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TOPIC: Son or Son-in Law Rule |
| Web USPL
April 23, 2009 9:06:52 AM
Entry #: 3132376
| Gentlemen,
The rule below was defined and agreed upon at the last AGM. We have four of these circumstances in this year’s draft.
• Travel Lovers = father and son • Remax = father and son-in law
The above two players will be placed on their father’s team and will not be in the draft. The above teams will loose their first pick in the B draft.
• John Paul Giallonardo and his father Mario are in the draft. Mario is alumni of the league and is applied to come back to play with his son. If you draft one of these players you will get both automatically. Therefore you will have to have two roster spots on your team.
• Joe Bowen has applied to return to our league. He is also an alumni and a popular personality around town. We do not have a father rule so the executive has decided that Joe will be placed on the Unionville Arms team to play with his two sons. This is in the spirit of the league. The will lose their last pick in the B draft.
The rule is as follows:
Son or Son-in Law Can Play with Father
Any son or son in law who wishes to play with his father/father in law will automatically be placed on the Father’s team, without going through the Draft Process, assuming there is room on the roster. That team will lose its first draft pick in the “B” draft.
| Pinch Runner
April 26, 2009 3:45:27 PM
Entry #: 3134918
| Should it not be that the Arms pick of Joe Bowan count as their first pick out of the B draft, not their last. As Travel and Remax are being charged their first rd B draft pick for the son and son in law going to their teams.
Why is the rule different for different situations. I understand that family members are automatic placements but i was under the impressions that it would still cost you the teams first rd B draft pick, if that is the draft they are coming from.
Should it not be the same regardless who the family member is.
So how will the Mario G and his son work, will they count as the teams first 2 picks if the teams has more then 2 picks, or wil one of them be their last?
Can someone explain this to me so i am a bit more clear on this issue.
| Hands
April 26, 2009 6:45:59 PM
Entry #: 3135046
| the answer to your question is in the first post
April 26, 2009 6:57:11 PM
Entry #: 3135053
| The Arms will select Derek with their first pick in 'A' draft, which will have them lose their final 'B' draft selection as it has been done in previous years.
Family Member are not automatically placed together, only sons/son-in-laws do. At the last AGM it was voted if a son/son-in-law is placed on a team by this rule then that team would lose it's first 'B' draft selection. This year we have the opposite situation with Joe coming back to play with his sons, so as in the past the Arms will lose their last pick in the 'B' draft for Joe, because he is a father not a son being picked up.
In the case of the G's if Paulie is your pick in the 'B' draft then you get Mario automatically, like Joe, and he will account for your last pick. But if you chose Mario first then you get Paulie, his son, automatically with your next pick, as voted on.
Hope that clears it up for you.
| Pinch Runner
April 27, 2009 8:43:49 AM
Entry #: 3135359
| Chris, thank you very much that totally clears things up for me. Now im onboard.