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Author TOPIC: Results 7/19

July 19, 2009
1:25:38 PM

Entry #: 3219370
PNA took 2 from Doorley. UMPS horrible, inconsistant all day.


July 19, 2009
2:14:24 PM

Entry #: 3219393
Crowe and the Pub split and i have to agree our Ump was terrible also. I know its not the leagues fault but it does suck only having one umpire.


July 19, 2009
2:56:12 PM

Entry #: 3219412
sandy bottom took 2 from reko's


July 19, 2009
4:03:16 PM

Entry #: 3219437
Patriot won both against Shamrock


July 19, 2009
5:14:45 PM

Entry #: 3219484
Rochs took 2 from Aplus. We also had 1 umpire but he happens to be very good. We had him last week as well and he is very vocal and thorough in his calls.


July 19, 2009
9:56:35 PM

Entry #: 3219701
We did have only one ump but he did a great job, and by the way his name is Gino.


July 20, 2009
8:09:41 AM

Entry #: 3219910
TMac keep running! HAHAHAHA Sucker. You of all people should know better.

T Mac

July 20, 2009
8:30:52 PM

Entry #: 3220835
Only my 2nd time in the outfield all year in sunday morning ryno... But as for u ernie and dutilly ( you and ernie hitting it far, and dutilly well haha very short. ) i think i ran more than i have all season long. my back is sore as hell today from having to go back and forth from the far dugout! Great Hitting for you guys.

They were 2 really good games, just think if i actually hit in the first game we might have won, to bad i stunk it up. Ahhh well theres always the playoffs

E W 3 3

July 21, 2009
1:18:09 PM

Entry #: 3221550
You just like Gino because he was the ump when we played you and he didnt kick you out for trying to rape me on the first base line.

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