Little did I know last year that I was signing a celebrity.
First it was this....
Notice how he used his hands in that piece, a true professional.
Now a bus stop near you...
May 9, 2009 10:06:56 PM
Entry #: 3149916
is that an add for most times getting thrown our on the bases . i think juesus plays for resmondo
May 9, 2009 10:11:46 PM
Entry #: 3149918
Fucking D-Train is everywhere...He'e bigger in this state than
May 10, 2009 8:34:11 AM
Entry #: 3150064
Do you think he is wearing his patented contrasting socks?
May 10, 2009 8:42:51 AM
Entry #: 3150066
what the hell does El Danubio mean? And he will never be bigger than that I have Lemme, Lemme's girl, Lemme's brother and Lemme's uncle's business DS Lorenson Well...oh..and Ryno....and I cant wait for the day when I get to announce getting Dionne and Sons Oil.....soon, soon....and lastly, Zabbo is God
May 10, 2009 7:28:27 PM
Entry #: 3150495 wise you're my hero and you know as well as I do that I will be a client soon. But softball wise big EW is my hero, especially after watching him hit a bomb down the right field line at Foster today. But I do aspire to be a softball/business legend like yourself
May 10, 2009 8:10:05 PM
Entry #: 3150533
pedroia4pedroia....i dont know why Peter Gammons isnt blowing EW between double headers at Fenway. I know softball is far from baseball,,but EW is a freak and itsa puzzle why he is plays on Station Street andnot Yawkee Way. Of course ,Ernie Wright makes a wicked gay name for a super star about Crowe Bar/Wednesday/6
Stevens 4
May 11, 2009 10:36:34 AM
Entry #: 3151057
Ernie is fat and he humps his dog.
E W 3 3
May 11, 2009 10:54:29 AM
Entry #: 3151092
lb4lb I already give you my house insurance now it appears after that last post i should be getting that life insurance done soon. Stevens don't make me go all Demonti on your ass.
D Train
May 11, 2009 11:05:31 AM
Entry #: 3151108
Clearly this celebrity is distracting me as I seem to be hitting poorly. Damn paparazzi! And yes Mike I was wearing two different colored sox, only because I am color blind. lol
May 11, 2009 12:06:34 PM
Entry #: 3151223
Hey Botelho, this forum is for ball players. show up or get off! P.S. we can handle our own, you don't need to call other coaches and ask for them to lie down...
Stevens 4
May 11, 2009 1:10:43 PM
Entry #: 3151308
Jeff- Bob has as many at bats as I do...does that mean that I can't post either?
May 11, 2009 2:06:57 PM
Entry #: 3151420
No Brian, your posts are useful and funny. You may have as many at bats as Botelho, but your homerun per ab is better than his!
May 11, 2009 2:28:21 PM
Entry #: 3151448
jeff u mean his strikouts per at bat!!!
Stevens 4
May 11, 2009 2:34:54 PM
Entry #: 3151465
both are the same.
Stevens 4
May 11, 2009 2:36:44 PM
Entry #: 3151470
actually, hits, strike outs, homers are all the same...