| 84
March 12, 2010 7:21:34 PM
Entry #: 3414827
| This season the PVTFL will hold a preseason tournament and skill competition with a chance for your team to win some $$CASH$$! The details will be announced at a later date. But here is what we have so far. 1. Every team will put up a $50 entry fee. 2. Teams will be matched by random selection (pick a team from a hat),very high tech. 3. Winning team gets $300 in COLD HARD CASH 4.The team with the most winners from the skills competition. (obstical course,QB accuracy,hands,FG distance and fastest man)will win $100. 5. The tournament play will be determined (start with the ball at the 35yd line, with only one first down allowed) just one of many scenerios to be determined. 6. Each skill competition will only be allowed to have specific position players. EXAMPLE: the obstical course is for LINEMAN ONLY(OL or DL).NO WR's are allowed. The QB accuracy is for QB'S ONLY...we know who you all are.