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Author TOPIC: uniforms

June 10, 2009
9:49:43 AM

Entry #: 3182428
For the most part the league looks good but,we all need to be in matching shirts and hats when on the field.(bylaws-league game rules no.8 must wear matching shirts and hats no jeans or shorts.)If you have to charge your guys 10 for a shirt they keep it works for me. thank you

Fashion Police

June 10, 2009
11:51:55 AM

Entry #: 3182621
Good call Groove. I know we've been lenient on this for a while but it's getting out of hand. Shorts, bandanas, and mismatching shirts and hats don't belong in the game. Respect the game and at least try to look the part while playing.

Fashion Police

June 10, 2009
11:54:44 AM

Entry #: 3182626
Oh yea, I forgot to mention the cut off sleeves. This isn't impressing anyone.

fashion private dick

June 11, 2009
2:24:12 AM

Entry #: 3183604
I agree. we should also put in the by-laws that if you wear sweatpants or tear aways, mandatory 3 year ban


June 11, 2009
12:26:13 PM

Entry #: 3183991
u fashion police are killing me! that shit is funny!

best name on back of jersey

June 11, 2009
6:51:27 PM

Entry #: 3184561
and the winner is.......BLAIZE. LOL. WHAT A TURD

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