| Web USPL
November 8, 2008 11:11:34 AM
Entry #: 2979693
• The intention of this division is to provide another option for 40 year old and over recreational slow pitch players. The key aspects are safety, fun and organized competition. • The division is governed by the existing USPL constitution, rules and structure. A committee of the USPL Executive will manage the division. Some minor rule changes may be incorporated into the division, at the discretion of the division members. • The Monday Masters Division will have 4 teams in 2009 • Player priorities for Monday Masters Division shall be existing USPL members first, then alumni, then Wednesday night members, and lastly others. • The league has reserved Crosby Field for Monday (3 slots), Tuesday (3 slots) and Thursday (1 slot at 9:30). Ashton field is reserved for Mon-Wed (9 slots in total) • All divisions have the same league registration fee
What Happens to Existing Divisions (Gayman, Toogood) and Existing Teams?
• None of the existing 18 teams will be dissolved (ie players dispersed via "A" Draft) unless they lose 10 or more players in total to the Monday Masters Division, the "A" draft or due to leaving the league. • Teams may be merged if there is an opportunity, as this allows friends to continue to play together (eg 2 teams each with 6-7 players remaining). • If insufficient players are registered, rosters will be shortened to as little as 12 players (15 maximum). Teams can use Monday Masters Division players as spares, as well as continue to use the regular spares/reserve list and players from other teams, as today. • Teams will continue to play 25 games per year, as today • Field allocation to be shared proportionally with teams from other divisions, eg each team plays about 40% of games at Crosby Field, as today • No change to the playoff format will occur
What are Some Details on the Monday Masters Division? • Rosters will be minimum 12 players (15 maximum). No defaults. May use Spare/Reserve List (if over 40) and other Monday Masters players. • Rating system to be used to balance Monday Masters Division teams. Committee will rate players from 1-10. One pitcher and one infielder per team initially. • One game per week, on Mondays at 6.30 or 8.00, including Holiday Mondays. • Total of 20 games. • Field allocation to be shared proportionally with teams from other divisions, eg each team plays about 40% of games at Crosby Field. • Playoffs on same weekend and fields as Toogood and Gayman Divisions. • Players can go back to Toogood and Gayman Divisions via "A" Draft. Can go back to old team within 2 years subject to availability of a spot and league exec approval. • Yearly or biyearly re-drafting, to allow teams to stay balanced.