The toys-for-kids tournament was a huge success this year. 16 teams in one Victorville tournament is amazing. It shows that we really do have a need for more local tournaments. I just wanted all the players to know that the toys from this year are going to foster kids that have and get very little. These kids are short changed in life at no fault of their own. I am the program manager for county schools foster youth services division. All of the toys will be going to high desert youth at an event on the 23rd of December in Hesperia. Thank all of you very much! Especially Dave and the City of Victorville Park and Rec for hosting a great tourney.
December 19, 2009 12:18:32 PM
Entry #: 3362901
Yea, great tourney. I called 7 games and everyone was best behavior. Not one problem.
December 19, 2009 1:59:19 PM
Entry #: 3362940
Thanks to everyone who played, both with us and against us. Thankful that the rain blew on through and we got to play. Sometimes it's the little things. The tournament went off without a hitch. Nice to see the pics online too. Merry Christmas everyone! May God truly bless your families this Christmas and on into the coming New Year!