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Author TOPIC: Brownstown's at it again!

November 4, 2008
10:34:07 PM

Entry #: 2975254
Talk about bullitin board material. Apparently the Brownstown Braves do not respect us as a quality opponent this weekend. I went to their website at ( and if you click on the "War Room" on the left of their frontpage you will find all kinds of smack talk. Some Clown called the "Great Pumpkin" has an article called "Top 10 ways to slaughter a Ram" and it does nothing but make fun of us. To be honest it is kind of humorous but it is still pretty obvious they don't respect us. Everybody check it out and tell us what you think of it. I don't know, maybe it's no big deal but their arrogant attitude will catch up to them this Friday.


November 5, 2008
4:02:19 PM

Entry #: 2976191
Its all just our fans having a fun time. I know I respect Paoli and the turn around you all have made the last few seasons. Should be a good one friday night. Good luck!

Brave Spirit

November 5, 2008
4:07:22 PM

Entry #: 2976205
If you look at past post, there has been similar post like that about other teams we have played for the last several weeks. No disrespect meant. Paoli has had a great season, we are looking forward to a great game come Friday. Hope the rain stays away during the game.

It's all in good clean fun!


November 5, 2008
4:24:58 PM

Entry #: 2976240
What kind of CRAP are they trying to feed us??? Everybody knows Brownstowns a bunch of cocky jerks. Their players are always cocky and they think they're better than everybody else. They set up there on Maple street and mouth off to all the vistitors. GIVE ME A BREAK. GOOD CLEAN FUN MY REAR. I ain't buying it. Am I the only one from Paoli that thinks this way? If so I'll just roll over like everybody else and lay there and take it.


November 5, 2008
8:45:40 PM

Entry #: 2976581
I'm on your team again old71. I know who you are we played together not that long ago. Your right about Btown. I worked there for about 2 months and had to get away fromn all the ignorant suck up football parents trying to kiss Reed Mays *%#(#. They're all the same over there. They think they could plant dog dung in their football field and grow roses. Where the heck is Shizz at anyway? How come he ain't got nothin to say about all this? Brownstown is gon to get the you know whats handed to em this week and they better act like they respect us even though we know they dont.


November 6, 2008
3:23:54 AM

Entry #: 2976817
Why would we sit there on our forum and post that we THINK we can beat you guys?? We arent going to be negative toward our team. So when did you boys play...not to long ago?? Wasnt to long ago I played...see ya'll friday.


November 6, 2008
5:56:05 AM

Entry #: 2976836
Come on out and play big mouths. Time to take your medicine!"TOUCHDOWN!" "BROWNSTOWN!" "WHOOOOO!"


November 6, 2008
7:32:58 AM

Entry #: 2976868
Potpie, I think Shizz is just excited to see that someone's actually getting on this forum besides him. Check this and your basketball forum out and you'll see that he seems to be the only one who makes any comments for the most part. If he's the webmaster, then he's done a good job and more people ought to take an interest. As for Friday night, let's let the young men on the field take care of the business. The old guys and gals in the stands just need to do the cheerin' and supportin' and remember this is a game for the kids. I'm sure both teams will be ready to play, and we should see some outstanding individuals on the field. (Laswell might be the best athlete in Southern IN. Hopefully we can negate him.)


November 6, 2008
11:44:17 AM

Entry #: 2977176
you need to get it right old71 it's not maple street,it's a "NIGHTMARE ON ELM ST"

Brave Spirit

November 6, 2008
12:11:24 PM

Entry #: 2977224
Whatever it takes to get your team motivated.
Horn Man, it goes to show what Ol71 knows about Btown, the players, fans, coaches & community.



November 6, 2008
8:58:57 PM

Entry #: 2978069
First off I like that there is finally been some people startin some crap and it's not me...ok with that said I just wanna know who Pot Pie and old71 are maybe they can drop me a hint...I just think the numbers add up for the Rams you know 31 years since their last sectional championship...they're playin in sectional 31...they won the Boys Basketball Sectional at Brownstown in 2008 so it's kinda weird how that goes anyway just to keep this little topic rolling I figured I just have to say somethin to keep it goin wanna keep it low key for now...just keep posting stuff it's nice to read someone else's opinions...



November 7, 2008
12:15:40 AM

Entry #: 2978245
Shizz you've got to be kidding me. I can't believe you can't figure out who me and the Pieman are. I'll give you two hints and only you will know who we are. Pot Pie and me played together a few years ago and I was #71 and he was 23. We are cousins (my Dad and his Mom are brother and sister.) If you still don't know then I will meet you underneath the flagpole at the Brownstown field at halftime Friday night. That is I'm assuming even Brownstown has a flagpole but I'm not betting on it. If it is outside of a fence then just stand as close as you can to it and when I see you there I'll come up and say hello. It's probably been a year since we last talked maybe longer. See you tomorrow night.


November 7, 2008
7:49:32 AM

Entry #: 2978343
Old71, the best I can tell looking at the past rosters there have been no #71 or #23 for about the past 15 years. Soooooo, either you guys were so darn good that they retired your numbers OR so bad that the athletic department said "never again, it's too embarrassing!". Which was it???

Brave Spirit

November 7, 2008
11:54:12 AM

Entry #: 2978687
1990, Old enough to know better but...


