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Author TOPIC: End of season awards

December 10, 2008
6:30:55 PM

Entry #: 3012329

and also to Riley what was the furthest shot you witnessed this yr


December 10, 2008
7:11:33 PM

Entry #: 3012356
EW at Foster field during BP when he put it over the right field fence with the Miken Pyscho< Never been juiced! Then again congrats to him but who really cares how far the ball is hit. Seriously if you dont win whats the difference?


December 10, 2008
7:12:45 PM

Entry #: 3012357
wow what a team player


December 10, 2008
7:19:05 PM

Entry #: 3012367
Yours during the fall at CJ is a close 2nd but its hard to say because no one has seen it land yet. hahhahaha


December 10, 2008
7:21:08 PM

Entry #: 3012370
I think some kid in Japan caught it in the jaw


December 10, 2008
7:31:05 PM

Entry #: 3012381
omg smack is getting fucking bad quick


December 10, 2008
7:56:19 PM

Entry #: 3012398
Hodde drunk at 730?


December 10, 2008
8:19:49 PM

Entry #: 3012430
Hey Reily, didnt that ball land in your truck?

I think EW...GT...and Neil Lesniek are 3 of the leagues top players, but there are a bunch of number 2 guys and it wouldnt be fair to single out everyone.

I saw Ernie hit a ball a ton this year but also Pete Ianelli sent one this year at Club Jogues to West warwick...But Ern's was DEEEP


December 10, 2008
11:42:12 PM

Entry #: 3012562
I did it in practices but Pete has done it out of foster in a game. That was the furthest shot I saw in a game this year other than the one Dutilly hit into Craig's truck. That was a bomb.

The best hit of the year though would easily have been the one Craig was going to give Dutilly's head in fall ball, but Dutilly realized he was about to die and actually shut his mouth just in time. Instead Craig only slapped his fake Dolce and Gabana glasses off.

The funniest play i saw this year ..... i'm gonna go with anytime Dutilly tried to field a ball.


December 11, 2008
12:30:34 AM

Entry #: 3012583
How far in the fence in right at Foster? Does anyone know?


December 11, 2008
8:05:44 AM

Entry #: 3012652
its 350 right down the line and goes out to about 390 in the triangle. Measured with Tommy Distefanos 300' contractors tape before a game a few years ago.


December 11, 2008
9:34:57 AM

Entry #: 3012698
Hey do you remember when VFW played Club jogues and Artie shot the middle by mistake and just missed Hodde? Well the swirl about that was enough but i remeber Dutilly at the plate and Artie coaching 1st and Dutilly said to Hodde" You want me to hit him Rob" and he shot a ball right at Arties head and just missed him. Dont think Bobby was trying that hard but it just missed his head...


December 11, 2008
9:41:22 AM

Entry #: 3012704
Gopher you weren't lucky enough to be around when Lessard was playing for VFW to see him do that to Artie. He did it so often that Artie started hiding in the opposing dugout if need be to avoid it while he was coaching a base. Now that was some funny shit.


December 11, 2008
9:53:17 AM

Entry #: 3012712
I remember the first timei saw him and VFW. You guys used to call him 'Bed Head" He showed up and I said " who the fuck is that" and then he headed out to play Short stop and i was laughing my head of....and the first batter for us hit it there and he dove for the ball....stabbed up and threw it accross the field like a rocket and got the runner!!!! At that point I said were screwed...Then he batted and before we knew it we were down 648 runs....LOL


December 11, 2008
11:17:40 AM

Entry #: 3012804
kumbaya kumbaya kumbaya, you guys gonna all hug too you bunch of homo's.

(Gopher) Ew remember when you hit the ball real far that was awsome. You are great.

(EW) aw thanks gopher you know you can sure eat the hell out of a pizza. Dutilly really is the good one.

(Dutilly) slurp slurp you like that ew huh? thanks for letting me go down on you. I even took the teeth out.


December 11, 2008
5:19:07 PM

Entry #: 3013107
very well said hinske


December 12, 2008
9:28:55 AM

Entry #: 3013487
hey hinske look up yup just another one of your popups....


December 12, 2008
10:01:55 AM

Entry #: 3013515
You maybe right. I do suck at softball. But then again im not affraid to put my name on shit.


December 12, 2008
4:22:42 PM

Entry #: 3013771
Hinske, you don't suck. You just hit alot of popups.


December 12, 2008
4:25:11 PM

Entry #: 3013775
i think keenans shot in fall ball at wash. oak against trust was one of the deepest shots if not the deepest in this league..


December 12, 2008
8:14:59 PM

Entry #: 3013913
Hinske i will be by to drop off some toys and my video on how to hit for you on tuesday


December 17, 2008
3:50:21 PM

Entry #: 3016770
i think dutilly gets mvp for least amount of balls caught in his glove, least amount of teeth and least amount of assists at the plate from balls thrown from the outfield, great job this year with the glove dut, do me a favor, next year leave your glove at home and if your ever behind the plate in a game that im playing in i will quit on the spot because i cannot stress enough how bad you suck a dead elephants rotting cock at catching a ball, truly horrendous.
ew hit a ball at hunters this fall that had more miles on it then fiskeys bike did this whole year!
ryman has mvp for most successful cumshots swollowed from a certain player
and last but not least chapman gets a buckeye for the only player to get a hit while commiting a felony for indecent exposure, priceless!


December 17, 2008
5:40:17 PM

Entry #: 3016886
coming from a guy who barely beat ryman in a homerun derby has no credibility


December 17, 2008
6:24:04 PM

Entry #: 3016925
Funniest play: Daren climbing up and over the fence in left in Foster, trying to be cute and catch a homerun on the other side of the fence..only to realize he misjudged it and having the ball land short of the fence...I believe it ended up being an inside the park homerun. Best hitter nobody talks about: Eric Weimer Eaton. MVP: Kate. If she wasnt dating Ian I would have quit long long ago. If I quit long long ago, Daren wouldnt have played. If Daren doesnt play who the Hell plays short for the defending champs? Nobody. I would say the league MVP is either Daren or Ed McG. Best Homerun: My 3 run blast against Hendricken 1981...thats in the Best Homerun Ever category. Best in Coventry? Cornicelli hit one in Fall playoffs oppo into the parking lot at Jogues. But come on..the best has to be my called shot in the playoffs against CM with $4 on the line. I am sure PaulyH is re-telling the story right now. Most fun team to play against: Has to be us. Second. CM was great, with never ending Fiskey antics, best game for fun and drama had to be game 2 of Botelhos vs Rochs..multiple omebacks, extra innings, lots of good guys on Rochs. And even though we got stomped...Dionne, Hinske, Keenan, TommyGun, Sleeze, Demonti are actually a lot of fun to play against....last psot ever. Merry Christmas. To all except Gopher

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