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Author TOPIC: Hoosier Hills Basketball

March 2, 2009
4:40:48 PM

Entry #: 3071729
Hey everybody there is a fairly new forum evryone can go to if you want to talk about this areas basketball teams. It is awesome. The best way I've found to get there is just go to "GOOGLE" and type in .......Hoosier Hills Basketball......and the very first thing on the top of the screen is the one you want. I've been trying to brag on Paoli for awhile but there are so many Homers" from Salem, Henryville, New Albany, Orleans, and on and on that it's hard to get them to see it my way. COME ON OVER THERE AND HELP ME OUT SHIZZ OR SOMEBODY!!! I've named myself "PowderKeg" and have been trying to be an equal oportunity insulter but I need help!


March 2, 2009
7:55:24 PM

Entry #: 3071965
First off who are you? and do I know you?...that might sway me in mentoring you on that other forum...



March 2, 2009
10:42:13 PM

Entry #: 3072156
No you don't know me. I don't care if you mention me or not on the other forum. It is just like this one only on a much bigger scale. Instead of 50 or 60 viewers reading these posts there are hundreds. But be prepared on getting bashed by all of the cocky young punks on there. There are those who just like to show off by disecting everything people say and making fun of it. Nothing better to do I guess. I think it's a great forum though. Most poeple are very sincere and just want to talk about basketball and their teams. Just like you do here Shizz. I've already made a fool of myself and got bashed for it. There is one forum about the top ten best Seniors in the MSC and I not only had the Rachiel kid from Austin (who is only a Junior) I had Lazwell from Paoli!! Paoli ain't even in the MSC! I just screwed up and got my rear end roasted for it. I don't have a clue what I was thinking. Oh well.


March 2, 2009
10:49:27 PM

Entry #: 3072162
Man I'm losing it! I messed up again. It wasn't Lazwell it was Brandon Jones I talked about. Good thing nobody does know me huh.


March 4, 2009
7:47:21 AM

Entry #: 3073778
Napoleon, I've been reading that forum. Yeah, you have to be brain dead, but at least you admit it.

Watched the Rams and Eagles last night. Austin looked like they were playing with the old weight jackets from the 70s that kids practiced with. Very lethargic, very slow. Paoli does have the best athlete around and he proved it all game long. It'll be interesting just how BC defends him on Friday.


March 4, 2009
8:41:11 PM

Entry #: 3074969
Napoleon...gotta say I enjoyed our little chat the other night never would've thought that it would be someone like you mouthing people...goin to the Brownstown game?

and once again it's always nice to hear from the Brownstown Faithful again



March 4, 2009
10:48:38 PM

Entry #: 3075111
Can't judge a book by its cover can you? I'll go to the game if I'm not coon huntin. My dogs about on his last leg and times runnin out. I thought our boys played well enough to beat anybody in our Sectional. Should be another classic game against Brownstown. If I go I'll come see you boys.

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