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Author TOPIC: Need players for tuesday night's game

April 30, 2010
3:31:23 PM

Entry #: 3459868
We need people to come play with our team tuesday night at 9pm for our match. (ACC)


May 1, 2010
1:03:05 AM

Entry #: 3460482
Hey there! I really want to play. Where is the game located? I have a football game at Barton earlier in the evening. I would love to do both. I used to play on some really competitive teams back home. Let me know! Nik.


May 3, 2010
10:14:43 AM

Entry #: 3461998
Hi Nik!

Glad you are interested hopefully you can join us. Our game is at 9pm at Gillis park tomorrow (Tuesday 5/4)(Oltorf and 1st, take a right at durham st)Its behind the gas station.

We usually meet 5 min before to arrange the lien up in case we need changes. Do you have any preference on where you would like to be placed on the field?


Please e-mail me at

Larissa Perez

May 11, 2010
5:51:01 PM

Entry #: 3471749
I just saw the add today, but I would like to join your team. How can I join?


May 31, 2010
7:54:54 PM

Entry #: 3490373
Hello! My boyfriend and I are interested in joining a team. Are yall in need of players, or know of a team that is? Let me know!


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