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TOPIC: sunday... |
| Puck
April 21, 2009 1:59:02 PM
Entry #: 3130425
| i would like to have an idea of who is all going to be able to make the game this weekend, either let me know or post it on the board...
| Niner
April 21, 2009 5:59:37 PM
Entry #: 3130697
| I'll be there Sunday Puck. I hope to make it there Saturday by 10 but I might be slightly late if I end up staying in stc Friday night (i ump Friday night).
| Chuke
April 21, 2009 6:14:44 PM
Entry #: 3130716
| Should we say if you cannot be there post it on the board or let Puck know? If you don't say anything at all we will assume you are coming, and of course this goes for myself as well. But i will be there!
| 11
April 21, 2009 7:37:26 PM
Entry #: 3130803
| I will be there. What time should we be at the feild, I want to know how the new regime is going to be. Is there going to be much feild prep before the game?
| Puck
April 21, 2009 9:34:43 PM
Entry #: 3130929
| - hopefully all that needs to be done to the field will be done on saturday so that by sunday we can worry about baseball
- a big thanks to tony and the dormanen bros for going out to matt leritz stadium last weekend and doing a lot of work to the field (spike drag, picking weeds, mowing, working on the mound, etc.) to make it look dramatically better and get it ready to play on
- as for when to be there sunday, i think a good rule for most games (exceptions will probably be the tourneys due to a lack of a place to hit) will be to be at the field about an hour and a half before start time, that gives us enough time to get loose and hit without being in a rush, so basically when we play at 1:30 it would nice to have everyone at the field by noon
| Boss Hogg
April 22, 2009 9:08:48 AM
Entry #: 3131264
| I'll be there. I stopped out at the field last night and Tony, Shroom, myself, and George took some cuts and played catch. The ballpark looks pretty good considering last week when I drove by it still had snow on it and was covered with weeds.
Let's keep making small improvements and have pride in our ballpark. A little maintenance goes a long way.
Let's start off on the right foot and have a memorable season boys.
In Puck we trust!!
| 1e
April 22, 2009 10:22:29 AM
Entry #: 3131355
| I'll be there, maybe a little sunburnt but I'll be ready. I'm going to go see if I can get a game of stickball going here somewhere
| Jam12
April 22, 2009 11:47:28 AM
Entry #: 3131489
| Sorry Men, I will not be in attendance for our season opener.
| Etter
April 22, 2009 11:48:27 AM
Entry #: 3131491
| 1e thats not a bad idea. Hopefully a scout will see you playing stickball and you will get signed.
| Puck
April 22, 2009 12:30:38 PM
Entry #: 3131554
| i don't want sugey niemz striking you out in stickball and crapping all over your confidence at the plate...
| Boss Hogg
April 22, 2009 4:23:28 PM
Entry #: 3131813
| Looks like I am leading off playing second if Ben is gone. Oh wait it isn't 1997 anymore.
| Niner
April 22, 2009 5:51:15 PM
Entry #: 3131906
| Now I'm not sure if I will be able to practice or play Sunday, I have stitches behind my left shoulder due to mole removage, might not be good for throwing or swinging a bat. C-Bass wasn't that '96?
| 11
April 22, 2009 10:16:26 PM
Entry #: 3132203
| Make it a night game in Perham and I can play second.
| Big Tone
April 23, 2009 11:55:01 AM
Entry #: 3132645
| I might sleep at the field on saturday. Don't know how much longer i can hold the patience! Jeff and I up the middle might be a pretty nasty double play combo!
| 11
April 23, 2009 5:00:41 PM
Entry #: 3132873
| I too think the results would be pretty nasty. That's why it should never happen.
| PeteM
April 23, 2009 6:58:11 PM
Entry #: 3132956
| Etter, if you want some good juice before we start up, you can order it from www.isteroids.com. Prices range from $40-$400
| Etter
April 24, 2009 9:24:55 AM
Entry #: 3133368
| Thats not a bad idea... I will check it out, someone will have to shoot me up though since i have never done so before.
| 11
April 25, 2009 10:21:10 AM
Entry #: 3134224
| Everybody fire up for sunday. If anyone needs inspiration here you go, turn it up real loud: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S1NWyDtw6U