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Author TOPIC: Gunnin for us

February 25, 2009
11:41:49 AM

Entry #: 3066625
So I have already had people from the Knights and Spooner mention the day that we play them and how they will be sticking it to us. Anyone notice that last years stats are gone? It is go time!!!

Winning Willie

February 25, 2009
12:48:44 PM

Entry #: 3066723
That's what happens when you are the best team. Everyone wants to beat you....that's why you play hard, run out every ground ball like your nuts are on fire, communicate, take every plate appearance like it's your last, don't whine if you are not in the game because you may be called on later to contribute, break up double plays like a man, compliment each other, win for each other, don't let outside influences affect what happens between the lines.

It's easy to say you want to be the best, but are you willing to work for it? Play like it? Act like it? That's the real measure men!!!!


February 25, 2009
12:50:26 PM

Entry #: 3066726
Sometimes you have to swear on the pitcher's mound also....but I'm not doing that anymore.


February 25, 2009
2:37:32 PM

Entry #: 3066883
I want to meet Willie, he sounds like my kind of guy. Except the whole nuts on fire thing, I will pass on that


February 25, 2009
5:57:33 PM

Entry #: 3067095
A good way to judge character is how a person handles himself after he falls down. Does he get up and get after it, or does he sit and complain about it and make excuses?

Wait, maybe that's a bad example....

I too would like to meet this Willie fella. Sounds like a pretty neat guy.


February 26, 2009
7:53:10 AM

Entry #: 3067498
I thought the way to judge a person was based on how many beers they could drink

Movie Madness

February 26, 2009
8:21:20 AM

Entry #: 3067519
I don't care how liberated this world becomes - a man will always be judged by the amount of alcohol he can consume - and a woman will be impressed, whether she likes it or not.

Anyone know this movie?


February 26, 2009
2:49:03 PM

Entry #: 3067980
Cocktail, do I win a Red-Eye for knowing that?


February 26, 2009
6:14:29 PM

Entry #: 3068245
I'm going to assume that the "red-eye" is a drink. So what's in it?? Is it anything like the "Miller Shot"?

Movie Madness

February 27, 2009
7:29:11 AM

Entry #: 3068682
You win all of these mentioned in the next poem:

I am the last barman poet / I see America drinking the fabulous cocktails I make / Americans getting stinky on something I stir or shake / The sex on the beach / The schnapps made from peach / The velvet hammer / The Alabama slammer. / I make things with juice and froth / The pink squirrel / The three-toed sloth. / I make drinks so sweet and snazzy / The iced tea / The kamakazi / The orgasm / The death spasm / The Singapore sling / The dingaling. / America you've just been devoted to every flavor I got / But if you want to got loaded / Why don't you just order a shot? / Bar is open


February 27, 2009
11:17:44 AM

Entry #: 3068930
Coughlin's law: never show surprise, never lose your cool.


February 27, 2009
12:31:53 PM

Entry #: 3069023
Let's put that on the back of some t-shirts this summer.


February 27, 2009
8:33:37 PM

Entry #: 3069471
If we put "never lose your cool" on the shirts people would laugh at us

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