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TOPIC: Cheating is so prevalent |
| CC & coke
September 23, 2008 8:48:44 AM
Entry #: 2917857
| Cheating in the USPL is nothing new the day humans first discovered athletic competition, we began seeking an easier way to win. It's human nature. All weekend long you could tell that certain teams were looking for fame or glory bringing ONLY their best players. It comes as no surprise that some teams are manipulating injuries and work related issues to ensure that their roster was less than fifteen. It is like in the pros when they fake birth certificates or stick themselves with needles and bending seemingly any rule they can get away with in order to win. It was a sad display.
| Gimme
September 23, 2008 9:57:55 AM
Entry #: 2917985
| Yep, I’m sure The Plumbers asked Stevie Mac not to come out on Saturday because they wanted to go with fewer players on their bench.
And The Bisons told Kevin Shotbolt to take his time coming back from Germany... they’d get by without him.
Just like last year when DST told Fraser to stay home for the Finals... who needs a guy like that getting in the way.
| kaber
September 23, 2008 1:09:40 PM
Entry #: 2918350
| I would agree that the particular players you mentioned wouldn't be the obvious choices to send home but I do know of at least 1 player that was not playing and could have been...it seems to happen every year and I won't name teams but you know who you are...sadly we forget that this is a rec league and everyone pays and has the right to play...I am as competitive as the next guy but would never want one of my team mates not to play or show...
That being said, I think this was the best year in my 9 or 10 years playing here and I enjoyed playing all my competition...looking forward to next year when we will see the Bistro hold aloft the Championship trophy
| StevieMac
September 23, 2008 7:15:15 PM
Entry #: 2919000
| Yes Unfortunately I had to work on Saturday and I was of no help on Sunday for my team but I am getting sick of hearing that someone was told not to come or the phone call was made, I would love for someone to tell me that I was not wanted to come out to play..... I PAY the same money as everyone does we are all untitled to play the exact + or - one inning or so NOT games ... IF YOU PAY, YOU PLAY simple as that if someone is being told to stay home step up to the plate and say so tell the USPL exec. make them do something about this.... Same as some of degrading talk about teammates who may not be as good as one of the others. Do not sit back and take the abuse or let them sit you extra innings because you may not be as good ,THIS IS NOT THE WORLD SERIES IT IS A RECREATIONAL LEAGUE........WE ALL PLAY HERE
Enough said StevieMAC
| StevieMac
September 23, 2008 8:30:41 PM
Entry #: 2919097
| Oh and while I am on a bit of a rant why don't all the of the cowards come out from behind the nicknames you all seem to have something to say why not say it with your real names instead of hiding
you know who I am
| Bob
September 24, 2008 11:10:43 AM
Entry #: 2919850
| I agree with you Steve. There are a lot of team mates that are afraid to use their real names. The executive knows who they are. Maybe the executive should publish them.
| Gimme
September 24, 2008 1:32:25 PM
Entry #: 2920126
| Earlier this week, I made light of the whole cheating accusation. I honestly didn’t believe that anyone would ever say to a teammate “Please sit out”.
I mean, honestly, how does that conversation go??:
Team Captain: “Uh, Johnny, it looks like we’re going to have all 15 of us at the playoffs this weekend. Some of the guys were wondering if perhaps you’d be better off nursing that sore pinky rather than playing.” Johnny: “I was really looking forward to the playoffs… actually, my pinky’s fine!” Team Captain: “You know, with 15 guys, that means an awful lot of sits in a 7 inning game, which means Bluto and Brutus won’t be able to help us as much. Also, it’s tough to get them in a hitting rhythm when we’re batting 15. Fewer guys in the lineup would really benefit us. My, that pinky’s looking pretty swollen.” Johnny: “But… but… my family was SO looking forward to seeing me play.” Team Captain: “Think about the team, Johnny. Tell you what, you nurse that sore pinky and keep score, your kid can be the bat boy, and everyone will be happy. How’s that sound?” Johnny: “Well, OK, if you honestly think that’ll help the team win the Championship, I’ll do it.” Team Captain: “That’s great, Johnny. And let’s just keep this conversation between us, OK?”
Could that type of exchange really happen??
Well apparently I’m pretty naïve, because I thought not. However, I’ve since found out that at least 3 conversations resembling this took place during the playoffs. I am flabbergasted.
I fully agree with StevieMac, we need someone to step forward and put an end to this. If you had a similar conversation with anyone on your team, please contact the league executive (of course, that may pose a problem if it’s one of the league executives asking you to sit out!!!). But please, do not put up with this crap. Do not let others get so competitive that they ruin the spirit of the league. Speak up.
| Ledge
September 25, 2008 5:41:14 AM
Entry #: 2921114
| I pay more money than everyone because I am dumb and forget all about it until April...haha