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Author TOPIC: Camping?

June 16, 2009
1:07:57 PM

Entry #: 3188842
Are we camping this weekend? If so, where?

Things to consider:
1) giant beers at Hayward park might mean we can't make it anywhere else
2) I believe it's Stanberry Days next weekend so we could go over there and camp

What are your plans?


June 16, 2009
1:32:19 PM

Entry #: 3188873
I plan to bring the bus, but if we have the baby before then I wont be able to. Juliet is really close. I may be bringing the big boys with me, so I dont know how much extra room I will have. I do have an extra tent as well though, if anybody needs one.


June 16, 2009
7:02:37 PM

Entry #: 3189257
Chris, Kelly, the kids and I will be camping at the same spot we had last year. Just outside of Hayward towards Stanberry. Jere will be staying with us after the game and possibly my dad. What are you guys thinking?


June 17, 2009
1:13:03 PM

Entry #: 3190140
I say we camp on the field in Hayward if they'll let us, or we can just sleep in their concession stand and guard the beer to make sure no one sneaks in and drinks it all.


June 19, 2009
9:57:09 AM

Entry #: 3192248
Is anybody going up tonight or is everybody waiting until tomorrow? Knights/Stanberry tonight.


June 19, 2009
10:13:53 AM

Entry #: 3192264
The game is in Haugen right? I'll probably stop by on my drive home


June 19, 2009
11:22:48 AM

Entry #: 3192369
No it is under Stanberry's lights. Sorry Kirb, sometimes I am a real prick.

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