Author |
TOPIC: All Soocer Managers Must Read |
| chelseafan
May 4, 2009 8:58:35 PM
Entry #: 3144462
| 3 New Rules :
1. Teams must sit on opposite sidelines and must sub. at halfline. 2. Any Yellow Card given to men or women, that team must play 1 player short for a maximum of 3 minutes 3. Slide Tacling is a Direct Kick. It used to be Indirect
Managers are responsible for the following :
1. Rosters are due the day of your 1st game. ( NO EXCEPTION ) * Penalty - start next game 0-1. 2. ID check will begin immediately after Roster is turned in. * Penalty - Player(s) will not play and manager is on probation. 3. Manager must note name on Roster 4. All Rosters and Add/Delte forms must include Legible Name, Signature, and phone number 5. An Assistant Manager is recommended 6. Every Team is required to bring 1 (size 5) soccer ball. * Penalty - Play with 1 player short 7. Numbers on Jerseys are required * Penalty - If only 1 player has no number, the entire team must wear bibs or city jerseys 8. Game Cards must be filled out correctly Name must be legible 9. Threats towards anyone will not be tolerated, so make sure you can control your team
May 4, 2009 9:12:24 PM
Entry #: 3144471
| chelseafan
May 5, 2009 11:33:48 AM
Entry #: 3145106
| If contact with player, YES
| Jomo86
May 5, 2009 9:51:00 PM
Entry #: 3145813
| wow I don't even play soccer but these rules seem kind of dumb... Don't you people play to have fun??? You people take the game way too serious.
| soccer11
May 5, 2009 11:00:47 PM
Entry #: 3145836
| so it dosn't get out of control, like softball.
| Daae
May 6, 2009 2:14:38 PM
Entry #: 3146576
| I have 2 players that can't make the first game, so you can't check their IDs until the following week. Will I be on probation for that?
| chelseafan
May 7, 2009 11:55:46 AM
Entry #: 3147831
| no, cas thats not your fault. if we id them at the fields and they don't have it, then yes
| strikers.com
June 7, 2009 2:16:16 PM
Entry #: 3178933
| I knew I read it somewhere