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Author TOPIC: Gym Time?

February 14, 2009
4:56:56 PM

Entry #: 3056201
To those with gym access-any idea when we can start getting in the gym?


February 16, 2009
8:31:34 AM

Entry #: 3057040
When do you want to get in there? Playing catch is the only option until our mighty baseball coaches get the cages up.


February 16, 2009
11:42:55 AM

Entry #: 3057189
Any time. Evenings, weekends, doesn't matter. It wouldn't be a bad thing to throw some before we start throwing BP.

Hopefully the mighty coaches can get the cage up soon. Is there anyone we can talk to about that??


February 16, 2009
12:40:49 PM

Entry #: 3057252
Have to wait until after basketball season to put up the nets. But Todd probably knows how to do it.

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