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Author TOPIC: Haugen BaseBlog
Comments/Questions for Haugen BaseBlog

January 9, 2009
9:13:16 AM

Entry #: 3028209
This message board topic is available for any comments about the Haugen BaseBlog. This message board can be accessed through the Po' Folks Banter link on the left, or the links on the blog's header and footer.


January 19, 2009
11:52:33 AM

Entry #: 3034014
This year I’m muscling up and giving myself the green light all year round. When you give me the take sign, I’m just going to giggle, dig in, and take a hop step slow-pitch swing at the next pitch I get. Pitchers beware.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! God I hope thats the plan!

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