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Author TOPIC: Ninjas
David Hasselhoff

April 21, 2010
3:19:41 PM

Entry #: 3450260
Go ninja, go ninja go!

You guys have the best team in the State.

EC Bears

April 21, 2010
3:23:12 PM

Entry #: 3450265


April 21, 2010
3:29:26 PM

Entry #: 3450271
HAHAHA, well, apparently 2nd.


April 21, 2010
3:30:29 PM

Entry #: 3450273
Also, Frank, don't you have something better to be doing in the middle of the day at the bank?


April 21, 2010
10:34:53 PM

Entry #: 3450745
No, not really... The funny thing is that it affects your heart enough to track down the address, eh, softball maniac?


April 22, 2010
2:39:58 PM

Entry #: 3451522
Didn't track it, just figured it was you.....

Softball Maniac isn't me, why, what did that IP say?


April 22, 2010
4:02:16 PM

Entry #: 3451614
I wouldnt even know where to look...


April 22, 2010
4:11:11 PM

Entry #: 3451626
End of May is coming quickly... watch your back or watch me watch your back or ooooohhh that was gross, sound like something Mau might do.


April 22, 2010
7:05:32 PM

Entry #: 3451764
Or has done....


April 23, 2010
8:48:52 AM

Entry #: 3452235
Definately something Mau has done.... what were you even trying to say Frank?


April 23, 2010
11:05:27 AM

Entry #: 3452442
I was saying that I cant wait to play against you and hear the back and forth on the field. We could win, you could win. You know me, not saying anything in particular, just using words to kind of make me feel better about my downfalls. I was also saying that I may charge the dugout for no apparent reason. BTW you mispelled definitely. CHUMP


April 23, 2010
12:36:42 PM

Entry #: 3452581
I sure did, I suck. I really want to charge a mound this year. After I get hit. I don't want to fight anyone out there, but I just want to charge it.... I think it would be fun, I've never done it before.

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