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Author TOPIC: power vs. high average

January 5, 2010
1:58:51 PM

Entry #: 3367939
I have spent more time on this site in the last two weeks than I did all summer. Not much else to do when recovering from hernia surgery...and three more weeks before I can lift anything more than 20 pounds or swing a bat :(
I want to open a discussion regarding power hitters. A power hitter is not as important as a high average .700 guy. Especially in this league at some of the smaller field like Crosby, any fairly well hit ball will carry out...not so for the hitter without power. At a larger fields, the less powerful hitter will find the OF cheats in giving the hitter less area to drop it in front. Those are two examples of why a .700 with no power is more "skilled" in my opinion. Not to mention that the further back the OF play, the wider the gaps become between OF's making the easier to hit. I can see both arguments, but those are my main points.


January 5, 2010
7:31:15 PM

Entry #: 3368123
I'm probably going to take a lot of heat on this but I think that a home run is a glorified rally killer. Wait, let me explain with a scenario. Lets say the bases are loaded and the hitter hits the ball over the fence. Great, you score 4 what? The bases are now empty and you gotta do it all over again. On the other hand, if you have a hitter who can hit the ball and get on base, not only can you score 1, 2, 3 or 4 runs if they're also a quick runner, but you keep the momentum going. As a fielder, I'd much rather have someone just hit a home run and give my team a fresh start. It's a lot better than standing there and watching the ball get hit all over the field while no one on my team has a clue how to get an out.

Mr. October

January 6, 2010
12:22:32 PM

Entry #: 3368420
OK...That has to be one of the funniest post I have ever read on here..Lets start a 'Dumb post for 2010' Category and add this one to the top of the list....yeah, a 4 run homerun is definately a rally killer..lets hit 6 singles in a row! lol...friggin knee slapper!


January 6, 2010
1:41:40 PM

Entry #: 3368459
I like the twilight zone comments, power hitters all the way


January 7, 2010
3:43:07 PM

Entry #: 3369142
This time I`ll reply to the right post.....

as said before, well said Mr. October....


TC on VG

January 7, 2010
8:32:03 PM

Entry #: 3369369
Here's the formula the good tourney teams shoot for:
Laser, laser, laser, JACK. Repeat.

manuel labor

January 8, 2010
10:35:24 AM

Entry #: 3369583
Power hitters only get a hit every 5 or 6 at bats. Go for the average man. To chip away is divine.


January 8, 2010
11:17:28 AM

Entry #: 3369607
so batting .700 with power is.......??????

Power does not necessarily mean home runs!

I`m baffled with this logic....


jamie b

January 8, 2010
3:04:34 PM

Entry #: 3369723
Coming from a guy who hits 1 or 2 homeruns a year you might think I'd support a post that says it's better to hit singles with bases loaded rather than a grand salami...but c'mon man. Any time you can put 4 runs on the board with one swing you do it! As a wise man once said, "Laser, laser, laser, JACK!"

Peter Pan

January 9, 2010
6:50:13 PM

Entry #: 3370153
I occasionally check out the page to see whats goin on... but havent really seen to much happening so i just go and play call of duty oh shit wait thats not widds writing dribble again! Who is this guy??


January 11, 2010
7:17:08 AM

Entry #: 3370647
1 for 5 equates to a .200 hitter or 1 for 6 would have a average of .167……… the point is if a HR guy only get a hit every 5 or 6 at bats would you not want a high average hitter? We play about 20 to 25 games per year, so at 4 AB per game the most at bats a person can get are approximately 100. I would guess that the best HR hitter gets less than 20 jacks per year. It is slopitch so a good average is .500 to .600 and a great one would be .600 to .700. Most HR hitters can not run, so they turn a double into a single. Speed kills.


