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Author TOPIC: Cracked Bats

September 30, 2009
10:44:11 PM

Entry #: 3291495
What are the rules for a cracked bats?? Just wanted to know


October 1, 2009
5:04:21 PM

Entry #: 3292303
Any bat that is cracked can not be used in any type of play. However, there are many bats that appear to be cracked but, only have a paint crack. It is also the responsibility of the umpire if he or she finds a bat cracked not to allow that bat in play. With the price of bats these days, this rule is overlooked until the bat actually breaks most of the time..


October 1, 2009
7:56:12 PM

Entry #: 3292429
if as timdj replied due to the cost of bats they just let them us the bat till it breaks thats not a good idea this could cause a major injury to the batter,ump or catcher if the bat broke during a hard impact.

we should air on the side of safety first.

which brings up a touchy subject "shaved bats" and safety.
if you google shaved bats you can find several items on injurys caused by shaved bats breaking.

everyone knows the team/s who have shaved bats in rec play , so is it cheating? or just increasing the odds of a good hit?.
should everyone cheat to keep up with **** **** ******** or ????????.
food for thought.


October 2, 2009
8:24:00 AM

Entry #: 3292756
I don't think it should be a touchy subject...the issue of shaved and altered bats goes round and round every couple of seasons. Unless VV starts providing bats (which I personally would not like) or umpires start weighing them before the game, its going to be up to the players to quit using them or put pressure on their teammates to stop using them. But the lure of hitting the ball hard and to the fence (or over) is just too much for some people to resist. They have to look good, right?

One would THINK that if a player swung the bat, hit his OWN teammate who was coaching 3rd base, broke her ankle due to the impact, that he would think twice about picking up and playing with a shaved bat. Or that his teammates wouldn't use it either....especially the ones that can't place the ball.
But I guess not.

I think I have pretty much given up on the whole shaved bat thing. Our teams have improved the defense and we just position ourselves a little farther back and hope that no one gets hurt.

Oh and I also hope the bat snaps and hits the person using it. Karma.


October 2, 2009
9:56:07 AM

Entry #: 3292871
Isn't hoping for someone to get hurt, even if they ARE cheating, bringing bad karma to yourself???


October 2, 2009
10:18:17 AM

Entry #: 3292897
Probably.... but playing against teams with shaved bats increases that chance anyway.


October 3, 2009
10:01:41 AM

Entry #: 3293494
[quote.Isn't hoping for someone to get hurt, even if they ARE cheating, bringing bad karma to yourself???end quote.] i can assure you no one wants anyone to get hurt playing rec ball.

no bad karma here.


October 5, 2009
10:20:54 AM

Entry #: 3295530
The following information is being excerpted from ASA's, USSSA's, and SMAF's websites respectively:

2009 ASA Rule changes re- cracked/dented bats:

Rule 3 Section 1 F: The bat shall be free of burrs, DENTS and visible cracks…

Comment by ASA: This adds to the call out of the surface of the bat to be free of dents. Umpires will no longer have to identify if a dent is small enough for the bat ring to fit over the bat. If it has a dent the bat shall be removed from competition.

USSSA Rules re- cracked bats:
To address the concern of altered or just excessively used softball bats, USSSA is asking that players no
longer use any bat that shows any visible sign of wear on the barrel, knob, cap or plug. USSSA umpires
and directors in 2007 are authorized in their discretion to remove from play any bat which shows wear such as
worn off or cracked graphics or damaged barrels, handles, tapers, plugs, caps or knobs. Umpires or directors in
their discretion may either remove the offending bat from the game or tournament and return it at the end
of play or simply ask the player to put the bat away and not use it in USSSA play.
If such a bat is brought back into USSSA play, the owner and user of such a bat may be
suspended from USSSA play for up to one year.

*Altered Bats - Excessive Pressure
Included in the USSSA view of what is an altered or doctored bat are any bats that are subjected to pressure
in any manner that exceeds that of striking the bat against an approved ball traveling at game like speeds.
Such excess pressure would include, but is not limited to, any compression, rolling, placing in a vice,
hitting a stationary object such as a pole, etc.



October 5, 2009
10:43:04 AM

Entry #: 3295567
The thing that is frustrating about some of these new rules is that they penalize the player who is trying to follow the rules and is swinging a bat that he/she hits lots of BP with. If the bat has excessive visible wear or dents then an umpire can see and possibly interpret the bat as no longer legal.

Conversely, if you have someone who is willfully cheating by modifying their bat (which is against every organization's rules), there is no visible change on the outside of the bat and since no bats are tested in our leagues and most tournaments, the only way you could tell the bat has been modified is by the bat's performance and sound which is of course subjective and not in the rules anyway (sound/performance). Rules are only useful when they are enforced. Otherwise, they just penalize the individuals who follow them. If there is no bat testing procedure, you might as well allow ANY bats to be used to equalize things.

Nevertheless, I refuse to modify my bats. You can be sure that every bat I swing/own will have only been hit by softballs in bp or games and they are/will always be stock. I encourage others to do the same for the integrity of the game. I appeal to your sense of what's right and the spirit of fair play. If you make it unacceptable on your team to cheat, then people will follow your lead. I believe 90% of the players really want to do the right thing and therefore need to speak up and resist the urge to be sucked into cheating. If those 90% stand up for what's right, the 10% will not be so cavalier with their doctoring.

The rule about modifying bats should be enforced or done away with.


October 6, 2009
9:58:43 AM

Entry #: 3296747
I say we have a walmart bat league. if you cant buy the bat for less than 50 bucks at walmart then it cannot be used. i think that would be alot of fun. That will show who the real hitters are

What the Deuce

October 8, 2009
6:40:25 PM

Entry #: 3299430
aluminum bat league. As far as i know you cant alter those.


October 8, 2009
7:47:14 PM

Entry #: 3299503
we had a interest sign up for wood bat league but nobody showed any interest. I have only seen 1 person hit it out at eva dell with a wood bat. The games would be even as far as equipment goes, and there are wood tourney's close by. I say start the interest sign up again and lets get the wood bat league started. Limit to 6-10 on pitch and use harder balls.


October 10, 2009
12:16:09 PM

Entry #: 3300676
I'm in. The most expensive wood softball bats are under $100 and the least are around $20 with hardly any performance difference between the two. I agree with the 6-10 height limit in a wood bat league. It's a great could mean a softball Renaissance down at Eva Dell if handled well!


October 24, 2009
4:29:25 PM

Entry #: 3315236
whats a shaved bat


October 24, 2009
4:38:16 PM

Entry #: 3315256
you should know what a shaved bat is. that is all you swing. CHEATER


October 24, 2009
11:43:18 PM

Entry #: 3315413
i would never swing a shave bat thats cheating i just caca all over u guys

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