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Author TOPIC: All My Rowdy Friends Have Settled Down.

February 8, 2009
9:30:16 PM

Entry #: 3050601
This used to be an entertaining site to read but I guess everyone has decided to quit for some reason or another. Where did everybody go?


February 15, 2009
12:04:41 PM

Entry #: 3056524
Don't know maybe Sherlock you can jump right on that case and see what happend to everyone...


February 15, 2009
12:22:24 PM

Entry #: 3056531
It has to be the new sign in system has gotten everyone spooked. Nobody wants to give their identity away. Could be the same person playing pranks and can't log on as each person so they quit or maybe they really are just getting bored with it. Either way I'm pretty sure most of this is just a prank. Doesn't matter though. It was fun while it lasted.

The Ramer

February 15, 2009
9:02:05 PM

Entry #: 3056813
Im still visiting site.Waiting for the good shepard or shizz to give us more inside info to Ram basketball. How about it Sherpard man or Shizz anything new? I went was at rams great victory over Brownstown.That was a very exciting game.


February 15, 2009
9:12:36 PM

Entry #: 3056826
I think they are too worried about passing on notes than writing on was interesting and entertaining while it lasted...



February 16, 2009
7:59:49 PM

Entry #: 3057589
What are these "notes" you guys keep talking about? Where is the Shepherd?


February 17, 2009
7:53:52 PM

Entry #: 3058758
The notes thing revolves around old71 and ol Sheepster havin some random person walk up and hand you a note with a riddle that makes no sense Napoleon why are you so interested in hearing from the Sheepherder?



February 17, 2009
10:41:12 PM

Entry #: 3058975
It's kind of hard to explain. I guess I'm not quite sold on this guy beng the "know it all" that he claims to be but on the other hand I thought it was kind of fun to see some stranger come out of nowhere and act like he was just "TAKING OVER" this website. I thought it was funny the way you have been on the site doing this for all these years and some hot shot just seems to ignore you and starts his own kind of "talk show." But the reson I hope the Sheepster comes back on here is because I just can't stand not knowing if he is for real or just jerking us all around for the fun of it. From what it sounds like with the notes I'm betting that some kids are acting like they are the Sheepster and the other guy 71 and they are the ones riting them and giving them to you guys. I don't think that the Sheep guy would do that. He seems to upity acting to do something like that. he seems to act more professional than that but I could be wrong. I really don't mind if this guy is playing a joke on all of us but I hope when the seson is over he will admit that it was all a joke so we're not curious forever. Shizz it's possible you know this guy and he don't want to give out his email so you won't find out who he is. ever sinse the new system made every body use their email to log on most of these guys quit talking. What do you think?


February 18, 2009
10:14:24 PM

Entry #: 3060126
It's probably all a joke some hot shots tried to get some popoularity from this and it probably didn't get them anywhere (the same thing I tried years ago kinda worked for me...I guess some people get it and some don't


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