November 7, 2008
12:25:13 PM

Entry #: 2978758
i'm not even from paoli and i'm a big rams fan. so i hope we stomp their asses good.
to bad i cant go to the game tonight :[



November 7, 2008
5:02:03 PM

Entry #: 2979196
Hey Coby. I never said "anything" about playing for "PAOLI" you MORON.


November 8, 2008
9:59:27 AM

Entry #: 2979657
Moron? Now I'm hurt Old71. Just for that, I won't tell you that I thought the Rams played a good game last night, or that they've got the makings for a heck of a run next year. I won't tell you that I thought Laswell's performance was one of the best I've seen in many years. Nope, I won't tell you that because you probably don't read very well so you'd never comprehend what I was writing and you'd sure as heck wouldn't be able to remember it long enough to even tell your buddies.

So you never played for Paoli? I'm assuming the Blackhawks, maybe? Anyway, it doesn't matter. I sure hope you found our flagpole. It was at the North end of the field, the same field where Paoli fans gathered after their LOSS last night. Nice field, isn't it?

I won't waste anymore words on you. The Rams played well last night and they've got nothing to be embarrassed about. It was well played by both squads and the senior leadership showed up for the Braves. As for the Rams, they will be a handful next year for anyone they play. Now I'm hoping that Brownstown can take their "A" game to Southridge next week.


November 8, 2008
4:50:46 PM

Entry #: 2979920
the numbers 71 and 23 still have me puzzled

I just want to let everyone know that I traveled down the ol' "Elm Street" or as the Brownstown folks call it "Nightmare on Elm Street" and I kinda know now why it's all Brownstown folks and noone else becuase as soon as you turn down it you see s group or street full of people who would make Freddy Kruger look attractive...not only that but it's the strangest damn thing you can imagine you have like zombie like people starin at you with their black and red ensemble...I got no complaints about goin to Brownstown except the Popcorn vender givin me the "zombie stare" while handing me popcorn that tasted like it had a 50 pound sack of salt poured on it but all was cold excpet the cold wind and the beginning...hope The Rams can make a journey to face Brownstown again next season.



November 8, 2008
7:47:51 PM

Entry #: 2980088
Boy, Shizz, I can't believe you are knockin' our popcorn (gotta agree with you, though about last night's offering). Normally it's pretty good but I had a feeling that soft drink sales were down considering the cold weather so they were looking for a way to boost the sales. Glad you got to meet the Elm Street bunch. Hope you behaved yourself over there. I didn't hear of any missing persons reports being filed last night so I assume you didn't rile the friendly folks here too bad. As crowded as that was last night despite the weather, you should have seen it the night the Owls came calling, or the afternoon we hooked up a few years back with Mater Dei. Now that was a lot of fun and a great atmosphere.

Glad you hope to make it back to Brownstown again some time but I will have to tell you that I think the setting that you have at Paoli is about as nice a place to play as there is around with the woods and everything as a backdrop. The 1/2 mile walk from the school parking lot and back isn't much fun (unless you've won) but it is a good place for football.

Hope you can I.D. 71 and 23. Maybe those were their playing numbers on the sandlots of Orleans or somewhere else down there. Got to tell you that being called a moron kind of hurt. I guess I wasted four years of college for nothing'


November 10, 2008
12:59:41 PM

Entry #: 2982233
Yeah that mater dei game at b-town was a good one a couple years ago. OLDLB knows what i am talking about. Wish i could have seen the game lasdt friday, but i was a little bit busy training and all. I read the post that OLD71 put on the BC webpage and i figured i would come on here and see what the fuss is all about. old71, where did you work? Was it really that bad? I was born and raised in the brownstown area and i never experienced and football parents sucking up to coach may or anything, but maybe that is because my father is a coach and i remember what it was like before coach may came. I am glad to see success in other southern indiana football programs. 71 and 23 why dont you just say who you are? is the confidentiality of this forum that important to you?


November 10, 2008
5:02:06 PM

Entry #: 2982798
I didn't work in Brownstown. Pot Pie did. And I can't and won't speak for him but almost everything "I" said was just to stir the pot a little. I don't even know very much about Brownstown except that they do indeed have a flagpole! Anyway my seasons done and I am too.


November 10, 2008
9:31:29 PM

Entry #: 2983160
old71 You can't give up yet basketball season is just around the corner...maybe you can light a fire under more people the forums need it...maybe you can get another riot started...



November 10, 2008
11:06:24 PM

Entry #: 2983297
Shiz, I think I've done enough damage the way it is. All I wanted to do was get our boys fired up and get our fans riled a little bit but I've already got the Great Pumpkin guy kicked off of the Brownstown message board. I guess they take it pretty serious over there. I went to your basketball site and there's already somebody taking over that one from YOU! I fugured I'd better quit playing around before the F.B.I. gets involved (ha). Tell me the truth Shiz. Have the Paoli folks been talking about our little squabble or not?


November 11, 2008
6:31:35 PM

Entry #: 2984545
I really haven't heard much from the Paoli people about our encounter if you want to call it that...I just can't believe you make all this noise and try and get somethin started and as soon as it ends you go back into hiding...maybe I need to go over to the basketball forum there and see what you are talkin about...

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