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Author TOPIC: News Headlines

February 2, 2010
5:44:53 PM

Entry #: 3384755
I saw a headline on that read "Teacher accused of making 4th graders fight."

The very first thought that came to my mind before I could even click on the article was "What did the Noid do now?".

Just thought I'd share.


February 3, 2010
9:49:20 AM

Entry #: 3385060
It's a great way to teach the kids to handle differences in opinion. I bring in Brock Lesnar, Randy Couture, and Forrest Griffin for my guest speakers every year.


February 3, 2010
3:37:02 PM

Entry #: 3385309
This is one class I would have aced.


February 3, 2010
3:40:25 PM

Entry #: 3385311
Notice the headline says "accused". They'll never prove it, because we all know the first rule of Fourth Grade Fight Club is that you don't talk about Fourth Grade Fight Club....


February 3, 2010
7:07:58 PM

Entry #: 3385483
Yeah Frank, and Henry's going to pull an "A" in that class too! I could see Oscar holding his own, but Maverick I'm not so sure about.


February 3, 2010
9:48:54 PM

Entry #: 3385595
It is quite amazing to watch the boys chase each other around the house and tackle, push, trip, and sometimes clothesline each other... The only one that consistently cries is Mack. But he already outweighs Oscar by 10-15 lbs. Maybe he will be tougher in football pads.

Mikey J

February 4, 2010
9:22:54 AM

Entry #: 3385766
It's ok to cry. I was a big crier when I was younger and look how I turned out!


February 4, 2010
11:36:57 AM

Entry #: 3385865
So Maverick is going to like getting hit by pitches??

Mikey J

February 4, 2010
11:58:05 AM

Entry #: 3385882
I'm tough. No one said I was smart. Mav will be a rare breed of both.

Mikey J

February 4, 2010
11:58:07 AM

Entry #: 3385883
I'm tough. No one said I was smart. Mav will be a rare breed of both.


February 4, 2010
9:40:35 PM

Entry #: 3386299
Maverick will like getting hit about as much as I do! He will be a hell of a ball player though. He is 6 and loves to switch hit (keep the comments assholes) already! I have officially got the summertime itch.


February 5, 2010
11:31:01 AM

Entry #: 3386606
Now, Frank. Why would you assume that we would make some comments? We're all a bunch of nice, mild mannered guys who would never think of taking a chance to pick on a guy for something said, written, or done, no matter how funny it might be.

Mikey J

February 5, 2010
2:28:41 PM

Entry #: 3386734
Hehe..switch hitter :p That's funny stuff. I need summer! Oh so I have a question on players. I know a guy who used to pitch for the team in Coon Valley. He now lives and works in the cities. Is it possible fore him to play for us?


February 5, 2010
3:29:52 PM

Entry #: 3386772
Sorry Mikey, you have to live within 25 miles of the field you play at I believe, unless you are someone's brother... :)

Correct me if I'm wrong guys but I think that's the rule


February 5, 2010
7:44:01 PM

Entry #: 3386960
You are correct on the rule Kirby. He could have tried to apply for an exception, but that would have had to been done at the league meeting which has already taken place.

Does this guy have any desire to live and work in Rice Lake?


February 5, 2010
7:53:09 PM

Entry #: 3386963
The Twins appear to have inked Orlando Hudson. Not a bad pick-up if you ask me. I know that it moves Punto to the bench, but I think it makes them a whole lot deeper than they were before.

World Series, here we come!!! Hey, the Yankees did it last year in the first year of their new stadium.

Mikey J

February 5, 2010
9:03:02 PM

Entry #: 3387003
That's kinda what I thought the ruling was. Thanks for the confirmation. Oh and GO BREWERS! They've attempted to bolster the starting pitching with a couple good signings in Wolf and Davis and picked up a old but hopefully good lefty stick in Edmonds for off the bench and secured a couple utility guys in Counsel and Inglett. As is often the case preseason, it all looks good on paper. Let's hope it translates to the field in the form of W's.


February 6, 2010
3:11:30 AM

Entry #: 3387095
As a Twins fan/season ticket holder, I love to see Punto as a rotational player. He's proven to be mediocre at best as a starter, but a spark plug as a utility guy. This is one of the better Twins lineups I've seen in recent years.

Get Mauer's deal done!

Little plug for the Knights' site. Derc and I have some big plans to get the Indy League propaganda machine going, including podcasts and some other media machines. Anyone who would like to join us (Frank) let us know. We're all about promoting the toughest league in the WBA.


February 6, 2010
3:15:29 AM

Entry #: 3387096
I am jumping on the Rangers wagon again. Very strong infield with Young, Andrus, Kinsler and a promising young first baseman. If that guy doesn't work out they have Justin(?) Smoak from UT getting ready in the minors, he was recently named MVP of some tourney overseas I think. They also moved Hamilton to left for a young CF and a pretty good stick in right, I forget his name but I want to say Cruz. Harden was.added to the staff (I think I remember hearing) along with a couple of relievers. If they can win 10-9 on the days that Harden dowsnt pitch they could do ok. I think they will win the West. Twins do look good to me also.


February 6, 2010
3:19:35 AM

Entry #: 3387097
Yeah I will do another podcast, but don't expect me to be so fing cordial this time.

Mikey J

February 7, 2010
7:53:34 PM

Entry #: 3387878
Did you guys see that? A tumble weed just rolled across the forum.


February 8, 2010
7:33:53 PM

Entry #: 3388542
Moose, what is your e-mail? i need to forward you something for your dad.

moose....kind of

February 9, 2010
8:20:19 AM

Entry #: 3388784
email is


February 9, 2010
4:17:32 PM

Entry #: 3389147
Very funny. It's actually

Okay, now that I've made fun of myself, it's


February 9, 2010
4:38:44 PM

Entry #: 3389168
That is funny, I wonder how many of us include some form of baseball in our personal email accounts.


February 9, 2010
4:40:10 PM

Entry #: 3389170
And, I thought it was


February 9, 2010
6:40:05 PM

Entry #: 3389271
Here's a couple more for you. I figure if I get them out there before anyone else, all the better.

Gosh, it's time again!!!

Casual Fan

February 10, 2010
7:44:01 AM

Entry #: 3389578
How about:


February 10, 2010
4:56:10 PM

Entry #: 3389994
He he.

Mikey J

February 13, 2010
5:39:32 PM

Entry #: 3392133
Moose don't let them jerk you around. You're fast! They're just jealous.


March 12, 2010
7:16:19 PM

Entry #: 3414866
There you go again Noid.....

I just saw another teacher related headline-

Teacher bullying student writes "-20% for being a loser."

Lesson to student? Don't be a loser.

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