that becouse Holland is one guy i wouldn't want shooting at me and believe me i can get out of the way of the ball quicker than anybody.


August 22, 2008
8:26:19 AM

Entry #: 2879091
OMG Geez, now I know it's bad when Holland is logging on to bust my chops LOL. It's called the "Charlie Brown Syndrome" it's when you get your shoes and socks knocked completely off and you do the nice little front flip on the mound. That's OK I'm used to it by now I been pitching again for a whopping 3 weeks and I've already upped my life insurance policy quite a bit. Holland, my wife loves you cause one of those shots is worth $425,000. I passed Holland at the mall the other day and ran out to the Jeep and put my cup on! Joe, you ain't much better and when did I become the fat kid on the driving range that wears the football helmet and matress on his back while shagging range balls?!?!?! To answer your question Joe, no I did not join the Clubbers because I refused to buy my matching coach's chair, pajamas and beach towel ( it's part of the contract)! Just playin Webbie, don't pull me over this weekend! On a lightner note thanks guys for jumpin on here and making this fun, it's appreciated after yesterday that had me a little fired up. I am really lookin forward to havin everyone out next month for the high stakes bags tourney and the beer pong battle!


August 24, 2008
12:13:11 AM

Entry #: 2880545
Fish... so are you getting a team for desoto or are you already playing with someone.... bc you said something to me at NC and i am just making sure, but let me know what is going on with that... And would you like me to make your bullseye Bright red and white or would you rather have it Orange with hollands name on it haha jp... good luck with that! ill bring you some catching gear! happy early bday haha


August 24, 2008
7:56:22 PM

Entry #: 2881024
will someone finally kill this post!! We all know Fisher is having a big party 9/19-9/23. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

August 25, 2008
2:33:40 PM

Entry #: 2882099
No one is forcing you to click on here and read it.


August 25, 2008
9:13:25 PM

Entry #: 2882787
I cant even give a guy a little sh*t without a nameless wonder sounding off!!


August 25, 2008
9:48:28 PM

Entry #: 2882822
There's been a few "no name" posts on this blog The sausage fest comment deserved an anonymous post more than ur last O!


August 26, 2008
9:12:18 AM

Entry #: 2883219
B, sorry bubba just got back in the office today I was in Missouri fishing for the last three days and saw you had written me. Noone has ever gotten back to me, everyone wanted to play but I can't round up everyone at once to collect or get definite answers. I have had so much goin on that to tell you the truth, I haven't spent much time on it buddy sorry. I think I am going to hop on and play with a team that is already in becasue I just don't have the time to put anything together. OHNEY! What's up man...?? I get back in here after being gone and Ohney is tryin to kill my "Bustin' Fish's Balls Official Post"! And I think that no one said anything about your SausageFest comment because honestly a bunch of guys (unless they bring wives and g'friends) sitting around drinking beer and throwing bags and washers talking softball is pretty much what it is...a sausage party. I don't think anyone was gonna argue that point. LOL.


August 28, 2008
9:21:07 AM

Entry #: 2886352
Fish....I am gonna take it way back..Why u wore a running back's # at QB in high school...was Doug Flutie your should have listened to pops and came and played with the Red Devils..we would of let you have a QB # unlike the Lions..Second String behind a freshman (me) of course...haha...I have known ya longer than most on here and thought I would chime in. See ya at Dtown tourney bro.



August 29, 2008
8:45:30 AM

Entry #: 2887632
Brock, you know I would have jumped ship in a heartbeat brother!! If I wouldn't have been threatened by my coaches W/ Vito, Big Tony and Pauly Walnuts in a dark room! And the RB # was cause I started the yr at fullback, don't ask me why. I wish I would have moved though it would have saved me quite a few azz whoopins on Fri nights. Would have loved to play for your pops, he's a good man. Thanks Brock, I have known you longer than most and you really are killin the ball this yr, I haven't seen you in a while. Good luck to you buddy!

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