Author |
TOPIC: looking to join a team |
| clean up
January 25, 2010 9:38:09 PM
Entry #: 3379808
| hello everyone im pretty new to Markham from the US. i am looking to get on a team. i am 27 years old played baseball all of my life. played varsity in highschool from sophmore on at a d-1. i play cathcher, pitcher. played one year community college. and adult league in ca. after that. How do I join the league?
| Mr. October
January 26, 2010 1:06:57 PM
Entry #: 3380177
| Watch out for postings around town and in the local paper.
There will be plenty of days that will be posted where you can meet the league exec's and provide them with a registration form.
The baseball tryout's are in middle to late april. Dust off your cleats and polish your glove..With experience like that, I'm sure there will be a few teams looking for your service.
I know of one that loves pitchers and catchers..you're a shoe-in !
| jamie b
January 26, 2010 3:08:10 PM
Entry #: 3380284
| Is that you cleanup? My long lost son? It's a good thing there's a father-son rule in our league. We'll have your jersey made this weekend!
| Web USPL
January 27, 2010 7:20:26 AM
Entry #: 3380700
| Thanks for your interest in the USPL. Please follow the instructions below and keep viewing our website for more information.
Fill out the Registration sheet, write a cheque to the USPL for $ 200 and mail it to 11 John Stiver Cres, Unionville, Ontario, L3R 9A3. You can also drop of the form and the cheque at the same address in the mailbox.