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Author TOPIC: GREAT Home Run Rule
HR Leader

May 13, 2010
11:30:06 AM

Entry #: 3473734
Let start a tread for the devoted fans of the new rule.
Another vote for the new rule.


May 13, 2010
1:54:24 PM

Entry #: 3473918
It is a great rule. It just isn't right for our league.

Unless, you don't mind playing a 4 inning game.

We only get an hour and a half...What if, you keep hitting jacks, for an hour and a half... then what? Is 4 innings enough...


May 13, 2010
4:42:07 PM

Entry #: 3474164
my vote is for the new rule



May 13, 2010
6:41:17 PM

Entry #: 3474327
Plus 2 HR new rule is excellent. I see eye to eye with the majority of players in the league, do not give a punishment for a long ball.


May 13, 2010
7:05:06 PM

Entry #: 3474346
I am also in favour of the new rule.


May 13, 2010
11:36:27 PM

Entry #: 3474593
I think this rule is one of the things that makes this season is so interesting. All of my thumbs are up.


May 14, 2010
7:09:41 AM

Entry #: 3474680
Home runs are a rarity in a game we need to get something for achieving that act successfully.


May 14, 2010
8:11:03 AM

Entry #: 3474711
It is no great accomplishment to hit a HR at Crosby or Milliken #5. As someone already pointed out, 14 year olds play there and hit it out all the time.

Why don't we play at Carlton Park or at Monarch? At 200' down the lines, that'll mean that EVERYONE can hit home runs. Then you can go into work the next day and tell all your co-workers what a great ball player you are.


May 14, 2010
8:16:41 AM

Entry #: 3474718
I have not hit a home run since the fence at Crosby was raised, but I like the rule.


May 14, 2010
9:28:38 AM

Entry #: 3474809
New Rule. You do deserve a reward for hitting a long ball regardless of the park. It's obvious that HR remains scarce, and many observers think abnormally high dingers are accomplished in the month of May. What's different this time, compared with prior years, the pitcher can now compete. Players these days have a rich pool of bats to choose from, so when they hit one they should not be castigated. I do not believe in the 14 year old nonsense. One or two maybe, can hit it out on a cold night but 98% of the balls hit are not going over the fence. GREAT RULE CHANGE.

still cookin

May 14, 2010
12:17:07 PM

Entry #: 3475025
I think the cooler air in the evenings make the ball a bit harder and it travels further. Summer time and warmer weather the ball will soften up and we probably will not see as many homeruns.

It is the same for both teams just go and get the balls when your team hits it out so the game can move at a decent speed.

From a pitchers point of view I like the rule.


May 14, 2010
5:15:52 PM

Entry #: 3475403
I don’t want to write like I am Mr. Agreeable today with everyone but I like the new home run rule too. Wow I agreed with two things written on the forum, which must be a first for me.


May 14, 2010
8:14:05 PM

Entry #: 3475553
me likeeee me likeee alooot.........hit em hardeeee


May 15, 2010
10:00:29 AM

Entry #: 3475768
Not to be repetitive but I think the new rule has lots of merit, keep it.

Im Hittin That

May 15, 2010
11:20:48 AM

Entry #: 3475789
I had an epiphany when I realized that if I get a good swing and hit the ball decently that I will get a base for my efforts. The new rule is considered to be a fair. Not too many batters beat up the fences on a constant basis.

To reward efficiency, with a walk is fine by me. In the USPL, the team who gives up the least amount of errors is the team that wins. That is why Remax wins every year.


May 15, 2010
7:16:36 PM

Entry #: 3475934
I don't want to give the impression that the forum is a cold, cruel place full of people who just can't wait to insult each other. As in the world at large, most people who communicate online just want to be liked. I write for the first time in this space because in my opinion the plus 2 home run rule makes sense.


May 16, 2010
2:04:18 PM

Entry #: 3476226
another postive vote for the new rule


May 17, 2010
8:16:26 AM

Entry #: 3476737
good with me

Double Hitch

May 17, 2010
7:13:28 PM

Entry #: 3477741
I wouldn't trade this league for anything. Every year we get better and better and the players and fans get better and better also.
If I didn't read all bitching and moaning (all in fun) on this site I would probably not have ulcers or need to take high blood pressure pills. I probably could sleep better at night and not wake up thinking that I hear another home run. Seriously, the league is the best and the new rule is good.


May 18, 2010
7:41:12 AM

Entry #: 3478100
Give the new rule a try, so far so good.


May 21, 2010
5:55:09 AM

Entry #: 3481806
I have been playing in the league since 2005 and the plus two rule was in effect.

Why do we have a home run rule?

I would really like someone to clearly articulate to me how this rule became a reality. I am looking for the year we implemented and the hypothesis behind the decision.

Please do not respond with the bats, balls or too many home runs at Crosby dim-witted arguments.


May 21, 2010
8:53:12 AM

Entry #: 3481891
I played in a game last year where a team told their players not to hit homeruns so that the other team could only hit two. Telling your teamates not to hit the ball hard and passing it off as strategy is weak. If a team has that advantage why are we taking that away. Some teams have better pitching or fast runners. Let's make a rule that your fast guys can't be used as pitch runners next so that we all have the same advantage. I also noticed that some short stops in the league have very strong arms so they can play on the grass to cover more area. Why don't we make a rule preventing them from playing that deep therefor taking away a teams advantage. If you need a homerun hitter do what everyone else does....hide one in the B draft next year.

I like the rule change.



