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Author TOPIC: well, why not

January 18, 2010
12:12:30 AM

Entry #: 3374862
It's that most wonderful time of the year again, with football season coming to an end and the hockey season entering its heyday. Of course, the Leafs seem to have absorbed large amounts of suck this year, the Jays missed out on the postseason for the 12th year in a row, and the Raptors' occasional show signs of life this year were too frequently interrupted by profound mediocrity. But hey, beggars can't be choosers right? So, even though historically my Unionville ball playoff predictions are ridiculously, horrendously wrong, I offer the following because, well, why not? The four teams in the semi-final games will be Crupi, Angus, Arms and Grocer. In the final I say the Grocer defeats Crupi. Okay, this is mainly wishful thinking on my part, largely due to 8-year-old grudge. More likely, this victory will go to Crupi, having Unionville's greatest home-field advantage a large cheering section. Either way, as we'll see in a few months, it's a don't-care.


January 18, 2010
11:40:53 PM

Entry #: 3375588
If you don't care ............why write it ?????

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