January 11, 2010
11:44:11 PM

Entry #: 3371234
Exactly. If you can hit for average there's a good chance some of those hits game on the ground meaning your ran those out. Power slumps, fielding slumps, hitting slumps but speed doesn't. Speed is the most important attribute in this league (no offense)...the player might not have a good eye at the plate or they might be a weak hitter but the threat of speed is something you can't replace. Advancing 60 feet on a flyout or causing an infielder to hurry his throw...that's good.

The author of this thread referred to power in the sense of home runs, not line drive power. A lot of times power is not consistent especially with a lot of home runs being taken away by the home rule limit. Batting average is a statistic that's taken over time and measures consistency, unlike total number of home runs.

A guy with both power and speed is rare which is why I'd go with a good contact hitter because those are easier to find.

jamie b

January 12, 2010
3:17:25 PM

Entry #: 3371615
you know you're not supposed to put your head IN the microwave when you use it right?


January 12, 2010
5:06:36 PM

Entry #: 3371713
You know it's illegal to sit on that bat of yours and apply pressure.

Pinch Runner

January 12, 2010
10:22:58 PM

Entry #: 3371912
So if what I'm gathering here is right, then that is "speed kills" So does this mean it is more valuable to have a pretty consistent hitter that is fast as a deer, then a HR Hitter?

Not trying to hijack this topic here, but who do we think might be the fastest fella around those bags? Who is the guy that really makes you rush those throws to 1st or makes you pay by turning singles in to doubles.

I'd say Matunin from the Arms has to be considered to be up there. (Sorry if the spelling is incorrect)

jamie b

January 13, 2010
10:23:23 AM

Entry #: 3372106
Relax "microwaves". All I'm trying to say is that your question about what to do after clearing the bases with a grand slam is easily happy you just put up 4 runs! No one is denying hitting for average and speed isn't also needed, but any time you can score 4 runs - even if that's all you score that inning - it's a good thing.
As far as fastest in the league...gotta be Adam Lamarre on VG


January 13, 2010
1:41:49 PM

Entry #: 3372246
Gayman is fastest around the horn
Just ask him lol

Baseball Guy

January 14, 2010
7:31:48 AM

Entry #: 3372676
Fastest in the league is either Adam Lammare or the guy from the School (I'm not sure he played last year)


January 14, 2010
10:02:09 AM

Entry #: 3372738
Billy Toleck from the School is the fastest in the league...or little George...whatever, they are faster then me...

Mr. October

January 14, 2010
12:37:52 PM

Entry #: 3372840
Billy Toleck? It says fastest in the league..not fattest !


January 15, 2010
12:59:09 AM

Entry #: 3373320
jamie - no ill feelings. I'm just saying I would "roll the dice" if that situation ever presented itself.

Not gonna comment on the fastest guy in the league but it's a shame none of them are umps.

jamie b

January 15, 2010
12:07:56 PM

Entry #: 3373519
No worries, no ill feeling here either. Believe me, I'm no power hitter so you'd think I'd be all over your comment but I'm just saying you take the runs however you get them. The only bad thing about "power hitters" is if that is all they are - ie. swing for the fences every time. Those are the guys who want unlimited homeruns at Crosby. One dimensional. Ideally you want a hitter who can do both.


January 15, 2010
7:38:55 PM

Entry #: 3373846
Wanna race??


January 17, 2010
10:20:35 AM

Entry #: 3374343
The fastest guy in the league without doubt is the first baseman from Griffith, his name may be John.


January 18, 2010
11:39:00 PM

Entry #: 3375586
How did my question regarding power or high average become the fastest man? The fastest runner is the kid Brandon from the School.

Shy low

January 20, 2010
10:18:18 AM

Entry #: 3376502
The fastest man is Ryan Cariney

6 out of 8

January 29, 2010
2:42:49 PM

Entry #: 3382451
This is a difficult one to answer since there are no officially recorded times for speed between home plate and first base. Certainly, this isn't a stat that is recorded by the major leagues, at any rate. Any answer, then, can only be purely subjective, an opinion rather than a fact. On that basis, then, there are a number of possible contenders for speediest batsman. Fleetest of foot is probably cool Hatzis from Remax, but he never gets to stay on first. Without a doubt, though, the guy could run. And fast.


