| Old Timer
June 26, 2009 1:17:52 PM
Entry #: 3199564
| Earlier I stated that "from top to bottom" the riverview was the best league. Well I take that back now as we are at the half way point i have to hit the redo button.
With that said I think Tonka and Park on paper and in June are the best teams. Edina and Brooklyn Park are good clubs and could beat anyone on any given day like a lot of other good clubs regardless of the league...after all this is baseball we are talking about.
My "redo" is that whether the teams in the Riverview #5-8 have struggled in the past or are struggling right now these teams in the Riverview are not playing well right now. Therefore by far the Park Nationals #5-8 teams are so are way better then the same numbered teams in the other leagues.
As far as who is playing the worst in all the leagues right now (teams #8-10 or so) i don't really think it matters and it all probably washes out even.
Concluding on that I still feel Tonka and Park are the best two teams and I know that Tonka, Park and Edina have about 25 excellent to atleast pretty good arms....Brooklyn Park has two very solid guys so that means that in my humble opinion the Riverview has the most piching depth even without taking into consideration the other six clubs.
Fact: The Park National "from top to bottom" is the better league but if one factors in Tonka and Park that could easily be debated.
"The Mad Typist"