Author |
TOPIC: Youth Volleyball Officials needed! |
| CityofVvYouthSportsGuy
February 9, 2010 1:20:06 PM
Entry #: 3389091
| If you have any interest/experience in officiating Youth Volleyball please email me at zellis@ci.victorville.ca.us! We pay $24/match for volleyball officials. Season runs April-June
| Jomo86
February 10, 2010 9:33:08 AM
Entry #: 3389727
| what days would they be playing?? I might be interested, if it doesn't interfere with my schedule... call me (760) 694-2954 my name is Joanna
| adizzle
February 10, 2010 1:41:23 PM
Entry #: 3389932
| How old do they need to be? My daughter is 17 and has played volleyball. Would she be qualified?
| CityofVvYouthSportsGuy
February 12, 2010 2:56:52 PM
Entry #: 3391634
| All Officials have to be 18 yrs or older. Games are played on Friday nights from 6-8 PM
| chelseafan
February 13, 2010 7:46:30 PM
Entry #: 3392238
| someone filled out for adult soccer and also youth volleyball.
already turned in. check with dave