January 31, 2010
11:13:57 PM

Entry #: 3383432
run forest run


February 1, 2010
10:06:49 PM

Entry #: 3384195
the above looks like the wild wing boys


February 1, 2010
10:48:55 PM

Entry #: 3384222
the above looks like the wild wing boys


February 3, 2010
7:17:51 AM

Entry #: 3384984

This young fellow plays in our league, guess who????


HR Leader

February 11, 2010
9:40:27 PM

Entry #: 3391032
I know its early, But if any teams are interested in setting up some friendly scrimmages for when the weather gets better, let me know.

Mr. October

February 12, 2010
7:57:38 PM

Entry #: 3391724
I'm thinking it looks like a young Billy Toleck..or Nick? not sure...I'm guessing they didn't have video around when Nick was that was more like gun powder flashes!


March 2, 2010
10:38:38 PM

Entry #: 3405338
Looking for one dangerous unevolved ape. He does walk upright, but don't let it fool you. He has hair everywhere but on his head and his knuckles drag on the ground. He plays for a red team I think. If anyone has seen this beast (suspected that he is holed up hibernating) then please call me ASAP. Do not approach this crazy old ape because he is bound to strike out many times when the season begins.

manuel labor

March 12, 2010
7:16:40 AM

Entry #: 3414146
Let me go on record as favoring spending the afternoon drinking at the Arms over going on about power or high average. Imagine if you guys had listened to me...none of this would have happened. I hope that next time I ask everyone to spend a sunny day belly up to the bar you will listen!!!!

Harry Package

March 12, 2010
4:56:49 PM

Entry #: 3414704
Hey Manuel, stop patting yourself on the back. Your comment on power hitters getting a hit once every 5,6 at bats was just plain dumb.... that's a crappy hitter !


March 20, 2010
1:19:17 PM

Entry #: 3420906
A simple question by the original poster does not warrant such responses by the rest of you clowns. Listing the tasks that take priority must make you feel like you have the world on your shoulders when in fact a simple ' a power hitter is not as good as a high average hitter!!
Thank you for all your responses, while it does not address my question, they were informative.

Harry Package

March 20, 2010
8:37:11 PM

Entry #: 3421032
Excuse me, but as a clown I'd like to know why a power hitter cannot be a high average hitter? We're playing slo pitch. It seems to me that if some dude hits a pile of bombs that it would add a bunch of points to his batting average ... I'll take that guy on my team, you keep vacuuming and batting in the 9 hole !


March 21, 2010
2:57:16 PM

Entry #: 3421310
Slo pitch is a game of explosive POWER, not brute strength. Picking up a 30 oz or 32 oz bat is a measure of strength. Using it to blast a baseball 240+ feet is not a measure not of POWER. Getting clean line drives for hits continually is POWER.


March 22, 2010
9:11:49 PM

Entry #: 3422746
Harry, I was talking about me (lots of sarcasm in my typing) I am a slap hitter. Maybe I could get one or two that will scrape the fence on the way over, it needs to be windy and cold outside. So play me very shallow guys.


April 1, 2010
11:48:30 PM

Entry #: 3432535
i came back from the pub about an hour ago and i was just wondering if anyone here has ever tried writing when drunk. I don't mean really drunk i just mean fresh or whatever. If so, what were the results? I got the answer , yeah, once. i wrote what i thought was a brilliant post on the website, in the morning i thought otherwise

Huggie Bear

April 29, 2010
8:53:59 PM

Entry #: 3459073
The proper mechanics can not only make you better hitter, but take you to the level of the best hitters in the league like the Crupi boys.
If you have never been taught to hit a slopitch ball, then go out and watch a Crupi hitting parade and you will learn to have the perfect baseball swing.
The Crupi (best hitters) in the game all do one thing right. Film it. When you break down their swing frame by frame, some unique characteristics will jump out. That is why they are the best.

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