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Author TOPIC: poll results

May 19, 2009
8:34:54 AM

Entry #: 3159940
What is the dealeooo with Travel Lovers? They won the best defense poll and now it looks like they are going to win the best bats. Can someone tell them to stop voting for themselves multiply times?

Mellowing Out

May 19, 2009
6:22:38 PM

Entry #: 3160796
Check out last years "best runs against" stats before you make a silly comment. I guess going from 17th to 4th overall last year and losing to a dynasty in the championship final after beating a strong offensive team in DST counts for nothing on this forum. It's always the same 5 wet behind the ears guys trading opinions and making bold predictions that end up holding no validity. I'll take the over on your predictions of games won for TL. We've lost some of our crafty, "older" veterans and gained youth, speed and good ball players via a deep draft. You experts do the math and see how we end up. Those of you who have voted for us for most runs for, we'll try to live up to your expectations....


May 20, 2009
9:15:29 AM

Entry #: 3161380
Well, I'm glad that's over with, the great TL 33 said I had to vote for his team and I did. Let's just forget about your auspicious 2008 season. What turned things around last year? Why is TL a superior team now? I have a theory, although no one's going to like it. I don't even like it. But I have to say it. Outstanding draft picks over the last three years? Nope, although it's helped. Some of the elder players got hurt. That's right. I'm saying injuries have made the team better. Before you boo me out of this forum, just hear me out. Playing TL changed last year. They always played competitive ball and had a special kinship or so it seemed. It was great, special and they never made trouble. The tone changed last year for the worst and the injured players could not return but the results on the field were wins. Positive outcomes are all that matters I guess.


May 26, 2009
1:35:26 PM

Entry #: 3166745
Let me guess which team will get the most votes for the best outfielders, TL.??

Mellowing Out

May 26, 2009
4:18:19 PM

Entry #: 3166959
Wait until they poll "Who has the best infielders....then uniforms....then post-game presentations....then turn-out at the local pubs, fan support championship so on. Did you vote for us yet?

It's odd how you say the TL team changed last year. If you mean the focus was on making it back to the championship that so bad? It was the same core guys that it had always been. We added 2 players.

Mellowing Out

May 26, 2009
4:33:07 PM

Entry #: 3166989
Hey Labtec and Easyout11, you are right...I didn't even look at the results...but we are in the lead again. How does everyone know who our outfiels is because we changed it. 4 of the 7 guys are new draft picks and one guy is now in the IF. I think Grocer is trying to sabotage the


May 27, 2009
6:54:15 AM

Entry #: 3167551

Where did you learn to write? Does someone help you punch in and out at work? If you have problems with big words just ask for help.

Mellowing Out

May 27, 2009
10:46:37 PM

Entry #: 3168670
You are up reading this trifle at 6 in the morning?

Hey sorry Knight....some of us use more than 2 fingers when we are typing. I'll use spell check next time for ya...most guys get the message.

F.Y.I... Ya is slang for you. I don't punch a clock....and my vocabulary is just fine thanks...

Rook 1

May 28, 2009
8:01:44 AM

Entry #: 3168858
Hello Mr. TL33 you need to relax, I think the roid rage is kicking in. Have another one! How is your best RA now?


June 1, 2009
7:52:02 PM

Entry #: 3173129
what is going on now... Angus has all the votes but no players


June 2, 2009
7:44:23 AM

Entry #: 3173568
No players? They haven't lost yet.


June 8, 2009
2:28:16 PM

Entry #: 3179942
Has Angus played more than 3 games yet?

Mellowing Out

June 8, 2009
3:45:35 PM

Entry #: 3180078
How come nobody is voting for our TL pitchers!! They serve up the best meat balls in the whole league!! Have you jumped off the band wagon already?


June 10, 2009
8:42:31 AM

Entry #: 3182356
This guy a full of class………… to be honest, he does not need to call out his teammates for making defensive errors or not being able to get timely hits. His frustration is understandable but he does need to consider that his teammates are not messing things up to ruin his or the teams statistics.

Mellowing Out

June 10, 2009
6:58:12 PM

Entry #: 3183238
To all who may judge too quickly, these comments are all meant in fun and jest. Note the smiley faces. No ill remarks, harm or "calling out" is meant towards anyone. I happen to be one of the "meat ball" serving pitchers. If my comments have been misunderstood and offended anyone, then I aplogize for that. Keep in mind this forum is meant for fun, jeers and laughs. It's best we interpret these remarks with that in mind. Accessit, No hard feelings. Cheers.

Old Man

June 12, 2009
7:24:24 AM

Entry #: 3185013
I just can't wait for the moment when TL 33contrite and suddenly honorable again in victory or defeattalks about how things got a little out of control in the passion of the moment. Talk about putting lipstick on a pig.

Harry Package

June 12, 2009
11:12:04 AM

Entry #: 3185236
Can't we all just get along? It's just slow pitch guys.

Retired Fish

June 12, 2009
3:46:54 PM

Entry #: 3185607

Its actually slo-pitch for the record... Go MAS!!


June 20, 2009
1:54:55 PM

Entry #: 3193196


June 20, 2009
2:18:23 PM

Entry #: 3193207
Wow the video quality didn't suck in this one. Sorry about the ending there...almost dropped the camera.


June 25, 2009
2:53:35 PM

Entry #: 3198541
Why are the Arms 2nd basemen getting any votes? They are typically dreadful with their gloves and the throws are pathetic at best.


July 1, 2009
12:26:18 PM

Entry #: 3203666
The best third sacker play for Grocer? Can someone please tell Nate that he should only vote once not 25 times for himself?

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