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Author TOPIC: League rules - Line-ups

May 27, 2009
10:36:51 PM

Entry #: 3168656
I recently received a general inquiry regarding line-ups. The rules are pretty loose - the league is set up to be fun and recreational, and the rules as I know them go back over 20 years, long before I started playing.

Basic rules regarding line-ups:

(1) Must contain a minimum of three female batters.
(There has never been any rule concerning the alternating of batters, however line-ups should generally be staggered. For example, do not bat all the guys at the top of your line-up, and then place all female hitters in a row at the bottom.)

(2) The use of unlimited DHs is permitted.
(This serves to allow everyone on your to team a chance to participate in the game. However, as mentioned in #1 above, your line-up should be staggered - do not add 8 guys as DHs only to field a line-up of 15 guys and only 3 women.)

(3) Late-arriving players may be added at the end of your line-up at any time, even if the game has already started.
(Or, you may choose instead to let latecomers simply pinch-hit for another player when entering the game. Either way is acceptable.)

(4) If a player is injured, or tired, or has to leave for whatever reason, their spot in the line-up is simply skipped over for the remainder of the game.
(An exception to this rule is when the departing player is one of the three minimum female batters. In that case, another female player must take over the vacated spot in the line-up.)

Hope this helps to clear some things up. As always, team captains should meet before the game to go over ground rules and such to prevent disputes from popping up later in the game.

Please feel free to post your thoughts and feedback.

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