May 21, 2010
8:59:39 AM

Entry #: 3481898
Gopher - Dim witted response coming up

The rule came into place for 1 reason - To allow us to play at Crosby. It is a ladies/kids field.


May 24, 2010
9:54:48 AM

Entry #: 3484081
Wow. Just when I thought this ordeal was over and done with I see a reply that I simply can't ignore. Don't know who "Houghton" is (which seems like a real name), but evidently it's someone that can hit dingers on most at bats. How can you throw out statements that are not true? I've never thought this situation was about ladies or kids. However, there are many that did feel that way. My wife couldn't understand why we have such a rule, she plays at Crosby and has never seen a lady hit it over the fence. To penalize someone for hitting a ball out of the park is a travesty.

Joe P.

May 24, 2010
7:19:54 PM

Entry #: 3484819
I would like to know if there are any members of this league over the age of 30 who are in favour of this new home run rule? If so reply back with your real name.

I think the rule stinks. Go back to the +2 and then a strike. That gives you a chance to still use your power and try and hit the fence. I'm in favour of utilizing strategy in this game and if you power guys can't go opposite for a single than your not as good as a hitter as you think you are.

Joe P.

Joe P.

May 24, 2010
7:22:09 PM

Entry #: 3484824
Oh and Houghton is 100% correct.


May 25, 2010
8:18:47 AM

Entry #: 3485219
Hey Joe,
Why does the age matter? If you can hit the ball over the fence hit, go ahead.


May 27, 2010
5:22:18 AM

Entry #: 3487470
i will be having a WALK-THON .... for every at bat a team intentionally walks anyone from the arms for the rest of the season .... i will donate $10 dollars to a set charity


May 29, 2010
1:08:47 PM

Entry #: 3489358
I assume that every team has a few players that can hit home runs and it is a fun and exciting part of the game. Because every team has a few of these players, there should be parity, and I wonder if it's just simply because one team is having a better night than another that we get some lopsided wins. I think this rule is going to make the games closer. If a team does jump out to an early lead, 3 or 4 home runs has been a way to help a team in the past to come back and make that game close again. I agree that we need to give it more of a chance before we make a decision on it, but this is just my early thoughts. Its slow pitch softball, I would guess that with or without this rule, somewhere close to half of the games will be within 5 runs and there is always going to be blowouts too.


June 12, 2010
11:03:53 AM

Entry #: 3501687
Early in the season we beat a team 31 to 14, it was no fun for anybody, they whined. But these games happen. The strange thing is only 3 balls went over the fence, the rest were singles and doubles. So how about you can only have 2 doubles and or 5 singles more than the other team at any one time????? lol just kidding Obviously the home runs are not the only factor in high scoring games so why single them out? If you want to limit the scores then limit the amount of runs not homeruns.


June 18, 2010
8:09:00 AM

Entry #: 3507009
What is ‘gay’ is when guys hit 245 ft pop fly homerun at Crosby and stick out their chest as they round the bases. Will you wear a mask when you go to next year’s AGM? I’m kidding.What makes this league stand out from other leagues in this area is its player’s willingness to try change. We try things out and if they work great but if they don’t we get rid of it.


June 19, 2010
10:35:48 PM

Entry #: 3508261
i hear ya woddy.............crosby is not a dinger

injury prone

June 20, 2010
9:36:25 PM

Entry #: 3508735
Why don't we make it a poll question? Last years home run rule or this years?

E W 3 3

June 27, 2010
1:10:10 PM

Entry #: 3513823
Wow , yo………….. this man he drow da ball,dis uther fellow he hit da ball at da man. Den he run arouns big circle around da man day trow them balls. Den peoples day pays green back to watch da man trow da ball at da man dat hit da ball back ofer da fance

pipe cleaner

July 18, 2010
10:45:09 AM

Entry #: 3529375
Last game was 30 to5 no fun for anybody. But these games happen. The strange thing is only 3 balls went over the fence, the rest were singles and doubles. So how about you can only have 2 doubles and or 5 singles more than the other team at any one time????? lol just kidding Obviously the home runs are not the only factor in high scoring games so why single them out? If you want to limit the scores then limit the amount of runs per inning not homeruns.

Diesel Train

July 18, 2010
2:02:07 PM

Entry #: 3529435
Excellent post. The USPL should consider a 10 run limit per inning to keep the games competitive. Most of the leagues in the province and certainly tournaments do enforce this rule. When a team cranks up 14 runs an inning the game is effectively over and having been on both sides of that type of inning, the balance of the game is NO fun for either squad.

Comradery Matter More

July 19, 2010
7:21:36 AM

Entry #: 3529856
That is a great idea...maybe even 6-8 runs per inning just like SPO and SPN tournaments have. It would also speed up the games so you can play the full 7 innings every game because 14 runs per inning takes a lot of time.

HR Leader

July 30, 2010
7:34:39 AM

Entry #: 3539199
Hit the ball and see where it goes. A mercy rule is plain old stupid.

Diesel Train

July 30, 2010
3:11:42 PM

Entry #: 3539672
Stupid is as stupid does!

The concept is to introduce a limit of runs scored per inning per team, not a mercy rule. Games are competitive right to the bottom of the 7th and complete games without time restrictions are but a certainty.

Swing away!


August 9, 2010
1:24:32 PM

Entry #: 3546706
Boys, how about an opposite hand rule. It is a unique idea that will work. If you hit a homer the next time you have to hit from the opposite side. You get a body to field a position while mitigating offense from that person by batting him opposite hand. Of course, if they don’t hit another homer then the individual can switch back.

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