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March 9, 2009
3:46:17 PM

Entry #: 3080216
Just would like some thoughts from guys who were not at the meeting . Do you think we need to make team insurance mandatory again or is the policy we have ok ? Just to let you know teams are not required to have insurance but can choose to get it on their own .

- The new waiver will read CSPL is not responsible for death or injuries caused by playing softball in the league. Basicly play at your own risk .
- The insurance is around $200 a team
- The city of Warwick does not require it
- The city of Cranston does require it
- If you are hurt playing softball do you expect the league to pay ?


March 9, 2009
4:50:12 PM

Entry #: 3080309

I think due to the controversy this year with the new balls that it should be mandatory. I think with us going even harder this year than last years trump balls it will put an added risk to all of our leagues pitchers and infielders. Lets be realistic most of the teams pictheres in the league are older veterans and no offense to them their reaction times are not as good as they used to be or as some of us younger guys.
I think just the idea that their might be a chance someone could get hurt this year that the league shoud vote on the idea of safety first for all players. $200 a team is a resonable amount of money per team and will protect everyone including the league. on an average team their is at least 15 rosters spots filled thats only $14 a guy broken down i think any player who wouldn't pay that to protect themselves would be foolish.


March 9, 2009
5:02:28 PM

Entry #: 3080320
Artie whats the big problem with having it? Like you said it is only a couple houndres bucks a team. If it means that someone who can't afford Medical on there own will be covered if they get hurt then i say yes...lets get.


March 10, 2009
12:59:04 AM

Entry #: 3080995
With all the money I saved by switching to Geico (uh...I mean Botelho Ins), this is one of the "older veteran pictheres" (or pitcher for those without spell check) who’d be willing to spend the extra $ to be insured.

The funniest part of that post was: “their reaction time is not what it used to be”. Maybe we should borrow one of the screens from Bases Loaded!


March 10, 2009
2:02:31 AM

Entry #: 3081007
whats this more money for artie to fuck everyone with???


March 10, 2009
7:46:09 AM

Entry #: 3081070
ballbag im against it , all the guys ive talked to on my team have insurance so we dont need it . i also talked to a personnel injury lawyer who plays softball. i quote " when you get the insurance your just asking to get sued " . the waiver is all we need . it comes down to personal risk maybe you shouldnt ride a bike without insurance . google softball lawsuits you come up with nothing because it doesnt happen . i ask a rep why do they have it ? the answer was "its a cash cow and everybody gets a peice of it before the company gets its money ". just saying keep it a team option not mandatory .

E W 3 3

March 11, 2009
8:10:02 AM

Entry #: 3082632
personally i dont like the idea at all. For the guys who want the insurance they should be the ones paying for the whole thing. This sounds like an idea cooked up by some retarded democrat who likes the welfare system.

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