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Author TOPIC: Thursday softball
What the Deuce

January 28, 2010
9:05:33 PM

Entry #: 3382024
Why where there no games and why wasnt the managers informed or why wasnt anything posted


January 28, 2010
10:12:48 PM

Entry #: 3382047
A Twitter message was sent out at 6:56 letting people know about the water on the fields.

What the Deuce

January 29, 2010
5:44:00 AM

Entry #: 3382116
twitter is not a way to let people know games have been canceled. I dont think anyone on my team is on twitter. Come on rec stuff dont drop the ball. Really how hard is it to call managers


January 29, 2010
10:41:00 AM

Entry #: 3382376
It may not be THE way, but its a way. Dave has been telling managers for a long time that Twitter is a tool to communicate and receive updates.
Nothing is perfect, the city could call managers and still have to leave voice messages that may or may not be received in time.

My husband has his whole team notified and disappointed within 5 minutes.

Twitter is free, you can have all of the tweets from VVsports sent to your phone. It sure beats getting your whole team ready and heading out to the field for nothing :)


February 1, 2010
9:50:33 AM

Entry #: 3383720
First of all, I understand that you are frustrated, I know the feeling. We checked the fields at 1pm and they were chalked and ready to go. Then at game time I got a message that they were unplayable. We are currently trying to figure out how they got wet again.

We do not have administrative staff at each site during games and that's why we have been pushing the Twitter method. The advantage to Twitter is that it sends a mobile message to catch people who are on the road. And it's very fast. We can instantly inform many people all at once. What we tell managers at the meeting, even if you don't have a cell phone, someone on your team does, and they can follow us and know what's going on.

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