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Author TOPIC: Collection for Dimonti

April 14, 2009
9:03:25 AM

Entry #: 3123019
The league will be taking up a collection this week to help dimonti. We are asking that everyone donate a dollar this week, more if you'd like but we are going to try our best to buy Dimonti a life before the end of the season. We know it will take much more than a dollar from everyone but we need to start somewhere and hope to have more fundraisers in the future


April 14, 2009
12:20:00 PM

Entry #: 3123241
just by the way your dumb ass spelled my name i know exactly who you are. thanks for careing bud, i urge the league to donate as much as you can, i really could use a life.
as for you lickmynuts you little fuckin coward, i did a little investigating and now know exactly who you are cop!!!


April 14, 2009
4:07:38 PM

Entry #: 3123494
Mikey D is this what you were talking about yesterday...LOLOLOL


April 14, 2009
4:27:58 PM

Entry #: 3123523
yes, and i know who was at that meeting and took offense to it and decided to stare me down all nite, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, i love that shit, bring it on motherfucker, anytime hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


April 14, 2009
4:38:01 PM

Entry #: 3123543
Mike please tell. I wasn't able to make the meeting


April 14, 2009
4:59:05 PM

Entry #: 3123565
who the heck is this demonti guy? what team does he play for?


April 14, 2009
9:02:16 PM

Entry #: 3123811
hey lickmytaint, some one came up to me out of the blue and gave me 20 bucks tonite, thanks for the plug on the site, this is awesome, thanks again you little cunt


April 15, 2009
12:35:52 PM

Entry #: 3124465
demonti how the hell did you guys do so well the first tournement then blow it in the first game of the second tounry? what the hell happen to you guys and when are you playing on saturday?


May 1, 2009
5:04:20 PM

Entry #: 3141225
hey brett and moulton, im coming to collect on the money you have raised for my life you guys were supposed to buy me, dickheads.

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